
If a Matrix is a Cocoon… a Womb…

If a Matrix is a Cocoon… a Womb…

Would that not mean that Humanity is not yet really in Existence…

And thus have never been born….. As I had stated over and over again…

That they are in a Womb… And can be aborted at any time… ?

9 Planets 9 Months in a Womb…

But if Woman is not even real since that idea is being informed by our experience in the Womb,

Or in a Rock.. which is what the word Matrix.. it does not necessarily means a Womans Womb…

Or the Womb of an Animal.. the Belly of the Beast…

Then where is this Womb.. Room…?

Where would an Idea … some potential exist

what is feeding it… Something definitely outside of Itself of course…

So where is this place where Human Bodies as Being being formed…

An Oven. the center of the Earth… a Universal Mind…

In the Scrotal Sack of the Source…


Smile… How about Non Existence… until Born….

Amoza Born… A B… Sacred Portal 147… A B…. 1+4+7….12…3….

300 USD In total….


1 2… 2-9… 29.. 26+3… 29… C… Creation… Consciousness …

Existing in a Womb where Consciousness is being Formed in them- fed to them…

the Consciousness of Eternity.. which is Infinity… Harmony in language of the Womb room with a View

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