
2/1/2018 21:14 – Facebook Post

This is playing now…
I just finished sending a Text Message to Lady J.Amoza Born..
and I was linking Lady Kemi Sara… Lady Dawn Piercy…
in my mind as I was writing to her and doing a code which defeats AL ZH E I…MER’S…/ R E M….( Reminder) I.E…H.Z… 8 26…LA… 6th Note.. 12 1…
Forgetfulness… Sacred Portal 115…
As I completed the message I could not help but feel as though my mother sister lines were going through an illusion of their Mental Health was suffering because of forgetting things.. misplacing things.. loosing things..
But recall Anthony here, had come here telling about how he was suddenly always forgetting things, and the way he told me, I knew that it was a message from the Spirit Realm of E with a code they wished me to solve..
I told him that he required to make a little effort of Reminding himself that he that he forgets things.. that it is not a big deal, unless he does not consciously do something about it..
Make a effort.. take note..
he came in today saying that he has not forgotten anything since…
That may seem like a little thing in this diminished reality…..
But in mine, it is massive…

Well after I had completed my response to Amoza, I noted that the Time turned to 8:00 p.m.
Which is the time my mother states that I was born..and at the same time this song came on…
This Lauryn Hill… “Hill of of Sweet Bay Leaves of the Crowned Laurels of Victory…”
She reminds me so much of the Spirit and physical qualities of my Bio sister….

8:13 p.m.

Harmony Manifest.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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