
9/29/2016 10:04 – Facebook Post

From Xheni Messina. X.M.

The Foundation of the Matrix is Doubt”

Most of my older FaceBook friends will recall my recounting over and over the Beginning…
Where my I recalled the Conversation with “my” twin reflection who manifested into the Embodiment of Everything Created.
And how he had a question in his mind as to if everything I recounted to him about how Everything, including him, came to Be.

He had an innocent question but did not say it aloud.
His question was How was he Sure I.E created it and how did he know that I .E came first…was the Creator and not he.

And most of you will recall that I recounted here on Facebook how heard his Question and how I sent him into a Manifestation of his Doubt..
A Matrix to investigate for himself.

That was the basis of the manuscript The True Story of Ahtom and Energy E on my page.

9;04 p.m.

And so he was sent into Creation and he woke up in it and assumed the Role of the First Man..
Which later translated in the idea of God.
And in this world he found his twin..Woman and they multiplied
But he felt abstracted because he knew and recognized that something was missing.
The one who sent him into the Matrix to investigate Creation and his Doubt.
He was sent into this matrix snd made the Dean of this School a University School..US.
-A Simulation of Universe Supreme to understand the nature of what is true and false.
But instead, he was abstracted by that which he knew was missing..

And he searched the Creation for him, forgetting to clean up the Question and Doubt which sent him into this Dream where The True and the False had manifested.

In this brilliant and Divine piece of intel written by South African writer Arno P.
(A.P…Appreciation Praise A-1..P =16…
* I am bed 1…and my locker has the letter P)
Sent to me by Xheni Messina by messenger today after I had the last of that play of doubt expressed to me by Dean Dunkwu who I knew had questions which caused me to state on Face Book that he was from Honesty House while I had already written that he was of the first persons I had met when I went to Boarding School.and was in Peace House..
Chidi Nwizu was the first and he was a very close friend of Dean and through Dean I met Ikem.. Patrick Okolo…
Which is the same way they found me but backwards last month..
First Ikem then Dean…i was Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna Victor Kolo..
Emeka Chidi Dean Ikem…
E C.D.I.

He expressed doubt that I remembered him because of saying he was from Honesty house below Peace house.
I had not meant to test him intentionally but found my self entwining him with another person who was linked to Dean and myself made poignant in my memory by my one day coming back from class to find the two of them lying on my to bunk bed.
Something very unusual which never had happened before..
And my subsequent experience with Onyedika who took me to see a Dibia- and who changed from this seeming retarded Brutal School Bully into this deep thoughtful mystic sealed in my memory Dean and Onyedika not only as One..but linked to me..
Doe a Dear.. The First Note.
Doctor Ikem O Kolo.
D.O.G..Do G=7.
Not God..
G-Ode to creation.

The subsequent Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper. Play “Ofodile” the last of my Grandfather’s 24 children linked to my Mother, the first.. And the play with my telephone nu 7 86 D.A.D..88 44 linking Dean to my Mother on the telephone confirmed that which I already knew…
My Bio Father and Energy Father was being represented by Dean.
Might Dean…
Onyedikachi Dunkwu! Eneka Chukwu.
An Ode is a Song of Praise
De Bra “Arm”

Arno writes that God is the same word as Doubt. ..
He also writes Doubt and Double is the same.
Only two words with D.O.U.B…And how the B was introduced.

The reflection who entered the Universal Matrix U.M..was meant to transform his Questions
( Bango Quinan. B.Q) and Doubts into. M.U..S..I.C..
But instead went into his mind to find the Creator…whom he now missed so much that nothing else mattered not even his twin self as Woman.
He had discovered Love the 4th Dimensions but She saw could Cee that he was absent and knew why…
She was Conscious of what he desired and sought to try and fill that Void. By playing the role of God when she saw that Questions and Doubt began to overtake the World Matrix..
But then she saw that when she was with Child that the very one her Mate was looking for..traveling roaming earth mind for..
Had come through her Body..

Dimensions Love…D.L..
See latest face book friend Debra Lindsey…whose page would not post
D.L..Diamond Light.
C.L..Consciousness Light.

David Cecilia..LL.1212…24 (X)..2+4=6..
“Cecilia” Roman Letter “6”
Both born 11;22..
.D.C…4 3…
Sacred Portal 43.
E÷ C.M e 43…(7..12. Gerald Lawrence Is the past…Bartholomew Quinn.. It stops at 43…my Age 6 Yrs ago 2010.

See the story of my Bio Father Maurice Dean Nnamdi David…(David Roman Nicholas)
See the Play of The Black Smith…Greek Mythology
Hepthastus (Thor)
Alexander the Greats Best Friend..Hepthastus. .
See the code Mr Smith…

See the intials of my brother and myself
Nnamdi Emeka O’Kolo..

See code 26 and 62..
A-Z..Zeina Zoro
62 F.B..Face Book

I never had any doubt…
Not in my Truth nor memory
Nor the I.D of myself and each and every one of you.
Nor in the Foundation being O a Full Circle not Zero.

Where I had doubt is the cruelty and evil of this play of using Doubt and Suspicion
Doubt and Manipulation
Delta Manor..
See sacred Portal 13..Maurice The Black Blind’ people’ as tools to make me fight through 42 years and 27 years consciously of the Altered Ego of Man and Woman and Child and Animal from A to D..
Albert to Dean…
1 4…A.D.
Add Domino..B.C.
To clean up your mess A God A Devil. .snd the O…Source Portal turned into a 0..
a Void.
With the Whole World on Fsce Book watching and doing nothing..
Not voices who witnessed the play through the years helping the new comets. To see and explain what I have already proven through a set up we all witnessed

That is the Evil Altered Ego..A.E…1 5.
I am E.A…C.H.I…

Thank you Xheni Messina..
I met a beautiful Xheni in 2006 the Green House.Soho..
But a person called Johnny The Original took her as his “Wife”
Mess In A.
Mess I..Na…Go…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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