
4/7/2016 17:15 – Facebook Post

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones


*This is a long post- it morphed into a linking and weaving and equation.

This is marvelous intel. once more affirming our own evolution.
That by listening to different kinds of music we are able to access parts of our brain which our conscious minds are not able to access.

And the two and fro music, which I can not help but see correlates to a recent face book friend of mines name means the very same thing- “To and fro from the the Temple, creating a Round-Circle”- meaning that the exploration of sound, waves through music helps create a greater ease of the Lexicon Vocabulary…
And this to and fro would be akin, to Brain literally acting like the Spinning planet Earth…
Meaning the Earth and the Human brain are not only one and the same, but each act like an Ear, taking in the Universal Harmonics in Nature Space and through filling space with music… intelligent music- which for me is based on the composition itself, the composer..His or her conveyance of their story..

Which would mean that the Human brain as well as the planet
EAR-T.H..E..B..”Ear is The expression of the Nature of Being..
The Ear and the ability to Hear, Listen Hearken to the summons of that which inspires us to create music- Vibrations Sounds,feelings which we absorb as Harmonies..Beautiful. moves us and the planet to become likes Banks, Repositories of all these waves of Energy filled with intention- which we hear and do not hear.. we absorb, we Feel Sensations- and then storing them in our “Libraries. Our Bodies, the Earth is all this knowing of Everything contained in the Invisible Orchestra, Natures Symphony..

We then became the Transformers of that Silent Symphony, we begin to see a story meaning.. The same way the planet, our twin, transforms that Music from Space, the surrounding universe, into expression which we call Nature…
We know that the song of Existence, the of Space has to be Beautiful because the Heavens are Beautiful.. The Earth Expression of that Symphony translated from Unseen, to Seen, is not only Beautiful but has Order Logic, meaning grace…everything, to sustain a Species called Man…
Its Twin.. Both being Vessels..
Thus, the Earth is alive and conscious because it responds to Music.. All plants and living things respond to Music.. They are the Expression of the Earth.. And the Earth is a Literal bank a library and memory bank, filled withe the meaning and the knowledge of Everything because the 4.543 Billion years Planet, has been absorbing the Universal Harmonics Invisible Sound and transforming it into visible Nature for that much Time..

( For those following me equation and codes.. please note the numbers, 4.5..43.. April 5th, D.C..43 7 12.. Milky Way 13.21 billion”M.U-..S..I.C”… Moon 4.53, “D.E.C..December, Mars 4.503…D.E.O.C..All the Sun 4.5 Billion.. Notice Earth Moon Sun..and Mars all have basically the same ages?
4.5 Billion years old…A Billion is 9 0’s.. and we have 9 planets in our Solar System..And it takes 9 months for a Human Baby to be born, and I have been at 18 Mountain View in a “Play set up before I arrived, chez Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan” for almost 9 months, in the 4th Dimension or Note or Wave Length Fa!…
9=Letter I.
Mars is the 4th Planet…Aries the Ram… Mars/..S.Ram..S.R..A.M…

*Hmm just got some intel there… I am at Stone Ridge upstate New York.. S.R..A.M..is a code- I am about to leave this venue, my last day set at the 19th in common agreement with D.J/J.D..But this intelligence affirms what I had read, decoded and calculated that the Awakening begins here, occurring at the same time at my former location..
Time 1:47 p.m..
Again more intel..
at 268 East 4th Street…; P.S, that is how I listen and transform as the Earth does, the music of the flow of my brain to finger to flow of words on this post, decoding the flow of music of this rhythm…
As you can see, it is moving this post as if my its own will..
It is my “Awareness” of its flow, and my expression being moved by the harmony reasoning of the meaning become clearer and clearer to me of the Silent, quiet music flowing begins to form a picture…

I am at 568 Face Book Friends, 268 is 5 2..68..B.68..E..68..
This is the 5th time I have been at 568 Face Book friends..
Donna was the 2 person to land on 568..2-68..to 5 68…
I came from 268 4th street where I was there on an off for 9 years..
Explaining how I was aware that while living and walking in New York City that I was walking Home across the Galaxy to my Home, while walking through Earth to its inception, and through Human Timeliness and their Stories, aligning them to Common sense through reason as I moved through each “Space”- on land, then on Face Book for the last 4 years…

Which I am doing on the “Space” Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones” has provided, which became the Stimulation and Catalyst which awaken the “Divine Spark” in me, which created this Electrical chargee and current, to induce a flowing of knowledge, from my Brain Library Akashic Records, to Express explain link the story of Music..Milky Way M.U..S.I.C..”Si C”
-Moving through the link between the Body as a living Ear just as the Earth is, and a Transformer- which after “Percolating” in the Darkness (Contemplation Quiet Silence..)..begins to get the point.. Stars Seeds, first appearing as Dots, Points of Epiphanies..Notes begin to appear, full of Meaningful Understanding Silence Is Consciousness..M.U.S.I.C..
“The Song of Silence”- Gradually like a natural composer, the Brain..
Like a Computer..

Yes Susanta Nayak…

Begins to organize the Notes Dots because there is “Meaning Understanding Supreme I.Cee! In them.. Music..
And then from the Note expanding in circular motion, resonating with meaning, a line, Ray, tendril sprouts from that note.. A Wave.. Christ!
Meaning, “Words Anointed Vibrations Expression Supreme” W.A.V.E.S.. begin to out..
The brain “Synapses” reach out from each note, seed, Star, Epiphany, connecting like roots of a tree to the square root and meaning of each note linked and connected to its own meaning..
A logical flow…
until the composer “Inspired!” Elated grows in awareness of the Harmony the magic the meaning, the explosions of color, feelings sensational as more he, she links the Music begins to form and suddenly out from the Mouth of Silence, A Rose Blossom, Opening up its petals in a replication of the movement of its Individual recognition of that symphony. A Graceful lily is the Synaptic Neurotransmitter, linking reaching become charged with meaning and light, the more the composer, the one who listen, moved by sixth sense begins to hear..See..Understand…the logic and flow of where his daily posts will flow to…
But it must be given expression, that which is in the Darkness must flow to light, must give expression Voice to that Unseen, that which is Silent.. which must, must burst into Sound…

And so, the intel states that 268 is linked to 568..25/52..68..
A Matrix linked to and Universal Simulation…
Alberto S linked to Donna S..
A.D..1-4/4-1..Da Enlightens…
SS..Santana Sophia..Dharma Wisdom…D.OW..L.A.W..

That the Earth is Conscious and Aware, much as a Brain, with the Earth is the Akashic Records, the Memory and remembrance of All..
It is made of Silence music and Its Expression..
The Music is the Electro Magnetic Frequency of the Earth connected the reservoir in our own brains..
By exercising, our brains- literally taking it jogging, dancing swimming.. it will access the hidden parts of our brain, and the E.M.F Current which runs through the Earth Brain as well as the Human Brain begin to link Connect form a Nexus..
And suddenly your body becomes a G.P.S system navigated by the Earth, and its Akashic records moving you as if you were literal a piece on a Ouiji Board..
Note moved by the Hands of Fate, but by the Original intention of the Composer in the Silence, the creation of Energy as Fractals of “Meaning”
-Light under cover as “Krishna” the Black Blue Prince…which transforms back into original Light, “Christo Crystallization” of the Music has been understood..

John Carre.. Jon a Square.. The Creators Grace is the Square..
Mars Earth Moon Sun…
M.E.M.S…4 which forms a square Cube… Each 4.5 Billion years 4.5 (9)…

Link 5 67 f.b friend…Vilaystarloveceleste Sunmoonfree..
Mars Earth.. 4th Planet from the Sun…
Earth 3rd Planet from the Sun.. 4 3…
Sun and Moon..Twins…
Earth 4.543 Billion years old.. See Sacred Portal 43.. True Life..
68 is Sixth Sense in Harmony.. F.H…Energy “Expression” F.H.E
Donna license plate is E.H.F..

M.E..M.S.. 2 Planets 1 Sun 1 Moon.. 2 11 (B.K..Book) .21..U..Universe..
Milky Way 13.21 Billion Years Old.. 13=M, 21=U..M.U…S=19..19th..9 0’s 9=I.
I.C.. Galaxy I.C 1101…
The Largest and most Beautiful Galaxy recently discovered by Humanity
M.W 13.21..

Forms a Cube..M.E.M.E.S…
All One and the Same Thing..
4 in 1 creates 5.. E..Expression Energy the Twins who form the Cube..
And Energy comes from Expression..the 1.

4 1..5..2..1…
5 21..
Esther Uzoma
The Star of the Beautiful Way…
My brother Nnamdi, a reflection of my own expression, was born on Easter April 4th..4-5-69….5-4-69…
Thus he would represent Energy (Quiet), and I who have been expressing posting non stop would represent both Silence and Sound, because I can explain Silence as well as Sound..
And I recall, in the Nothingness my Brother Twin Self Expression slept with me.. My bed mate and lover in that “Nothingness” I recall I slept..was the Quiet.. My Beloved Quiet Heart..

I was content…

The Universe is a Square and a Circle…

The Planet and my body moved me on a playing Field called New York City in the U.S
*Recall Alberto whom everyone called US.. who as David Roman Nicholas was who woke up in the story as Thor and Christ, T.C, had woken up to see Father as a Computer in the Universe- affirming U.S.. Universal Simulation U.S.. and a Computer.. A Brain.. what he forgot to mention was that there was a person, working behind the Computer, Typing and programing the Universal Simulation…Matrix..

Matrix Universal Simulation I.C…MUSIC..

Which is what the Universe is..
A Room filled with Music
A School of Art Music-Arithmetic Math and Science..
Academy of Magic…
A University of Creativity to learn the process of Creation
Transformation of Energy, through Expression..

Quantum Mechanics..through the
Quiet Heart…
Who Listens, Hearkens to the Summons..
The Call of the Earth, Ear The Earths Beginning
Energies Beginning, Existences Beginnings..

And if you listen to its “Mpo” Call
it will tell you a story, by leading you down a path never trodden before except by the One who first walked the Earth Alone..
Mother Earth..The Mother of the Earth, was a Man, from Beyond
who manifested full Circle Expression which transformed into the Round Earth…
The Earth remembers that One..
The Body does too..

And as all observed, Its music, or the path it lead me on was full of Meaning Understanding Supreme I.C…
And it broke down everything the music into a Lexicon Vocabulary O.E.. L.O.V.E.. And the message in the End was M.E..Manifest Expression Universe, saying the exact same thing as I have been saying..
“It is time.. It is Time to Evol.v.e…”

Evolution comes from going to and fro…
Such as an Elegant Nomad..
This is how one, like a weaver, carver,
manifesting at the End the Solid Truth..Fact.

Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones E.N.O..J
Jon E..
Jon is Emeka..
Whom I met at 19 years old..

I came to 18 Mountain View with 20 U.S.D..
Meaning that before I came here I had already passed the play of 19..Supremacy at 147, The Bean Cafe…
I was at T already…
I moved to New York 3-20-2001…
I moved to Paris 1-20-1991..
Sacred Portal 20 is T.C Lady Echo response…
Played out by Donna…from 268 where we linked to 18 Mountain View- to 568 Face Book friend..
20 is Letter T..RUTH..
I came to New York first with Jon in 1999 D.E.C.E.MB.ER 19 is S..
But moved here alone 20 01..20-T..01..O.A..21..T-U..
Tu is an informal “You” in French, 21 is U..Universe..

I came here on a mission of the Truth moved to Universe..
Truth of the Universe…Is You…
The Informal You.. The Natural you..
Nature True.. Nikolai Tesla..
True Nature.. T.N…2014..

Meaning I was dragged back into a play of Supremacy of the 19th Century when it had already been established by the Festival of Paylasmak, being the literal code of the Universe Supreme..
The very first Universe Consciousness U.C to manifest..
U.C.I./ I.C.U…
You See Infinity -I See You…
A Fair Exchange..Literally Infinity…
C is Light Motion.. Light Clarifies that which already Is…

Jon is Grace , Light is Grace…
Existence is Sharing…
And so Istanbul Turkey.. I.T… Is A Belle Treasure?
No, intentionally went to Paris to End the 19th Century
And End the Struggle for Supremacy, play to enter the Truth play..
That is why my Brother and Self appeared, why the Beautiful Ones sent Durek Verrett, why the Ancestors sent one I knew from Nigeria who was in Israel…
It was my summons to this play in 2000..20=T because they recognized I represented the Truth…
Which means that the 19th century was about Supremacy of Consciousness, and the Struggle as to which principle of Existence, or way of seeing Existence Life was Supreme.
A play I was not part of but which I witnessed, and experienced, which my Unseen and Seen Sensies used as for my Training, to face what I realize now was not only the world view but that which they did not forsee..
Betrayal of Trust by those who felt that their Cee was despite the Truth being already in Existence, refused to concede to the Truth.

It had never occurred to the Energy Nnamdi, Nature that anyone or anything could deny the true..
The concept did not compute..
But this was a Holograph of cause and effect..
Not real, a Universal Simulation of cause and Effect..
Which entertains all possibilities, even that which is not even of Existence..
So lesson of cause and effect are learn”t
Which is how the unforeseen transpired..

That which was already foreseen,
by me.. because I am and was literally inside the play..
And only by existing undercover in the 1-4 Dimension of the Human Experience could see that unforeseen by others outside..
That Human Beings could do they inconceivable,
meaning literally deny the Eternal Truth…
Energy God.. The Music.. And the Song of the Quiet heart..
Despite it moving them and making them rise…then fall..

Why the Fall..
And what was the reason for their denial of the Eternal Truth..
To do so it literal Existential Suicide…

Only to find that their Cee and Consciousness
was affected by the illusion of their broken hearts…
their broken dreams and the illusion of Broken hearts..
Who are born into this world Joyous so full of Love. but then are left with the experience that they were and are not worthy, valued or truly seen and love..

And when it does come, True Love
they betray it because it is such a nightmarish experience
in this world to Trust the Truth..
Will the Truth protect you..
Most found that this was no longer true..

And so, that was at the base of my digging so deep,
and that which Energy Intelligent could not see,
that one thing which makes Humans so unique to the
Original E… within them.. the Unseen becoming seen..

Humanity required the Clarity Of Divine Expression..Supreme Truth Of
C.O.D.E..S..Of the Truth that they are truly born from One love…

4:21 p.m.
Four U…

This what the Codes are for, for each to experience for themselves, Uniquely and Individually, how and why they are worthy of love…

Self Empowerment..
Comes from this Personal but now also collective understanding of in Clarity the meaning of Truth is Love…
The Beautiful Truth..
Thus I realized why I was dragged back to 19 while moving to 21..
Back and for, to and fro… Going round

In a Circle…

And like a pebble in a round Bowl…
in a Cube bisected to reveal a circle Hollow…
The First Drop of Expression..now a ball,
finally comes to rest…
Centered…on the Point of Existence..
and being more that just One..Awareness
but Being ALL…

5:11 p.m.


5:12 p.m

E L..En-Lightens

5:14 p.m


5:15 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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