
4/1/2016 15:05 – Facebook Post

….Some light relief….

A playful beautiful girl,
who knows she is beautiful…

Which manifests through self mastery into the Beautiful Devil..
And Ascended Masters of Desire..
Who kindle the sacred fire…

The Beautiful Devils are light, Mischief, the Twinkle in the eye…

There is no heartlessness, evil, malice or authoring of pain destruction and hate, in the Devil…
So this Evil, so celebrated does not come thing of Jealousy and cruelty…

It is simply Beauty being its self…
and Beauty is an Energetic expression which ignites desire to touch taste and celebrate, merge with to prove that not only is such beauty true and real but that there is Beauty in you..

Is that not why people mistakenly seek to possess Beauty..
is it not the Beauty we recognize deep down in our selves..
And deep within each wishes to be seen as beautiful too..
Precious and Valuable..
and consequently, even physically represented..
know our selves to be worthy of love…

It is was never about being beautiful,
it was always about appreciating Beauty..
and consequently reaching for the beauty in you..
Because Beauty is in the Eye of the ones who behold you
and its is by their appreciation, do you see how they perceive you..
which without them realizing, reveals that they are of Beauty too..

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