
2/9/2016 23:48 – Facebook Post

8:13 p.m.


9-2-9…I.B.I…(Heart is BI..Bi Means “Live” in OINri Igbo..and in code “Infinity Being Individuality)…

2-9-9…B.I.I… Being of I and I… Infinity Individualism ( In D IVI D UA..L IS M….D 4 5 6-6 5 4 D…Universal Awareness Light IS Manifestation

2 99…Date…
4 99 Face Book Friends…
Time Code H;M..Harmonious Manifestation…

8:21 p.m…

Harmony Unity
Harmonious Beings Aware..

That this World is A Literal Story,
And This Life is a Literal Script…
And That we are in a Play…

Affirmed yesterday by Jonn Blackwell..J.Haun…JH..1O8…
And Read and affirmed as Fact by Donna O’Sullivan at
18 Mountain View And Sacred Portal 18..”Bee”
code Peace Bee…
And Sacred Portal 7O…88…
A.H! Author Harmony..

8:26 p.m.
Zeina Hanna…

Beauty is what the Creators Grace Favors- Children…Cee of Imagination.

I have Two New Face Book friends, though three facebook request came through, but by the time I had finished my post and then moved to confirm the three of them, after which one disappeared.
I make note of this because there is a riddle.

Yesterday Jonn wrote the number 5OO, on a post of A Ship at the Docks, a 17- 18th Century Galley Ship, -Age in the west of Knights and Chivalry…
Landing and Casting away.. L.C..

To most this sacred page is an interesting diverting play, entertaining despite their awareness of my constantly stating that this play and my words are Literally and Actual…L.A!
A Play of Sixth Sense Turning 69 backs to its Original Self 5 6 Expression Sixth Sense manifest Facts, Solid Matter Discernible by the 5 Senses, but the One Supreme, ( 56=11 1…3O…13..4..M.D..=H) is the 5 in 1…With 999 666..66 ..99..

How the Individual who can Express and exemplify how from Sixth Sense called Nothingness Somethingness- Dark Matter, Mass Gravity, Age can manifest through Logical Expression in the frequency of Full Circle of perfect symmetry. of 444..555..666…777..888…999…The Solids from out of the Blue Nothingness…

When he wrote that number, I instantly began to comment that I knew what it meant and what he “Higher or Original Source line was saying… but a bit of investigation later, and somewhat weary that I had no solid evidence that what I was commented was a fact.. I canceled my comment and went to bed.

I woke to to 3 new face book requests… which would have brought the play from Light of Existence, Three E lines established. Light of Existence and Light of the World” – Two New Rays of E creating a Manifest Cee and Consciousness of the E line in a story never heard before…
Introducing a New Creation Story…
One which ended being undercover, the “Kingdom of God” Paradise, Eden..
The literal Beautiful Truth of Existence and the Base and Foundation of Energetic Spiritual Physical Material Universe..
Unseen and Seen
Witnessed and not Witnessed.

And so I observed that from Light affirmed 3-4 Times or One full Circle and the Once More by a play of two, one representing the Ethereal and the Other the Elemental Consciousness of the First Ingredients which manifested Existence Here…EE merged into One…

And now through Sacred Portal 4 98 which is Sacred Portal “Diamond Hearing D.H..48..Code name Death as Joy… D.J/J.D…Piercing through the Veil and Wall of Universal Sound US “Yuin” Brand of the Ear Phones which Jonn Blackwell gifted me- which contained a Silver Cube, which I knew represent the I cubic centimeter, from which the Entire Universe and Space was used to Create 99% Dark Matter and 4% Solid matter..
100%..Universe -Harmonie Made up of Music- Universal Space Mind…
The Brain….
Music is Harmony and Musics is the only thing which affects 100% of the Brain…
We currently use…10%…actually much much less but we have 10% and
1 O% as the basis which of course means it is also functioning at 1OO% but because people do not know how to access all that 1OO% and 100% Information and bring it out from the Blackwell, to transform into a Black Mercedes Benz “Code Tom Benzian…” E.H.F..1O79 Which activates the original Blue print of Existence which which transforms the Mystery of the ‘Non Knowing.. object and source of Human Primodial Fear..
To the Light Victorious …
97 99 through cracking the riddle of sacred portal 89 and 1A of Sound which through Quiet Heart- Silence brings Sound of Silence transformed into Sounds now heard across the World..

Global Awakening..

Christin Baecker.. Welcome.

C.B…2 3…Not 23 W…

Christin… Christ Tin.. Man ..code Tin Man Wizard of Oz,,, The Brain..
Joseph of Arimathea … A R.I..MATH..EA..(51)
Father of Yeshua Christ… YY..5O…Yonathan YYY..75…C..3..Christ.

Means Words Anointed Voice-Expression Voi..ce…The Way of the Cee of E…
Consciousness of Christ. is follower of the Wave.. FM Band.. the Cee and the master Guide is the Wise Child within you seated as the Amithabha Buddha…

But in this incarnation of the Play I had to explain of Yeshua conquered death..YYY+Y…Father Son Holy Ghost plus the Feminine aspect YYY… And of course the YY- Doppelgangers Twins.. and finally the Y who is the Individual;- the Original I…ONE 1.

This ancient surname is of Olde English pre 8th century origins deriving from the word ‘boeccure’. The surname is always occupational, but not always for a maker of bread. There are a number of possible origins and these include an official with special responsibilities for the baking ovens in a monastery or castle, as well as the keeper of the ‘communal kitchen’ in a town or village, since most of the humbler households had no cooking facilities other than a pot over a fire. The right to be in charge of this service and to exact money or loaves in return for its use, was in many parts of Britain, a hereditary feudal privilege. Less often the surname may have been acquired by someone noted for specifically baking fine bread or as an owner of a kiln for the baking of pottery or even bricks.”

Bread- Hearth, Pottery (Movie Ghost), Bricks…. Wall


A Wave of B.H.P.B…VV Double Victor Victorious Jay Joi… Jai Italiaander Joie..

David Machado Miguel Davi

Please note that I did this equation last night on Face Book…Q.H.. QQ (GG). HH…
H.Q The Brain B-Rain.. Father of Infinity..F.O.I…Faith is to Know “Liver’ means to Cleanse…

D MM D… D 26 8..Zeina Hanna Zorro Harmomy D..
D H D…4 8 4…Balance..

David is my 9th David Face Book Friend, each therefore representing a Planet in this Solar System…

David means “Cherished and Beloved ..C.B.. Which links and weaves seamlessly, and in perfect Symmetry Harmony Expression SHE, to Christin Baecker…C.B…..Waves of Words turned into Bread, H-Earth, Pottery “Clay’ Bricks dismantling a non existence human conceived Wall of forgetfulness to reveal the Lions Roar of Memory…
passing through the Lions Jaws…

*It should be noted that I now have 6 Face book friends with the name Christine… 9 Davids, 6 Christians…
96%Dark matter David Krshna…Christ… D.C.. 43 See Sacred portal 43.. True Life..
My Equation E=C.M.e 4/3.. The Point… Equation confirmed with Susan Otelia Nelson Post of pyramids aligned to mine posted 5-8-6 (2O13)…

Machado means Axe Hatchet Machete -A.H.M…A Harmonious Manifestation…

Miquel is Micheal who means Who is as God a rhetorical question to which he responds himself in this equation

Davi…Devi Heart Devi Devoted Devas….DA V.I…
‘Meaning the one Cherished and Beloved Full Circle
D.MM.D…D Z.H.D…D.H.D…4 8 4… 16..7..+x 76…
The one who manifest Beautiful Harmony full Circle..
76 the Bringer of the Light called First Dawn…
First Drawn and First Who Drew Breath

Cherished and Beloved



A DO A.J…Alexander Jay…

1O 42 p.m…

J..A O D.B..
Is My DA…Celtic Gaelic Franco…
Father ..Abundance..

1O;43.. 1O;44 p.m

1O :45 p.m.

Dream of the One Father Sacred Portal 1O

the Sacred portal 45… “Throne of G”
This is what HE really planned for I E…
45 Nnamdi… Emeke

54 Emeke Davi…


And the I Original E

1O:46 p.m.

First Drop… See sacred Portal “Chukwu The Creator of E”

1O:47 PM..

J..A.O…D G… 11 28… 39


1O:48.. p,m

D.H..E.U..Death..the Wall of No

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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