
Intel from Jae Sherman. – W.S H

Intel from Jae Sherman.

W.S He wrote a series of books called the ‘Communion Series” ( UK Eucharist My mother’s sister’s name who lives with her husband and family in New York State 11th State” Uche. ( Uche means “Thought and Reflection” E U. or Nathaniel E N… U N- It actually means Holy Communion: “Holy Gathering” Harmonious Convergence H C 83/ 38: Jeron Satya S Lang- His name means “He Sings- Holy Sacred .. Lang-U.AGE.Sataya means *”In the Vedas and later sutras, the meaning of the word satya (????) evolves into an ethical concept about truthfulness and is considered an important virtue. It means being true and consistent with reality in one’s thought, speech, and action.”

The Books:

* The Wolfen (1978)
Black Magic (1982)
The Night Church (1983)
Warday (1984)
Wolf of Shadows (1985)
Nature’s End (1986)
Cat Magic (1986)
Majestic (1989)”

8:39 pm.

H . CI.

I C I.

Ici Here.

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