
1/17/2016 23:30 – Facebook Post

8:17 p.m.


Head Quarters…



As many of you might be aware, I can not influence the play, invite Face book Friends, or even manipulate the Time of the Posts in alignment.. Which is Impossible to do Consciously.. At least in the context of this play.

A play of Truth, Harmonious Expression T.H.E
manifested all aspects of Existence, from energy, to physical Nature, Material-Tissue, to even Human Expression..
But not this enactment of reality which came from a collective agreement not to see, and in consequence, becoming blind.
Loosing the true connection of the Evolutionary Process, comes from Expanding and refining the 5 Senses…in one.
And then, from that “Throne” ISIS- Transform 6th Dense with Fact.

8:26p.m…H.Z…*Time and Space are simply Indicators of where we truly are”
E.g..Zeina Hanna…Beautiful Grace, Favor And Child-Truth Trinity..

*Jonn Blackwell spoke of 3 Elephants, A Monkey and Its Dwarf- Trainer…
/ T.D..M..E.C… E.Q….

Cecilia, my Mothers name, means both the number 6 as well as “Blindness”

Which is what saved Humanity when they lost the ability to access thier 5 senses, and where left with a ” Sense perception” limited to what they See…
The 5 senses became limited to the Physical world view.

Which is like switching yourself off.

And so in the dark ages most of the species did roam..
But though they no longer knew what they were doing, their was one Sense and Sensie which remained..
The one which not even the lowest species of living organism can ignore, linked to Instinct and Intuition… Sixth, The Five Sensei’s rolled into one..
The in-conquerable, immeasurably strong…

Te 6th sense, leading people total unaware,
walking through the “Play” totally unconscious that a Sixth Sense was leading them home.

Which I have found myself documenting in his play..
6 sense and Harmony Infinity.. the same thing.
68/86, 86/68..12 3..48…51…6
Sixth Sense Twin of Harmony as well
as Light..
66..12 3..CEE…
88..64…1 O

3 7 9 1 O
C.G.I..A.O (A.A.E. 11 5..K.E..7..G)

C.G.I…A.O.K. E..G

It is a message that the interface and weave of the last 46 months is now ready to interface its 5th Dimensional Expression with this once filthy, but now “Crown Chakra” Diamond White” Clean, 3 Dimension Holographic World…
to interface in Perfect Alignment.

*Note the Time linked to H.Q..Head Quarters…
M.D..Q.H.H.Q…(Through the Equation of RIZ.E.(Q) M-Ark-AQ aligned and linked to Ritz Montes code and Zeina Hanna…
Thus, a Switch has occurred, a Quantum Leap and a Quintessential Change, manifested in Harmony…in the Way of the E…Expression so quietly that it must be the language of sixth sense which moves all things to Move Feel and See…

Lets check the Internet (/ T.E.N- Re-True Nature-I),

“Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard environment for web servers to interface with executable programs installed on a server that generate web pages dynamically.”

Which is what I have been so obviously doing to those who could suspend disbelief (an inherited prejudice,), would easily have perceived, is exactly what I have been doing for 46 months publicly on my Sacred Face Book page…

C.G.I…A.O.K…E…G… 9 pm… 3 Elephants (Ganesh) A Monkey (Hanuman) and the Dwarf Trainer ( D.O.T/T.O.D..Life And Death..L.A.D) Rama Brahma Krishna..R.B.K/ K.B.R.O)..Dwarf Planet Pluto Hades…Aria-D.N.E, Theseus..Icarus Daedalus…Da Vinci…

D..PP.H..A.T….I.D..D.V..The D.I.V.E (Eagles Dive) D.O.V.E.(Dawn)

Which is why I follow the well established rules of this play (Despite the it being cruelty beyond even disbelief)
It is the only way to get to the Truth which ends this program and interface with the Beautiful truth of All 3 4 5 9 planes of Existence…
C.D.E..I.. H..I

And the All in one which is Supreme…56-8..11..8..1 2 8…

9:11 p.m..I.K.

My 481 Face Book friends is Bari Turley…B.T..
which aligns with face book friend Tom Benzian..T.B.
B.TT.B…BB=22..22 is letter V..V=5..5=E.

Welcome to this End Play…

Bari links to the code B.AR..

David Bowie Alec Rickman …D..B.A.R
Rob Barr
Mars Bars


And now, D.R.M.B..B.A.R.R.S.I.T.

A piece of intel Doctors Manipulate Bodies …Barrs it…?

Divine Rooms Manifest Being…B.A! ( I…U.P-.Individual Unique Personality)
RR (ROYGBIVR..Royal Reign..18-18..36.O-H…9…O.H.I…)..
Si (Yes) Truth..SIT!

*Because of the changes going in my body, it is often difficult or uncomfortable when I sit down..or move.

/ T.I..S.R.R..A.BB (V) M…R.D
Truth of I, the 7th Note of the Crown Chakra linked to the full Circle O.8,
links Violet to Royal Purple Ether, which gives way to the Royal Blue Emissions, @ Stone Ridge Supreme 36O, Awareness of Being Bodied linked Victorious through 5th Dimension Expression of E, Manifest Road..of the Supreme Portal, to the R.IZ.E M=ARK A-Q.E.H.Z IT.R.IT.Z CAR. LT.ON


9:35 p.m.


Bari means “Originator”

‘The Creator, Beneficent, Righteous, Upright.. Attributes of Allah.”

In the Feminine aspect it means “Chosen”

Bari is represented in feminine form…as well as masculine Rob Barr..
as Well as the literal Bar..in Mars Bars..code…
See my last production in Istanbul for Wella Turkey…

The Story of Colors… And the Bar man,as the Narrator M.C…E
Wearing a Genes cap code 3301…See sacred Portal O1..
Drew…Andrew.. Andre….
Code Andrese Harris Burton Drew Reyn Paulo Andre Simão

A.D.A…Which means First Daughter in Nri Igbo..
correct code 1 4 1…
One Four All..6th Sense..
Ume-ano- Breath of the 1 4 in 1 Divine Breaths…

The name Turley is aligned to the meaning of my posts today instigated by the Electric, Charge, Im-pulse, Stimuli, relay of Gay-Marie Bradshaw post I called Electra-Electricity.. Brings things into Existence and True Life..
What you can take with you through this 46 months activation of A, and the One literal Star Gate portal to the cross to dimension of being which defies description…

“‘To(i)r’ meaning ‘Towering Warrior’ and ‘dealbhach’ translating as ‘statuesque’ or ‘in the shape of’..Thor…As Thunder.. Lightening Bolt, Current Diamond White Electricity…
White Haired..”

“Turley Name Meaning. Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Toirdealbhaigh, a patronymic from the personal name Toirdhealbhach, a personal name meaning ‘like Thor’ or ‘like thunder’, composed of the Old Norse name þórr (see Thor) + Gaelic dealbhach ‘like’, ‘in the shape of’.”

B.T.. Aligned with Twins B-E.N..Z..I.A.N/ I.O.N

The Originator, the one with attributes of Allah God ..Mascuine
-(A-G- 1-7. Mercury to Uranus to Neptune..1+7=8..O.H..O.N..I.Hades Pu;to I.D)
-The Chosen One…TC.O…Feminine…
The Towering warrior, statuesque, in the form of Thor, Thunder, Loki. Lightening, the White Haired Black OH White Diamond, Evanescent Light of the Twin I.ANS -I ONS supreme of the Beautiful Truth OF E..

T.B..2O 2.. 22..
TBBT…22 22 44..8..V.V.DD.H



1O:2O p/m


Jonn Thomas…

Code Jonn Blackwell
Thomas J Brock..BRO..C.K.



The O.P.E.N (April) SE S.A.M.E…Portal Code to open the Star Gate Portal
IS IS the Symmetrical Perfection of Expression of Expressing the Beautiful Truth.

1O;25 p.m.

J..O. Y…..


1O:26 p.m


1O:27 p.m


Green Blue Jewel..

1O:28 pm

Reign M Santana…
Lotus Santana
Eshe Chuki Asale

1O;29-3O p.m



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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