
4/7/2016 18:55 – Facebook Post


All I can do is smile; Revelations

Supreme Harmony Infinity Victorious Ah!

When the Planet Earth..Nature responds
as an Echo confirming the Awakening…

Shiva /??iv?/; Sanskrit: ?iva, meaning “The Auspicious One”, also known as Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev (English: Lord of the Lords… Mahadev), is one of the three major deities of Hinduism. According to Hindu mythology, Shiva is the form of Vishnu and Brahma yet one is still one with them. He is known for being the God of Gods in Hinduism. He is Anant, one who is neither found born nor found dead. He is the Parabrahman within Shaivism, one of the three most influential denominations in contemporary Hinduism.[2][3] He is one of the five primary forms of God in the Smarta Tradition,[2] and “the Transformer”.[4]

At the highest level, Shiva is regarded as limitless, transcendent, unchanging and formless”..

The Transformer of the Formless into that which is Informed..

The Vishnu Shiva Devi.. V.S.D…D.S.V…
Dina Singh..D.S..
Donna O’Sullivan D.S..V..5 68…

Add Krishna and Brahma ..K.B../B.K.. Kristine Baluba..K.B..
Recall that Play…?
Of the three leaving the play..?
Kristen Baluba,
Jonn Blackwell.. 5 43
Donna O’Sullivan…5 68..

Vishnu has 1O Aspects J.. Links to Jonn..
K.B..Have to check when She came back as-
The Two and the Five.. 2 5…7..1O..17..8..
58..E Harmony..
Ka- is also 5-8 aspects..Egyptian..

Which leads me to B.T.. which Jonn Blackwell brought up to today and such a barrage of Intel from Santana Dharma V..”Eternal Law”
Eternal Truth…an E.T Consciousness of Infinity.. But I can not relay all of this to you now…

What is the difference between the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying…

Note the code.. T.B.O.L.A.D
Tom Benzian
Orien Laplante
Amit Dhawan

Which would indicate it is the correct alignment of the which the Energy God Code as well as the E.M.F of the planet wished was bringing to my-our attention..
As Well as the link between Buddhism and Hinduism ..B.H
Divine spark by Jonn informing me about how Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead got the name of their group..
From Jerry Gracia- J.G..Jog your memory.. Through Music..
Or through as Donna O’Sullivan just came back and informed me of the meditation in which she was trained, it was through Silence, Chanting, actions for often 1O hours…Vishnu…

Silence by going within..
Music which just comes out…
In Out..

*Believe me the synchronicty which Jonn and Donna display in providing intel…
I mean did I not just write that equation on Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones post?

Jonn first spoke of the Beatles, George Harrison who happened to be one of my favorite Beatles..
He was unaware that he was wearing the T Shirt as he downloaded intel on G.Harrison then moved to Jerry Garcia…then linked it by natural playing Dear Prudence-a Beatle Song which is played by the Grateful Dead.. B.G.D..
2 7 DEVI..27 was Easter..
2 7 4…

Then Donna came into expand upon the story of Dear Prudence who was the sister of Mia Farrow…M.F….Mia/Aim…F.Arrow..Aim F Arrow..
The Aim of the Arrow from Jupiter, the Saggitarians Bow… Cup-ID’s Bow was is..Facts.. E.H.F…6th Sense, the Ethereal Essence transformed into Expression then Energy then Solid Real.. Physical Matter…

Jonn Blackwell 6th Sense to Donna O’Sullivan Fact..
Santana Devi Vishnu…
Sullivan Delguidce (Black Well) Double V V
Link Vilaystarloveceleste Sunmoonfree
Victor (Me, my British name)
Krishna Brahma
Grandmother Turtle…
Kristen..Kris T.E.N…
Krishna Christ T.E.N.. The Elegant Nomad…
See the Story of the Baluba people of Congo and their Creation story..

I was once offered book book..
The Egyptian Book of the Dead… and
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying


I read rejected the book of the Dead…
But took the Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying
Bado Thodol..B.T.. The Beautiful Truth…
I never read it fully nor studied it..
Just as I never read the Egyptian book of the Dead when three years ago a beautiful version was offered to me…
I read a few passages and then gave it as a gift to David John..of Queens when Billy Hung, Ravindra Singh and I were departing for Florid via Savannah…Savannah Blair…

Shyam Allan.. Shy a.m ALL-AN..SH..YAM…ALLA Nnamdi…

All recorded here on this Face Book play…

Because I unconsciously -consciously knew that I represented
the present story, not of the Past..
And my present story- depicted in The Elegant Nomad.. T.E.N
through the Beat poets Allen Ginsberg.. A.G..1-7
And On the Road by Jack Keroac, J.K..11 1O/ 1O 11.. Ga La XY..Z C.I
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy…Douglas Adams.. Da..
Da Enlightens…
That I live in the Present..
And the Book would I have written on Face Book.. 4- Books, one forevery Year will reveal the Beautiful Truth.. of B.ALL

“This is particularly so in the case of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Tibetan title, Bardo Thodol, does not refer to death as such. Thodol means “liberation through understanding.” Bardo means a “between state,” an interval or transition between two mental states, whether experienced in life or after death. Hence the work’s Tibetan title (which might be translated more literally as Liberation through Understanding the Between) alludes to bardo states that may be experienced at any point over the cycle of life, death and rebirth, yet the work itself overtly discusses only the bardo states experienced during death, offering explicit instruction on how to navigate them.

It is difficult to appreciate the significance of the work’s overt content without a sense of its larger cultural context. The Bardo Thodol presupposes a cosmology of human experience in which existence is viewed as inherently fluid and impermanent, as involving a series of stages, of which death is merely one.

The mind or soul continues to live after death, undergoing a series of experiences before rebirth. Human beings are believed to be able to guide themselves through the entire cycle by creating a more focused self-awareness through their powers of concentration, augmented, ideally, by means of meditation.”

6:55 p.m


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