
The Road Within….

The Road Within….

Watched this Last night, chosen by Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell..A Remake of the 2O1O movie Vincent Wants to Sea

Starring Robert Sheehan (The Misfits)… R.S./S.R ( Stone Ridge…S.R)

Robert means Bright Shinny Famous Light Sheehan means Peaceful Gentle Courteous

See face Book friend

Rob Barr R.B.

Roberto Todaro..R.T.

Robert Pasquine Mzena..R.P.M

Bob Bert Hans….B.B.H

Robert Plays plays Vincent…

Code in the Plays Vincent..

Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo…

Yes, the Character Robert even looks like my brother Nnamdi…

I saw him in Misfits and my mouth dropped Open..

The exact same energy.. My younger brother suffered from a Speech Impediment for a while…

And many people at first thought my conditions was Tourrettes until of course, that was dispelled..

-my movements and expressions though not controlled by me, does not express its self this way, the movements are graceful- very much Akin to being possessed by Beauty fighting a illusion of a Demonic Cruelty..

And the expression pour forth from me, in Beautiful Expression and graceful movements..Apart from when I am fighting to release my body from the discomfort which is changing my body physically…

Vincent means ‘Conquering

It also stars Devi Patel ( Meaning Heavenly Divine H.D..48, Patel means Head Man, Chief, and tenant of Royal Land…

He plays Alex.. Alexander means ‘Defender of Man

Zoe, meaning Life Karvitz,means Tailor… Life’s Tailor L.T..2012…

Plays Marie….Meaning Beloved…

Vincent Alex Marie.. V.A.M…V=5 as Well as Victory.. 5th Dimension E- Victorious A.M.

Aligned to Face book friends

Vincent Nnamdi O…

Alex Reyenga A.R

Aoi Alex Natsume A A n

Alex Cooper deVillers Art A.C.D.A

Evan ALexander Judson…E.A. J…51 J.

Angela Marie Alexander..A.M.A

April Marie Malone… A.M.M

Dawn Marie.. D.M

Gay-Marie Bradshaw..G..M.D

Eva Marie…E.M./M.E

We can observe how these initials align to the conscious in which in my codes points to Nnamdi, April 5th, 1969..Age 46…Code Sacred Portal 46, First Drop and 46O Face Book Friends…

Robert She-EH.An…R.S

Devi Patel…D.P

Zoe Kravitz…Z.K

Using the first letters of each name..


Notice the Code above links to Robert (Ruth) Donna (Devi) Zeina (Zorro)…

Road to Z (A-Z) Beauty…1989-2O15…

Road is Bright Famous and Shining for to the Companion Friend, witness of a Beautiful Vision of a Lady Heavenly Divine, Lady Mistress- Life and her Hero of the Golden Dawn.. the Beautiful One-ones.

Last Name:


Sacred Portal K as in 11-1..A Joy Us Divine Kolo- meaning All Round full Circle…Doppelgangers…


Alex Defender of Man’

Marie ‘The Beloved

The Conquering defender of Man is the Beloved Love..

Once I was lead’ to watch the series Mis-fits..M…M.F..

And saw this Actors energy and expression, I knew that it was the Play and the ‘Truth seeking to get my attention…

And last night witnessing this movie, and then looking back at the 26 years (that number still blows my Mind..26 years! doing this work under cover..), and to how I began conversing with the Silence and the Public, which was to communicate to the Family of beings undercover, going through what was being as disorders and mental illness- who Evans friend affirmed that he knew of so many young people who had conditions which were akin to mind and the hell and isolation they were going through.

Looking at the last 26 years and especially the last 14. 9-1O years in New York where Father E. Wind, (Nnamdi means Father Is Present)

I could not help but note at just how many people I was led to, the portals I had passed through, each being diagnosed with some new sort of disorder..From Autism, Deafness, Possessive and Obsessive compulsive disorders, eating disorders, A.D.D, Bi-Polar, and the number who were sent to Bellevue

(An Epidemic proportions), and pills, perscription pills, Violence in the Hood, drug addiction…

It did not take a Genius to figure out that I was being shown something…

There is not one of these people I encounter who were not identified by my own intel and their evidence presented to me, that these people were not only brilliant and could understand the E consciousness, and had access to much higher wave bands of perception.

But also these were the Evolutionary step of the Indigo Violet children to the last stage of Evolution… Robert Sheehan R.S

Rainbow Spectrum…Individual Expression. R.S..I.E




Moving from the 6-7th Wave Color Band…

The Illness was not in them, it was, and is with this World..

And the illness in the humanity are Parasites…

Jonn, created just caused me to posts to discuss from out the blue, Parasites. Ring Worms, Tapes Worms- Which most of the Human population host..

Then he said something which I knew was Nnamdi as D.O.C..

Not only do nearly all the people in the world have Parasites Worms..

*See Movie DUNE..

But that Hannah K..(H.K), a Homeophathic (Home O Path I.Cee) Healer, who he mentioned was so clean, traveling on the Yeshua Christ Frequency, had stated, was how the ultimate dark forces enter…

The Testers, I call them Satan…

The Assassins as well as the Purifiers..

The host which the body if naturally balanced efficiently evacuates these parasites…

But if not…

And that these portals for ultimate evil created by humans, not all, but those do not keep thoughts and expressions clean, are then used by the Evil, of an intelligence incredible, to infect other people through expressions which can create a universal epidemic and War.

It is Satans Devils cruel and awful lesson of Cleanliness…and Balance.

The fact that Jonn added the alignment of Parasites to the Darkest cruelest awareness call Evil, destruction Hatred- which exists in most of humanity.. That ability to awake evil in themselves..

Has been the curse of Humanity..

Like the condition of Tourrettes where expression of the greatest rage and anger and plane truth can not longer be suppressed…

That expression of Evil Hypocrisy we see in our interactions daily, yet we do not call out, we keep it in and act like everything is fine when we know that person we are working with dealing with is infected with Evil..

But not everyone has Parasites, most yes, but not all.

Just as most people do not trust each other because they are aware of that nature of Evil, the Devil? no, Humanity who when worse comes to worse, all the masks come out and underneath Humanities layers is not Beauty but Evil…

See Batman the Last two Movies…

*And just now Donna and I just had a conversation about Worm Wood and Wal-Marts…

We did an extraordinary riddle, she came out the moment I wrote Nnamdi D.O.C.. and what we both concluded by the Magical E.S.P of what transpired was the remedy…

I do not have Tourrettes, there is nothing in me that has not been tested to see if I would turn to Evil Expression, not even 26 years of frustration in every level of Existence, day in day out of being moved by scenarios to rage which many of you witnessed through the Last 45 months…

It was all about rage, but there is a way to not be infected, a way to prove that Humanity were created in Sin. Evil. because they nearly always disappoint themselves by wishing to be these Beautiful Heroic characters they idolize and create myths about, but end up falling short when push comes to shove..

Giving into Evil rather than their Beautiful Nature..

Victory came at the most horrendous cost of proving how parasites are representative of the Human Consciousness as Invaders..

Alien Invaders, the Parasite and the Host…P.H.H.P.. computer

Instead of the Host and the Guest.. H.G…..87 See sacred Portal 87 Restoring the World to its senses and sensie’s…

I was of the First Batch of people diagnosed in 1989 with Flight or Fright, Fight or Flight..

Before there was any awareness of it..

I was lead by chance to a Doctor who was cutting edge and spoke about the recent intel about a new condition..

I would say that I was at the Vanguard of all these new conditions and watched the Trend and condition escalate as I too was diagnosed with nearly all the noveau conditions…

None of which I took too seriously because I knew that there was nothing wrong with me, but there was a whole lot wrong with the Way the World worked..

Built on Hypocrisy and Parasites…

Conquering the Invasion of the Parasites (Tape is the Worm.. do you measure Up.. Ring Worm, The One Ring which unites All.. Top-az, Opal Diamond…Ring… D.O.T.R…Dot. R Ah…R Tod Death Fox..

X-OF..E…Went down the Rabbit Hole…

Victory! Conquering (Parasitic Invaders- lesson in Balance)

Divine Heavenly

Beloveds Love…B.L

Code name Budi Lass

4:O5 p.m

Passing Satan Santana Lotus Dharma- Devils Evil Test

of the Morning and Evening Star..

Lucifer Lucy…Melchidezek Myrrh…


Code Name Linda Margaret

12 12…. 13 13..



24=X….6 F

25=Y….7 G

26=Z… 8 H

4 5 6/ 5 4 6..


15 15…3O

54 54…1O8…18


I…Nn A.m Di

4:12 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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