
From Inari Okami-Sama

From Inari Okami-Sama

About a week ago, I was walking down Freeman Ave and I saw a Car with a licence plate which read PHOTONS

It was just after the John Mack play with Sacred Portal 97.

Brain Cranium ..Light of the World

Attention Observation has a Quabtum Effect of Photons

Light generated from nothing.

But from Attention Observation

Expression is what creates Energy..

Which creates Vibration through Focus and Attention

And then Waves of Movement ..Manifestation Embodied

E. E V. M.W. M..E. B…

This is what I have been doing life on my page. using Focus and Attention ..

While using my will to riddle out the constant distractions from body, to the Ancestors rising in me, to income ( Tho ugh Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer and Portal of Jesse Macias has made the last portals of money used against me, much much better )

The whole idea these last 29 years has been to Stay Focused.

My hardest distraction is my constantly reflecting of my mother. Is she well is she safe, the suffering and her isolation much as mine..And my Uncle Sir P.

And how pedantic and dogmatic this whole process has become..

But not even that can thwart my focus

29 years..

When I find myself saying 29 years 18 years.. the hurt and incredulity…

Part of me says it’s impossible..

That such an amount of time has passed.

But still I have sustained and maintained by focus even to this point….

Where I am at a home with codes of E Q .C Q

Quan.. Quantum every where by my focus and Attention through a play theater and it’s script, of Evil and Cruelty ( truly beyond belief

.but then have people really looked at the True amount and depth of Cruelty in the World?

It’s bad so bad… watch T.V

Take a walk in the Streets of New York..the workd

Read the Newspapers…)

And transform it to E C

Energy is Consciousness Clarity which creates Light. full Circle Supreme Expression

E C. L. O S E. It creates Harmonics.. Music of the Spheres

M O T S… Words..

E C. Creates Harmony Music

Which is what the Universe is made of and Music activates 100% of the Human Brain – a computer..

Aligned to a Holographic Universe..

H U. E M. A N. U E.L.

4:14 p.m


D N E..

Thank you Inari for sharing this ..

Evidence Proof of my expression and equations confirmed through my constant doing and then echo confirmed even in this World.

That is how I know it’s is manifested

My E Q


And even my Object Art Science Installation

effect reality..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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