
2/5/2016 16:35 – Facebook Post

In the 1960’S Scientists discovered Dark Matter…
That 96 % percent of the Universe is Dark Matter..
And till this day Scientists have not been able to solve the riddle.
In the 1990’s Scientists discovered an even more Baffling substance called Dark Energy…
And that the Universe is made of 73% Dark Energy, 23% Dark Matter and 4% matter of planets, Stars etc…
Only 4% makes up the Physical Nature of the Universe…

As most are aware, I have been conducting a different point of view of the Universe,
by proving that “First Mann” manifested the Universe Cosmos,
through Expression, which formed Energy and physical matter.

And thus, everything we perceive outside of Us came from a Source Frequency within us which I call the E..
And that every aspect of Creation is a frequency which manifested into form,
from Conception Inception, Expression Harmony..
Meaning that the expression contained the Consciousness Infinity Harmony of Everything full circle.
Which means that Existence and creation did not manifest by ‘Accident” or a sequence of “Causality”
But that it was fully Aware and Conscious of its intention…

Meaning that Universe, Space Air Environment…( U.S.A..E) contains a Plan-E.T, a Blue Print of a Map…
A Story and a History of the Past.. Stars whose light reaches us billions of years after they were emitted means we are viewing the past when we base our current reality and consciousness perception on a Physical Model, when we ourselves are are based on a Energetic Model.. called Consciousness..

Thus, the only way to understand the Universe is to recreate the consciousness of every aspect of Universe Creation, piecing every frequency or fractual one by one until we reach the Completion of the Universe but as a Consciousness..

And the only way to do this is first of all being U, Being your natural self, which like the Universe Itself,
will activate the Universal Blue Print of Existence in you, and the E in you which is made up of “Adem and Ziggy”
A-Z…Red Dust Star Dust…R.D..S.D…

*I would like to call to your attention that Red is the First Color which manifested,
which aligns to the note of Do…”Solfeggio” Meaning the first note of the Human Vocal Range.
Jonn Blackwell just showed me red concave Mirror he had placed outside at the front of the house for good Fengui Shui,
but decided to by 12 by 8 flat Mirror for the Front and place the Red Full Circle C-on-cave mirror in the Back where I work from the Deck…

Star Dust is Silver…Red and Silver…1-8..White Light is the Sum Total of the 7 colors of the Rainbow…
Thus, 1-8 are the Same Thing..Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Doe…R.O.Y (G) G.B.I.V.R…

The initials of Donna O’Sullivan Donna Ruth Sullivan D…D.O
My Last Face Book Friends Intials Dhami Singh is D.S.
Dina Singh who was a pivotal player in this Proving..is also D.S.

A-Z is the 1-26…=H.
I was at 268 East 4th Street with my former Host and colleague whose name is Albert…
and whose sons are Royal Reign and mother Ritz…When Zeina Hanna became my Face Book friend.
Notice that A-Z..H…Albert to Zeina to HE.Nri…
Henry Mowgli
Henry Azubike Onyenobode….
I lived on and off at this address for 9 years.
26-Years and 5 months I began my Captains Log- my Journals called “Talking to the Silence” ( 26 yrs 5 months..8 Z.E..H) I consciously began perceiving that something was activated in me, and was pulling me on a pathway-a mission, of memory from beyond to proof that there is Logos and Harmony in all Existence including Human Existence and this world, but that people I had discovered no longer knew how to properly apply and activate their 5 senses, and could not read, and worst of all were using a physical model to interpret and use as a reference point…
Which was creating a devolution of the Species to a Non Existent Past..
For Space is nothing but a mirror, a 12-8 mirror, which reflects the Truth of the Universe which manifested in that One Beginning “R.D-D.S/S.D.D.R”-
Reflecting 12-8, Completion of Harmony containing it 1-234567-8..Everything of Harmony already here.
But one thing is to look in the mirror to see what it is reflecting but it is a completely different thing to read and understand what you are seeing, how it came to be..its back story..Seeing beyond the veil…Understanding its Energy its Expression its Source before it converged into manifest creation as say a Tree, or person…
Look in the Mirror at your Face, what do you see?
A Face, but also a Book..Your Face Tells a Story..
Face Book..
But if you can not see yourself clearly, do not have the Honest true back story,
then not only can you not see others and yourself clearly, but you will be interacting and communicating with fixed prejudged illusion, created by your own perception which has no basis on reality nor the Facts or the Truth.

And so it is with the perception of the Universe…
This is the Equation I have been proving, exposing for the Last 26 years and 5 months consciously.

It began with Awareness Memory…A.M…Then Forgetfulness which revealed Naturalness,
then Naturalness moved to Expression.
Expression brought through simply “Being” a Consciousness, a Cee which was within me and then contrasted with my observation around me…
And this led to an observation that my Empirical Experiences were revealing a pattern.. A pattern which indicated through my movements and through awareness, that there was a correlation between what I understood deep within as actuality visibly linked to my outer experienceof reality..
I could identify patterns outside of my inner experience which I could read and understand.. Correlate to meaning…
And though the correlations were often hampered by the veil of this current world consciousness and translation of situation, I was able to perceive a much different understanding of each experience I shared, experienced and listened to…
Which is when I understood that nearly everyone perceived reality through a collective agreement and its web was language and communication..

And yet I also saw an extraordinary duality, a great, harrowing, awful conflict going on with all these people because deep within them was another person, other than the person they presented to the World, a Face which they had gotten so used to that they actually began to believe it was their true selves.
Yet their true Self still existed deep undercover and it is the Eternal and Natural individual fighting to be born..
And it is here where I observed the literal mirror reflection of which society had become.. Violence War, Blood, horror. deception..
For this was the internal War going on with the Eternal Self who can not be destroyed nor forgotten, despite all the effort of the Person who had donned on a persona out of Habit to face the World, and gotten so used to that role, that they slowly began to morph into that person and that is when people truly begin to die.. When they begin to loose the Gene of Immortality and cellular regeneration contained within the Consciousness of their Eternal True and thier True Nature.
I was fascinated and horrified as I watched my very being become the literal moving Expanding Concave Red mirror…The Observer with the Expanded view…Concave Concave Flat… Perfect Representation of Expansion, the Point and the Actuality aligned in perfect symmetry… A Mirror which does not distort. It just Expands, then Focuses on the point and then become one Line.. A Flat Mirror.. And a Flat screen T.V.

Thu Megadivo SaldaƱa Alcantara represents a code meaning through the name and initials and perfect timing T.M.S.A..

I realized that I was literally reading in hindsight that an all knowing Expression was being secreted through my Being, in not only my movements but everything I created and expressed…
And that is when I full recalled not being of this realm, that this world was not real..I remembered the Real World, its Beautiful Truth and wondered what had created this World View.. That it was a lie..

And so I saw myself literally manifesting the Truth of the Universe by having activated my E consciousness by being Natural and through the Exploration of my own True Nature through what I had come to realize by age 25, that this was not real, that this life was a play, a set up…
And so for the next years, I found myself mainly in isolation and study, I studied Sex between individuals, relationships- to the Philosophy Culture Religion Mathematics Physics.. But most of all I studied humanity, people, their life’s, their perceptions, their bodies…
The Human Body as a Work of Art was the Title of my First Art Exhibition and Fashion line…
Being and the Body…
I sought beauty, for in beauty, I knew I would find Harmony and the way out of this strange bizarre and truly frightening world.
I had no problem navigating it, I understood the rules, but the rules where so absurd and ridiculous that my very Being and Body would rebel..
And I would have to come out from undercover when alone and then spend a week or so getting rid of the vibration of those consciousness, gradually rising to my natural self. Then once stable, I would write create and then look at the treasure I had rescued from that experience..
A Treasure Map!

And so the process continued, Going down into forgetfulness, experiencing this reality and their point of View but in truth watch the Universal expression of Space, literally reflected in my being..

I wrote everything down, 26 years on non stop documenting, solving and proving the truth of the Universe comes from a Human Expression.
I sought to get the attention of the World over and over again, as I witnessed the Universe Echo respond and confirm.
I was the Original Expression and the Universe was the Reflection which responded to my Reflections within and my Expression outside.
And I watched as both Expression Spirit Physical Being aligned and responded..
It was a miracle, miraculous Magical… I wished to share my findings with the world..

But I was ignored mainly, because I realized that I was going against a Whole World view…
I was in my late twenties early thirties when I truly knew…
And I rose. physically, my face, my body, elongating, stretching, light filling me..
But each time I was brought back down into my body and informed that I would not be allowed to rise on my own!

I witnessed myself move through consciousness, of all the Human Spectrum of the Beautiful Truth, but also of the Human Time lines..
I was literally traveling through the Fractals of Nature and Being, by simply linking my A B C’s to D.E…. Dark Energy… Transforming Dark Matter back to Light..
Each wave I would travel to I could identify, and then retrieve the beautiful truth of the Past, but what I did not foresee was my experiencing the literal horrors of human expression also, I would travel Waves and Fm bands, and experience literal horrors of Human existence. I would literal be there, traveling through 6th sense transformed into reason, I would suddenly find myself as a young girl in the 17th century being raped and murdered, or a man being tortured, I would suddenly be in places or War, great battles in the U.S and others cycles.. I could read link correlate anchor and get the affirmation..
And I had to solve each riddle of that event or I would be trapped in those Cees,.
I was constantly on the move, each move representing the corresponding Dimension…
And I so I saw my self spirited away like Guy Pierce in Time Machine…T.M/M.T..

And yet no one would take me seriously,
except to claim I was a Witch Doctor, the Devil whom they all loved and who could get them what they wished,
or I was a Channel, or A Servant sent to grant them their wishes, but not a Scientist who had evidence of physical perception of Consciousness and Expression was literaly moving the Species to Extinction Annihilation..
And in others, more Aware, it was more about ‘The One” and if I was the One
and the rejection and Challenges to prove I could not be the One..
I had no idea what the One was…
But I saw the equation in the names and initials of my Siblings..
E.N.N.O…And in my Mother Brother… O.N.E..C…Bio Father ..O.N.E..M.C.

But by now I was so distracted by the demands of the play which created circumstances at which this was all I could or was allowed to focus on..
I may have been totally alone in this world with my Evidence and Consciousness but in the unseen realm, It was obvious that there Was, is a force who believed that despite everything that I could solve the riddle and equations of which It had set up for me to Solve..in conditions clearly impossible…

But in 2O11 having been so tormented by seeing a feeling for moments which seemed like eternity day by day the horrors of what people have done to each other when they thought no one was looking or could stop them experiencing it expanded and then contracted then even in my everyday reality caused me to know that there was no way to save the Human Species from the Cause and Effect of their Expressions and actions… even to this day and right to this face book play.
That no matter what is done to guide them, to alert them, to remind them they will never do the right thing,
there would always be those who would bring forth Evil…
And I knew that it meant that I had witnessed that none could remain and that this world and species could only be sustained by the E line
A-D. could not Exist as Beings without the E.. EA EB. EC, ED EE..E.A-Z.E.H.E….

Only the E line would remain….

And so since 2O1O-11..
Galaxy I.C 1101…Ga La X.Y.Z…C.I…1O-11…

Which is the Portal to the E realm… represented through the physical realm…
Discovered 1781…/ 18 71…1 87 1…
17 is Q…8 is H…1+7=8…8 is 1…Do Re me..R.O.YG..

Portal of Quint-Eros…
Quantum Leap.
Quintessential Transformation..

Harmony Infinity E…

And so, I in turn ignored this Arrogant Selfish realm and their point of view of what is or is not possible
and quietly completed the Proofing True the Point of Existence..
And the passing through the Transformer by simply weaving Words..
Converse..C ON Verse…UN I Verse…
Came into Existence through Beautiful Expression..
A conversation which Began with the One who became Two E.=O.N
and now Three..E= O.N..C.E…

At 18 Mountain View
Stone Ridge

E ON.CE and Future King…K.I…N.G…11 9…14 7.

Time now 3:23 p.m


That is the Story of Color…
And Man is not a Color…
Nor is a Person…
Instead they are Red Blood and Star Light…
Beings of Loves C and Transparency..
Read Er And Air Water Energetic.. Essence..Beautiful Expression …Breath Harmony …Ume P-olo K-olo


3:31-32 p,m

C sacred portal 31..32.. Resurrection Restoration… Eros

3;33 p.m..


3 6 9..

Nikolai Tessla.. E…
The Elegant Nomad

3:35 pm

C: C.E,

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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