
4/16/2016 15:44 – Facebook Post

… From a Dimension where everything that could ever exist, has already evolved to its point.

And this current world story, as I have been proving was nothing but a Story and Narration of how, the Eternal realm came to be..

The Family traveled into a Past that was never real, where a story was created as well as a play, for they to enact out without fully know or realizing that within them is the knowing how they all came to be..
But this was known to only the Twins.. the First of the Line of the E…

And so from this “Creation Story”- from Fiction we have created a Fact..
The Body, now activated through a Play, into the same vibration and frequency of the Beings of the E…
The Ethereal ones, will now be seem manifesting rising within human Bodes and transforming the Human Body to a the Evolutionary point of E..

Age 21..
That is the Age grows up and the body ceases to grow…


Awareness Harmony- Universe, Victorious 5th Dimension..

Meaning Reaching the Awareness of Harmony, Universe..
Automatically opens the Portal to the 5th Dimension..

Which I have stated is Hue-Manities Original home..
Evolved Humans.. E.H
Energetic Harmonies…

3:43 p.m

3 43.. Sacred Portal 43 “True Life.. Eternal…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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