
Facebook Post..

37 year old Joe Kennedy….

737 Code from Amoza Born…373… 37-3… 42 00 112…

Is it in the true script….

Joe Kennedy… J K… 10 11… E Ga La XY…

This is what is playing on the T.V right now… the speech of the state of the Union.

In my script, I was not allowed to pass through the portal out of this dimension without first ensuring that If the E Harmony I represent is real and true… that it would also bring the World back to its senses and set it in the right course.

It must be noted that a great deal of this script is aligned to Pantheism Pan and the OINri Eri, Yeshua Christ, Siddartha Buddha, Allah Mohammed story..

One could call it, a logical Evolution and Progression but only after aligning it back to their original and true intention and blue Print and movement into the World and Minds of Humanity…. from the Eternal World.. the realm of the Epiphany….

That is why the Sacred Portal 87… and 31…

11:02 p.m.

11-02-12…. yes..

I did not hear Donald Trumps speech, I walked into Joe Kennedys speech…

Grandson of Robert Kennedy…

And named after Joe Kennedy…

Joseph Patrick Joe Kennedy Jr. was a United States Navy lieutenant. He was killed in action during World War II while serving as a land-based patrol bomber pilot, and was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. Wikipedia

Born: July 25, 1915, Hull, MA

Died: August 12, 1944, Blythburgh, United Kingdom.

He has a twin… Mathew… Joe Mathew… J M… / .M.J… 10 13… 23… 5…. 13.. 4.. M.D.

Kennedy has a fraternal twin brother, Matthew, who was born eight minutes before him (“the greatest eight minutes of my life,” Matthew said). The two went to Buckingham Browne and Nichols together, then to Stanford University together. Later, Joseph Kennedy and his brother entered Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School, respectively, at the same time. Matthew is now founder of an international business development consulting firm.

I am focusing on the Beautiful Truth Emerging…

I have had enough of looking into the Abyss of Evil…

E Vil… East Village.. I was led there all noted here ….4 years I stayed…and then on and off for 5 more years…

E.V… I.L… E 5… E Victorious… E 5th Dimension Infinite Limitlessness…

LIVE… L.I.V..E… L…12…I Victorious Expression… Light Individual Victorious Expression ( Inspires)… L 4.. L Delta E.. I am at Delta Manor… and Have lived in the equivalent of addresses for the last 13 years which all links to the number 4…. Color… Green is the 4th Color.. Green St.. Green Point.. Green and 4th Street… Sound Fa… F-A… 6 1…

There is no Evil in my trajectory in my investigation led by this wave,,, there was hurt rage betrayal but there was no Evil as a force…

11:22 p.m.

The only Evil I experienced was not in this Matrix Web Labyrinth….

What I saw was people being conduits.. choosing to be conduits of Non Existence by Negating the Truth of Others… the Truth all about them…

But the portal I was led to were at worst – responses from having Their Existences Negated and their voice not heard and those who made an Ärt and Science of it…

I will leave you to link the codes yourself….~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159911501120162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10159911501120162%3Atop_level_post_id.10159911501120162%3Atl_objid.10159911501120162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10159911501120162%3Astory_location.4%3Astory_attachment_style.share%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1514793600%3A1546329599%3A1758184078460683722&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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