
7/17/2019 3:50 – Facebook Post

From Kristina Michelle Womack


S E..
Spirit E…

John Mack

Saturn 6th Planet and 3rd
Earth 3rd Planet 6th from outside.

6 3. Wins the play
F C.
Full Circle

John what did you and your friend Seven Borfman say about Saturn.

And you should see the last piece placed on the Altar
From Eton /

3:30 p.m

Yes First Contact..

That is what I have been linking
The arrival of the Unseen.

No more weaving and linking

TT S O L. T. 79+27… 106. 16… “166 22 13 M.V
( To The Silence on last time)

TTTS… 79… 16 P
Talking To The Silence

36 was completed via Christopher Andrew Filgueria.

63. 6 30 1988. Sarah Athena Minerva..

Bermuda Triangle
Aqua Man.

I felt no desire to convince people of this play being about the arrival first energetically of the True meaning of the Eternal Family.

For the moment most have translated to meaning which feed, their own sense of self worth and the belief that their beliefs rule the Truth of Manifestation
Which is alright as a delusion as long as they people stayed clean and so to align to their Higher Nature.

How could I seek to convince them what my coding and Communication is all about?

Look how much hell, just to get them to pay attention to their contribution to.their own evolution awakening..

No, I stated it enough times..

3:43 p.m.

But I realize that perhaps you Dear John and perhaps Kim very soon understand the meaning of the code
They Lived Before Adam..
T L. A B..
And sacred portal 12..
L A B.

T L= E

E A B..
Area 51. B.. Bermuda Triangle represented by a Person since all the Equations Notes and God Particles are represented by Living Energy
Human Avatars ..

3:47 a.m.
3:48 a.m.

This is beyond the Human Play or Awareness..
But not the Evolved Hue Man beings.

3:50 p.m.

3 5 O

3 56..

3 11

3 2

3 1



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