
2/25/2016 18:46 – Facebook Post


L.L..S.R…1212..Stone Ridge…


X S.I.R..E


(Er ancient word for Earth)

L.M..12 13.. 25..7
B.J.A..2 1O 1…21..3….


Everything can be read in a Universal Simulation Hologram..
it just takes knowing how to read your Reality, and recognize your creation
What you created and then compare it to the blue Print of the Creator..
Universe Nature Existence.. Light, Life, Body…Expression..

And you witness the Truth,
as to Who created the Monster
the True Mad Professor…T..M.P../
P.M.T…and who created Beautiful Harmony Infinity…

Like Sun-Day…
Like Reign…

5-14 p.m
5:15 p.m

See sacred portal 14-5Evolution of Consciousness, to manifest physical birth.. Brook Line, Robert Francis Kennedy…Brookline M.A.

See Sacred Portal 15.. “Jolly Green Giant coming down the Mountain”

See Gay-Marie Bradshaw post and comment 5:15 p.m


5:18 p.m


Mary Shell-Y
Victor Franken..St e.i.n…
Frankincense… Frank Incense..
Holy of Holies
Enyiagu Afam Samuel
Kelly Hanna
Zeina Hanna…

Ruth- A Vision – a Seed and a See planted in you..
Which blossoms at V..1-7..Crown Chakra..
Which allows you understand that it is not Vision but the
Of my Truth and your Ti-V..
is airing the Actuality of from the See and Cee
of the E Dimension..
Evolution already completed at

Frank means Free Person..
Incense is

a. An aromatic substance, such as wood or a gum, that is burned to produce a pleasant odor.
b. The smoke or odor produced by the burning of such a substance.
2. A pleasant smell.
tr.v. in·censed, in·cens·ing, in·cens·es
1. To perfume with incense.
2. To burn incense to (a deity, for example) as a ritual offering.

or and..

“in·censed, in·cens·ing, in·cens·es
To cause to be extremely angry; infuriate.
[Middle English encensen, from Old French incenser, from Late Latin inc?ns?re, to sacrifice, burn, from Latin inc?nsus, past participle of incendere, to set on fire;:

Why would the noun and the verb-adjective align to two means of one world..
Like one portal leading to Two outcomes..

I will solve this riddle-because I have often recounted one of the clues left by my brother Nnamdi after he “Passed”away, but was still present was that the incense burned during his wake and funeral followed me all the way back from the country- to the city, where we lived- it was so strong that I finally exclaimed that Nnamdi was present.. yet no one could smell it but me…

Incense ..
Loki is the Norse God of Fire and Trickery, much as Ekwensu and Eshui in Igbo and Yoruba..Crossing Guards..

The truth of your being, is recorded in your scent..
The Sweet Sweet smell, so pleasant is the scent of a free man..
The Body Being is the Incense Stick, and the portal to the E realm is a forcefield which
causes you to heat up (Kundalini Fire.. Fire Monkey.. 1-7 Chakra-Lotus Santana)
The Free Man or woman feels desire K to Crown Chakra to Cee..H.I.E..harmony Infinity Eternity…
The give of the scent of Freedom…And that is how the pass through merging with Evanescent Light..E.L of Harmony Infinity..

While others who are filled with fear, and whose bodies and beings reflect all the Expression they enacted out in their life’s and is not in Harmony with their Natural Blue Print of Existence..
The begin to burn, and feel the fire of Anger, at those who betrayed thier truth and their guides and sensie, who fought a whole life time to help the persons ascend but the person refused..
Well recall the story of Ma’at – and the weighing of your Heart.. Light as a feather.. on scale of Justice..
Recall the Beast which gobbles up the evil hearts..
Recall the Belly of the beast 666..18..47 months on sacred portal 47..Entrance into the Abyss?”

DD.. H

One Door which leads to Destinations
True Life..
Or Existential Death…
the 4th Kind..
realm of destruction for the destroyers all all form of Harmony-Peace.

5:46 p.m.
E: 46..

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