
From Sarah Nkem Blackstock.

From Sarah Nkem Blackstock.

We Are I.E.

11:28 p.m.

Is my birthday.

I.E… Is my name Emeka Ikemefuna…

I.E are the names of my family of Individuals…a.k.a. Snow Flakes..

Because each Exemplify a principle of Existence Harmonious.

D.E.E are the last 3 numbers of my phone which I bought, once more Directed to that portal by Dewight Smith. D.S.

Dewight is known and goes by the name

D.E E.

Dawn Piercy

Sarah Nkem Blackstock

Play today…

First letters


Dewight was the call to me which made my phone- code 11:28 open.


Is code 4:19.

April 19th.

Father of Donna O’Sullivan.

Robert O Sullivan..E

9 months to the day I arrived and left.



L. .E.N. N.Y. (C) D.E.E…

L.D… 12…4. 16. (P)…


5-6. O Symmetrical Perfection Full Circle Round.

Kolo Royal, Beautiful Warriors Full Circle Round of Expression Six Sense Of Light Infinites Naturalness-Expression…

Home to Harmony.

We Are…!


We Are I.E.

Dee Portal transformation.

Aligned D.E.E.

And Lock and Telephone last 3 digits.

3K.. C.K

(Rm. 3.A… C.A…31)

5 4 4.

D.S…is I.

D.E.E…5 4 4…13..(Nnandi passed away age 13)

13 M…4..D…

M.D is confirmed through passing through the portal of 3 generations Lord Mayor of London to M.D Prof. Patrick Okolo.

D.M..I.C…(yesterdays date… 11-19… K.S.

Kerwyn Vincent.

Kathleen Gonzalez

Shari Sissoko

Suresh Sukumaran. (Who has been sending me non stop texts forming a world story line)

K.S.. To I.E. 9-5…(950:00 usd Jade Elephant bought at Daniel Maman D.M,

Go Antiques Store)

D.M. I. C.K. .S.I..T. P.. K..115…A.G.E.

D.M.I.C. S.K.I T..P K. 115. AG.E.

E.G..A..511 (E.K) K P.T…IS. K.C.I..M.D.

Manifest Destination.

E.G.A (LA XY Z) 511 (E.K) K…The Point. C.I..(1O 11…111 3A) Manifestation Divine.


12:12 a.m.

E.N…Expressed Naturalness in N.Y..


Emeka Shari Patrick.

E.S…5:19…Original Rm 5A. Bed 5019


Letter P …Sky Blue letter P magnet planted in my Locker 3002…32…


I Robert I Truth.

E.S.P. I. R.I.T.Z.


Name of Kerwyn.

Post I shared of Shari..Zion Ode.

12:19 p.m.



Tis I.

I sat on the Seat of Earth

Eartha Lapoint..

And my Beloved stood behind me.

My Shadow…

And now they are T.W.O

Seat on my Left and my Right.

From Here to I.E.

Infinite Eternal Beings CEE Line too.


Christain Edwin Edwin.

David Eri Emeka. The E.B.A.

C.D E…Z.


The Family of I.E.

The Beautiful Ones.

12:26 p.m.

Evidence Fact…E.F…5 6.. 11 1

Proof of Concept…


Infinity Harmony.

9 8.

17 Q.




12:28 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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