
From Liberty C Liscomb – Posted

From Liberty C Liscomb

Posted this on my page, and I literally thought that she had posted herself. ( its the smile)
I tried to post it on Facebook, but It refused.

At 10:30 am I received some extraordinary Data ( but not at all surprising – since I had been coding this- the correct version of 2/3rd of the population will be wiped out) Intel from Jason Williams, Jason Williams again vital intel of the opposition. But you must recall, I also posted the movie “Vanquished” today. So you have an idea of exactly what I was Vanquishied in the 4th Dimension as Thought- and the 3rd as 3 D, and the code Bill Gates, is really Will I AM Gates. 7-23, remember where I moved to 7-23-2020… I was posting from 29 Lincoln Street.

3:16 pm.
Oh look at that- it’s the Family Car of the Gemino’s Gemma O’D. G OD. G D. 4 7 11 28= 39.

Thank you Jason and Liberty. J L= Jeron Lang 10 12- PS you do recall that Liberty and Jeron came here on that date 12-10-2020.
– For paying attention. Gemino. Gem-ma. Code Gem IN O.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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