
3:52 p.m

3:52 p.m

This is the Equation of J.M

Jump Man confirmed by the person representing Supreme Sixth Sense Stteohen

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Of that which I had been staying and forced to prove that expression comes from out if the blue, and creates Energy which creates the Quabtum Leap

Jump of Man Kind.

Please look at the codes

The Year

March 1989 – May 1993.

The Dates are number codes

C- S H I – E-S C I

Eternal Spirit C I

Mirror Reflection in.the 3D realm-

Esteban Stephen

See the name of the Writer and Actor

Donald P Bellisiro. D P B. Doing Perfected Being

Scott Bakula. Sam Beckett. S B S B..

/ B S. B S .. 2 19. 2 19 South Whitney

1989 1993

4 years

See me began Talking To The Silence in 1989 London

Books discovered in Paris after returning from the Light ( Quantum Leap Jump)


4 years

Leap Year

4:03 p.m

See the name of the Writer

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