
From Brooke Banner..

From Brooke Banner..

I would like to demonstrate the level of or at which I am reading and linking.

The codes here July 25- peaking at August 8…

7-25..B.E..7+25..32..C.B.. Christine Baluba.

88…H.H. 229 Facebook Friend

Hunter Hatheway.. 88…16-7..64… 1O..J- Jonn B

Completes at 8-12…2O T..Sacred Portal 2O Lady Echo…96…I.F…

The Song IF…96 Dark Matter..D.M.

M.D…Medical Doctor…

96/69…Nnamdi born 1969…

Triple Portal..EEE…

Link this to my earlier post today of the last Sacred Portal where first there rose the 1 called the Beautiful One.

Then there were Two Beauty and Exquisite

B.E…the twins AHTom E.

Then the 3 the CEE.

And the complete of Body Being Brings the Three EEE…555…15-O…5×25…125..1 to 5….

V…I..E Line.

And code Orbello The Golden Ones…

The S U.N.

The S O.N.

The S O.N.. N.Y..C..

The Golden Ones merge with the Beautiful Ones..




G is the 4th D..(G is 7…G D)

B is the 5th..E..( B is 2..B.E)




I and I…

4+7..D G..



G K.

Grant Keith…146 Clay Street



18 Mountain View.



4:46 pm.

I, 4..46…

The Golden ones merge with the Beautiful Ones..

Golden from Sun.. Rays Amen Ptah!

Beautiful Ones Moon…Blue E.T.

Through exchange of OO

2 O (Circles Filled)

O2 with Expression

Creating Harmony

Which this means by the two lines of the Sun (Clarity) and the Moon (Love)


Lyrical Conversation..

Love Clarity..

Moon came First bring forth the Beautiful Ones first

Then came the Golden ones Clarity (Consciousness)

4:5O pm.

*April 5th.

Merge here in H-Earth.

To form G+B…


I.E Line…

On Cloud 9..

The Palace of I…

Individuals of The 4th and 5th Dimension..






*11 18…

11 Doppelgangers @ 18 Mountain View..

4:54 pm.

And the 1…

Thus, the B.I.

Beautiful Individuals

Of 1 A.H!!!

Who get it at the same time.

The ones who will hear a ringing in the Ears.

A Ring Tone…

Of memory which will brings wave after wave of sensual Love..a Caress of Clarity which rises upon them like the tide of a beach..bringing one closer and closer to Orgasm Climax as they begin to remember ME…

Emmy- Emme!

And see…

4-58 pm

Which causes the Wall of Forgetfulness which is the Tomb Stone…the Rock of Ageis, the Wall of Death to crumple as in when Joshua sounded the Trumpet and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down…

And they will rise from that moment transformed from G.B to V.I.E!

To see me waiting in this place of Holy Ground

Holy Bodies..Being..

And call and come..in bliss and lead me to the Sacred place ala Ritz

59 and 5th

For that Sacred Ritual and Rite of passage acted out of Sex and Sixth sense..

Which causes another explosion of Orgasm Extase Bliss..

Of The rest of the world awakening wave after wave after bliss full wave.

See the movie Perfume for that play


But a better version.

After which I E am finally led physical home by the I.E line..

Examples of Love and Clarity Harmony

Moon Sun and H-Earth.

See…all from a post of Brooke Banwer but I am reading on the level her and everyone’s posts and Expression on the E.M.F Band of the E Line…

5:O6 pm

*See Sacred Portal 56…

Supreme E.


Sam Elliot

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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