
3/9/2017 20:09 – Facebook Post

3/9/2017 20:09 – Facebook Post

4:47 p.m.

Delta 47… 11 28.. C.I…


I See… We are at 940 Face Book Friends with the arrival of
Carole Adena Orear..

I saw that Hary Spencer had liked the Sacred Portal 94
And added a thoughtful and sincere comment there which I appreciated…
But please remember People, that is has been 49 years…
28 of such endurance that my Heart has become beyond Diamond Hard from that which I understood and Experience..
All that does not simply magically go away because “You get it”
at last.

Would that be fair to all those who went through such Hells and became scarred by peoples thoughtlessness and indifference ..
It would mean that it mean it is better to be the worst Creature than the most Beautiful and Harmonious…
And wait to get a Free Pass and Entitlements,as so many in the Shelter system in America and Africa… feel..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic also hinted when he spoke of Independence Day…
And here we are at 940 Face Book friends…
But which is It…
Independence Day…. or Identities given back to Humanity…

Is it my Independence and my Id Revealed?
Which of course, has been inexorably entwined with yours…
So they are linked…

( I am trying to not get angry right now…)

Independence from you. of my having to live with you, pass through your portals, link with you, read your codes, comments, texts because that is the where the Abominations who played Mother Father- by reflecting your expressions – Sum Total- wangled…

Independence, that from Money codes, of having to ask you for money, all set up so that I would have interaction with you whether I was in the mood for it now…?
Independence from Housing, after 49 years of not having my own home…
Always through others, and the only time I fought and got my own homes each time taken away..
So that there would be forced interaction with me the dependent whom you could later convieniently call leech, Weed, user…
And use as an excuse to deny the truth which took place behind closed door….?
Independence from having people able to dictate where I sleep.
and who can put me in dormitories even if logic and my condition dictates that he could die, from the effect of an over sensitized body stimulated constantly 24-7, and trained forced to be alone an entire life time to be pure enough to use for this purpose…


Independence for my body, so I have my body back, and not this alien awful feeling of another who has taken over your body and your breath and words…
And allows all Channels to pass through your body, and of course the Dead to rise and converse through you..
Using you language and knowledge you were trained to study day and night for that job…

Independent from manipulation, coercion, cruelty, slavery for the benefit of all..
Where all Moral Laws are suspended…

Hmm.. Independence Day… Is it for me or you…

5:00 p.m.

It must be for you of course, I am released only after being used and seen that E Harmony does work and He did it…
so now it is done…
We do not Need him anymore…
Fine fine, as long as I am gone and believe me
nothing will bring me back here ever….

So yes, I saw H.S…like that post and promise me release…
I saw Nenads text and know that it was not for me…
Only A-Lien to me.. that is fine… fine I expect nothing less from the Cruelty I have finally accepted..
As Long as I am gone from here and you forever…

And understand how this was ever even possible so that it can never be done to me or any of those who are the Me…

Whose Independence Day… I.D..
Not mine, I was born free until I met Thee…

In 2012 on Independence Day- still trusting Eternal Law, even after all I had been as evidence that it had been betrayed here..
Even after Geoff LaCours warning…. The Sum Total have betrayed you…
I left 26 8 after being so deeply insulted that Ravi Singh so horrified at what I was being forced to put up with, who he himself had no home… Turned to me and said lets go…
No man especially of your Ilk deserves this…
Fritz Venneiq had done the same thing, in 2010, so horrified by the treatment I had to put with at 268 that he said better to live outside in a Pelham Bay Park..
The both knew I had endured it because this was the place of Manifestation- the End space where my Family of E were meant to meet me because it was the end of the story of the 4th Dimensions..
2006.. 26… 10-11 years ago.
A Seer called Marcia I testified and wrote her at that time that she said that my Family where here, that she could hear them behind a great Wall calling my name…
That they could not get past a Wall…

Ravi Singh.. R.S… and I.E…
Once again I was ecstatic- Home!
I just could not conceive of what had the power to circumvent stop Eternal and Divine Law… not even a Story can usurp the E Law…

5:26 p.m.

Instead of the Freedom.. Independence Day… ID
We went to Elizabeth’s home where I met John David and Billy Hung…
And went to Forte Lauderdale where Billy quizzed and observed me non stop…
working solving riddles aloud 24-7… even when I slept…
And then he added the burden of providing him Evidence Proof..
Which ‘Earned” me a place with Ravi… a Home…
And then hotels and then a Home in Kew Gardens- with strings attached…
And that was the last time I ever trusted the Liars once the Truth…

That was 5 years ago…

5:31 p.m.

It takes a unfathomable Evil. and cruelty to do this to anyone..
Much less the Truth….

They tell me when I can leave…
Is that not hilarious…
5:33 p.m…
The Carbon Copies…

I still stupified…

As you obviously can see..

I sleep in a cot with 14 other men in the worst possible place while my body is morphing before all these “Homeless” Men…
And a staff who yawn as I contain myself threatening the Pysch Ward if I can not keep it under control..
Where every moment, everyday is an Energetic Power play tussle, tug of war with Spirit Illusions demons…

I sleep there each night while people call me blessed, the Chosen ones, the Gift… While the Drink my Blood- drain take demand

No. I am perfectly aware of just how far this has gone…
I Sleep there every night….

And to be perfectly Honest with you..
Though I know exactly what this is meant to be..
I really no longer recognize what this even is..
Even I am waiting- ( Without holding my breath) of what this really is…

So… to be entirely truthful with you all…
I have no idea what is coming.
Despite being so sure of what to Expect.

Despite being so sure of whatT to Expect.s continuosly confirmed as the Truth..
Then It is not I who should be worried..
I have no hate for Humanity even this diseased consciousness…
I loved you so much because I saw you in me, but I knew over a decade ago that I could not stand by and watch even a Story of a man who has given so much to inspire a World to rise.. go through such a trial..

No, it is you who should be worried because I am Fair…
No matter what has been done to me I do not even now react with Hate or unbridled rage- despite being taunted to move that day and night…
I fight calmly to hold that anger in check and fight for Justice not just for me but for ever person who ever lived, who fought for the Beautiful Truth…

No, this thing is a Horror which can, almost closed my eyes to Existence and to almost regret why it rose…
It is not me…

This thing is Beyond Evil and cruelty… No words.

You should be worried because if I have fought it this long with true power and it is still here, and its twin still moving me even now, to still post….

Then there is nothing sure and more…

And what I represent is the WALL that has kept it back and thus..
truly… Humanities Last Hope.. as well as its Doom.

5:58 p.m.

Now that, that has been said- for whatever purpose it solves


7:09 p.m

Blue Print of Existence

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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