
8:09 P.M.

8:09 P.M.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic is a Truly and Exceptional Man.

I want the Entire Word to Know this today.

He has been tested in a way that I have been for 3- 4 Years…

Not by me but by the Igbo, the Igbo O.I.NR.I, the Ayrans.. the All Living and Dead…

But now by the Beautiful Ones… and the E Family…

It is but a taste of what I was put through for 28 years…

But it can be the deadliest poison and to endure it in the last year…

I doff my hat to him.

I will not reveal what happened today except to say that I was made to come out from undercover and address him as the Source E…

He did not flinch, but responded to me as Emeka Kolo.

A Man, and yet in doing so passed the Test, I was not aware that I was being used to give him

I loathe the Test and Challenges given to me… it is not our Way.

But I understand why these tests were given.

Trust is gone.

It is gone in me, and it is gone in the E, Family, the ET and The Beautiful Ones and The Beautiful Ancestors…

For allowing such an Evil to thrive in the World by giving humanity Free Will and Choice.

I understand that trust and hope has died in Humanity…

But who was the cause of that Trust Dying?

Is it not Humanity who refuse to look at themselves in the Mirror Truthfully to see and take responsibility for their actions.

Today Nenad refused to place a responsibility on another fora challenge which I know he can read…

Because I know why..

It is for the same reason that I did this journey in bringing Clarifying Light to others despite it not being my job, and the manner it was done.. through Force and Bondage…

It is because of Respect of where people are at…

Based on an Individual assessment.

It does not matter if it was correct or not..

It is Pride… Beautiful Pride…

Which is why I never begged in the last 16 years and worked even now, for every dime and nickel despite knowing my True I.D..

Why I did not ask everyone for money, but those I was indicated that I should and could and then gave evidence that it was meant to be asked of that person.

I also recognized that which I gave them, and what they gave me in exchange despite my already being I.A.M…

And have no Need of what they have to give…

It was the Universal Script which made me have to pass through your portals and deliver messages and then in OINRi Tradition when a Holy Man passes through your portal a gift of Fair Exchange must be given or it is Alu…Abomination.

This is not the E way.. It is the way of Historical Humanity…

The Ancients.. The Wise Ones… Of this World.

I respected that tradition even though my entire being rebelled against it..

I respect the laws of the United States and Every Country I lived in and every Home..

I respected even this Hideous ( to me personally ) Face Book play…

I respected it because I had no power to Change it instantly and because I understood their point of View…

And until they had evidence, or the play was revealed to them, they had the right to Grace…

I asked Nenad as the Source, ( not as Emeka, who would never ask) something of Og Amazu..

Nenad refused!

I asked him to ask something of his Wife once.. he refused.

And decided again to take on the Burden alone again…

A Responsibility not really his, but which should have been shared by All..

This is what I did…

Kezie Egele…


Igbo O.I.N R I name back and front..

Emeka Kolo Emeka O..Kolo…O I Nri Name Back and Front but Kolo also Slav..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic is a Slav Name…

K.E/ E.K… E.O.K..O..L.O..E..O..K…

Kezie Means To Give Praise to give one his Due…

they all mean the same thing! … Chiekezie, Ekezie, Kezie, Kezz, God has made it good for me… to give Praise…

Emeka means Praise…

Egele… Eagle…

Ege Le…Listen Here It is… E.K./K.E…

The Full Circle of O.Igbo O.I Nri.. Completed..

In the Names Sound Language Back to Front…

Emeka Kolo… And Kolo is Nri Igbo, Kolo means O Kolo.. Circle

Kezie Egele

Ugochi, Ugo, chukwuyenumugo(Chiyenumugo) Ugochukwu is an African name of Igbo origin. Its literal translation is God’s Eagle, which is interpreted as Crown of God or even Glory of God — since the crowns of traditional Igbo rulers are adorned with a tail feather of an eagle.

*Leopards of the Magical Dawn: Science and the Cosmological ..

Nze Chukwukadibia E. Nwafor – 2014 – Art

Accordingly, in the multivalent cosmogonic principle of Obi Mbu, the Igbos … In other words, all micro worlds or subjective realities (Uwa Achiko) which … (Omenala na Uwa Ndi), ultimately subsists in one encompassing macro-reality (Ijele Uwa), … title names with graceful energy as well, so does the affairs of this world favor …

EGE NTI… Which means To Listen…

Now link the meaning of both names First Names..

Emeka Kezie..

Eglele O.E Kolo…

That is the Equation Riddle.. Once more of the Forest People..

I am sitting by the Wood Side..

And the Indigenes The Indians.. The Original People of this Time Line have had their Way…

Even though their others here First.. They Lived Before Adam.

T.L..A.B… * See Tylers Face.. Side A Truth Side B Love Tatooed.

Fore Head..Gods Child…

T.L.. 20 12.. 32/ 23… 5.. E..A.B…


I am so ashamed of this play, and that what was done to me was done to you Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

This is not the way of the E.. to test in such a way…

But the test which I did not realize that I gave you passed because you obeyed my Manifest Expression as the Man and yet decided to do it your way.

I do not know what this means for this Script or how the Earth People as Time and Tradition from past to this idea of the present has precedent over the Eternal Truth of those who came first.. Or even the E…


Well in that aspect Nenad you have showed respect all round…

And most of all to your SELF…

No matter the outcome…

Yes to the Jose A Roque


*Jarhead is a nickname for members of the United States Marine Corps. Jarhead may also refer to: Jarhead (book), Anthony Swofford’s 2003 memoir of his experiences as a U.S. Marine in the First Gulf War.

The Marines were used by ship’s skippers as a police force. Marines were often taller than the sailors. When ordered to quell fights below decks, they often banged their heads on the beams. As often as they jarred their heads, while responding to trouble, they eventually became known as jarheads.

But this is the price I paid for understanding the Spirits Play…

Despite Being their Source..

Forced to Respect Rules I have no Respect for…

An Evil Way to determine the Truth…

When I have showed a Better Way…

8:59 P.M.

Disgust Contempt…

But as you.. I obeyed…

Until my Power Rose…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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