
2/16/2021 21:17 – Facebook Post

5:11 pm.
E K.

Intel from Liberty C Liscomb.

T S B. & S P.
T.B. & S P.

Link T S The Source Being. Sacred Portal.
T. S B S P/
B S T… ( 2 19 South Whitney. Tom- ( Twin) P .S. ( Track and Field Liberty was a track and field Star.

You can simply cross-reference my codes with the codes on my page with this.

Donald Trump. D T… 4 20. “Weed Cannabis” all played out on my page and with as most recently with the post of Erik Ebright .

The power of the codes is that you have to walk through them personally, to map it out from numbers to meaning from Numbers and once the two have aligned and confirmed by an Echo and then once you understand the Source Codes.

It requires more than just breaking down the numbers ( though it is a start)

The codes can not be seen as Fact unless they publicly confirm and echo confirm “Correct” ( which is why this is not real-world, because only an enclosed space echo’s back- Hence the “Universal Simulation Awakening.

He codes the Great Awakening as 169.
16=P. 9= I.
P I.
I P.
Yes, I entered delta Manor on 9-16-2016.

Arizona is 84 and Phoenix is 91.
H D A I.
See sacred portal 53 “One Dai has come”

when you add H- D A I.
equates to 175 “A G E” and 17 5 which is Q E/ E Q.
E Quantum.
Fahad Hassen begins uploading the last of my post on the 17th.
Arden is 17. Q.
Que who used to live in the room I am staying in the Guest room came by today and woke me up.
Q U E./ E U Q.
* I just coded him just two days ago- his name.

175 is the numeric code of the word “Consciousness” some of which were confirmed.

175. Arden Geminio- Aurelia Gemino.

111 is New York.
Londoninium where I was born is 111.
Perfection is 111.

Yes, recall 111 USD x2 from Esteban F.M as well as 111 he gave to Kim. He was moved.

Now connect the play of 96 on my page “All thing “Bright and Beautiful” and my contest with the challenge that it is 69 “Nnamdi” now connect the date February 15 as 111 and its meaning as Perfection.
That was yesterday and my last post.
It G A M E S T O P is also 111.
I have stopped posting what is on my Mind on Facebook have already seen it, known it, Read it that the play was over Enders Game Stop. E=5, 14,4, “END” =23 ( 6-12-2003 See sacred Portal 23. E R S ( 5 18 19=42) 23 and 42 = 65. ( 1965) yes recall that play?

Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka I contacted recently, line of Alien Father Alpha- I contacted and he wished to send me a code but had wished to wait for me to contact him his code was Ten days. 10. Jae ;eft 10 USD on the table this morning a note to buy Toilet Paper. TP The Point. she rarely does that.
T E N.
Chris Filgueira called me up from out of the blue after over three months of silence after promising to come and rep as C Love- He is not in harmony with me but that which is moving him is as most know been pivotal in the lat script as is in perfect harmony as Alien Father- who never breaks his word.
So you see, that it was never the Avatars nor the Avatar Descendants who were moving the play- rather most were pawns unaware and those who are Descendants are moved by the Sources of the play and subsequently there is a difference between the Humans who are always unreliable and driven by their echo illusions and those who I recognize as my E Family and the original players, the Chris A Filgueria I know would be here by my side loyal and Fidel to the E.
This is how I have known from the beginning the truth of the E Family and the Lie.

Exeuffonna for example who I messaged, his response to me showed me he as the Human Avatar Descendants was aware and aligned to his Higher self- all by his response – Heart Love I C.
Rodney Ramage sent me a message- it was cool, and a code number- he offered to help- but I reminded him that I trusted no Human being not awake and aware, he did not realize that the intel and help he had already given by giving me his number which was a message 4. 17 OOB- V C… Yes, V C/ C V. E Manual.

I am not stupid, but this was the play-used the Human Avatars who were being moved by my powerful forces of the Eternal Begining and the inset of the game what came to be known as Time.

185 is Donald D Trump. AH, E. R.E… R E R A S 120.

I have been on Facebook for 9 .2-3 years, on public access with Facebook friends from 100 countries, and breaking and spreading this knowledge and codes explaining it in New York in peoples homes, on the streets, in venues all of which I was led to.
I am aware that people have been taking my knowledge and enriching themselves and not giving credit to its Source.
I am not very bothered by that except to not the bad manners of which is sacred Portal 91. Yes, Pheonix. ( Play of Dark Phoenix- River Phoenix)
The play was the script of Terrible Death was designed this way for just that reason to see.

But T B = 20 2= 22. V. add S it becomes 41.
41 is D A. District Attorney, Devils Advocate, D A/ A D… D A D 1 4 1 Death And Destruction.Sacred Portal 41./ 14

But what gets my coat is people, not following the instructions made so clearly over and over again by me, and by the play of my already knowing this entre play, but was forced for 19.11 years.

6:12 pm Hey Arden..

To Map it out, walk it, thus showing how the numbers align to meaning based on where you walk, move through like a chessboard and that the space in between- is really the experience in Time of that Space of each portal or landing you are moving through. “Time is created by the how long it takes to resolve the riddle of the Number to the meaning by what is acted out and resolved by the actors and the one aware… such as 64 moved in New York ( 111) and then 3.2 months back at 29 Lincoln Street.
or 10-11 months 11 at 900 South Road with the Gemino- means Twins- Tom. meaning Arden and the Genino family are all Twins of the E. and this culminates in Arden E=A/

You have to walk it- find the paths which you naturally walk- you can not do it with awareness in the moment or it can not be Natural, it is understood in Hindsight- the meaning generated.
What else would be the point of my moving through only certain portals- and my body and being and life were taken away from me, in order to map out the pathway for others- through people place thoughts things I had no desire and would ever have interacted with by choice- not snobbism but each to their own life.
I was made to live in your realities which I already knew was not real as well as in your worlds- which had nothing to do with me and Money as well as by body was used, as I have proven, again and again, to control me so that I would create this E Manual.
– Moving through a Game Board- The Frame of a Picture and then diving into the picture- 4th dimension frame, Full circle is the picture I dove into and from within the chaos of what eventually becomes the Picture Painting of the intention- the edges of the Painting also the steps or art science Logos, is the chess and board game which each yes no and resolution forms the frame as well as the resolution of the image which gives way to the picture image clear… yes it created a T V and Silver Screen… and from the 5th Dimension the only place which is the real fact the E = A E Family Sacred Portal 110 watch the show as the picture become clearer and clearer…

But you can not simply quote numbers, codes without having the Story- which created the meaning.

Christopher Filgueira contacted me not out of love or memory. but because not only have I been tagging him, because of the code he represents but did not embody, but because of his code in the matriix- 12-14-1987.
L N Letter – Numbers- 19 87- see meaning all aligned to sacred Portals “The Image” and Post Codes of my worlds aligned in a constant:Filgueria “FIl – Guerrier ( Warrior- Healer) .. Ariana Gradow Ariane Oates Aria Norris Dakota – Alicia Norris Kim A H… A N K E,

Ariadne and Theseus.
A T E 001.

AT M.. Minotaur-e Mike. / E Kim, MI NO T.A U R E K I M / E – R U AT O N I…M..Manifestor.

A T M… Ass To Mouth..
*automated teller machine
An automated teller machine (ATM) is an electronic banking outlet that allows customers to complete basic transactions without the aid of a branch representative or teller. Anyone with a credit card or debit card can access cash at most ATMs.”

In my blueprint 2010. Alejandro Tom and Marina. A T M.
AT Arden Twin M.e. A T M.

AT @ Manifestation,

You have to move through the Game Board and the cause and effect of your expression and interaction in Time and Sapce of whatever story of perception you are in, will move you to the plavce in teh game board you are meant to be, and your manifest destination.
Awareness and Consciousness help you take part in the destination you wish to end up in, which then comes from your self refining, self-correcting your self when you see that you are headed to a destination which you have no desire to be- so if you wished to end up in the Original Garden of Eden- and since quantum application and mechanics on the activates on the Sub Conscious level- via Attention and Focus as so well illustrated in the series “His Dark Materials” Lyra the Golden Compass but as Azrael line with his wife as daughter rep Terrible Death as S-he Lies and then transformation of Terrible Death to Beautiful Death as she moves through her story and transforms back to the Beautiful Truth. B T.

By Focus and attention of the “Thread” Fil- of only that which is real.
Quantum Application.

175 Consciousness – A G E… Q E… Que came over today and from the back knocked on my window, while I slept and got me up for his male, and here I am- Prompted. then a message from Liberty, and here I am called to align this.

Tom Bushnell.
Twins Bushnell…

There is a Bushnell street- area in New York, Buffalo- Rob Barr lives
New York is the 11th state and forms 111 – III-C.

There is a Bushnell Park in Connecticut. C

In Florida.
*N York Street, Bushnell, FL 33513″ N York Street. F L ( Yes Arden) 33 51 3 … 3 35 13 ( 33 Car “AT-33 16 3” Chevrolet) Area 51at C Consciousness, and C- C E -M Manifestor.

I have moved and passed through both portals in New York and in Connecticut. ( Busk-Nell Bush- Wick, and came to New york when Bush was still President and now it is Biden after “O T” ( Obama Trump O T= 1520 Facebook Friends and 35 C E.. West Virginia 35 State.
In fact, the one in Connecticut 5th state is the place Esteban Filgueria moved me 2nd, after 114 Grant Moore it’s in Asylum Avenue where after Stephan had accessed me as he said, decided that I should not be in a Motel but a Hotel, once he was assured that I was really for a real ad that I stated that the hotel was the New York Ritz, the script had confirmed I must pass through as far back as 2007 when I met Ritz Montez, mother of Riyal and Reign, in 2007 and then with Fritz Venneiq in 2008-9.
The Towers are there and they are connected.

* Rev Horace Bushnell.
” A railroad spur ran through it and the smelly Park River, polluted with the city’s industrial waste, ran alongside it. Crowded tenements lined both banks of the river, with their outhouses in the back emptying directly into the sluggish current. Even Rev. Bushnell described it as “hell without the fire.”

However, after hearing Dr. Bushnell’s presentation in October 1853, the Hartford City Council voted unanimously in November to spend public funds to buy the land that was to become Bushnell Park. Hartford voters approved the expenditure on Jan. 5, 1854, by a vote of 1,687 to 683, making it the first municipal park in the nation to be conceived, built and paid for by citizens through a popular vote.[4]”

Yes, the play of the Bough Pennsylvania – Philadelphia “Great Forest, city of Brotherly Love” ( my Brothers really love me, they would never leave me alone and would rise up to challenge anyone who challenged my truth… So no, I know who is real

It was also the portal at which I went to West Virginia where I met Anirbas Lem Dylan-Frank and then Alicia.
It is where the play of sacred portal 121 manifested. 35th State.

*Address: 1 Jewell St, Hartford, CT 06103″ Bushnell Parl.. “Jewel of the sea.. Gem in O.

Bushnell Park. B P.
Bushnell Foundation. B F. 99 Trinity Street.
Bushnell Park Carousel B P C : 1 Jewel Street .. J S…

You can see what I mean?
You have to walk it, prove it into Existence first sing “Cecilia- Caecilia” Blind 6th Sense, with a quiet awareness which in Hindsight 6-A-H you say AH ..I C I See. then the 6, in the beginning, became Fact- Solid S at 19 Dakota age 19 via Alicia, and the liberty 140 USD and the 50 USD = 190..S.O.. S F..
Solid Fact- Facts Solid. “Ferril- Collin Ferrel- Boothe, C F Chris Filgueria C F Circle Filled/ Full O P I. by / I P OM-AN

April, Tom-Truman- John, Luke Birdie Shaw- from Map Top England.
Mediterranean Map at 29 Lincoln Street, The bathroom- “800 BC E to 1500 AD”

Tom S Bushnell is in England.
I am here present, walking through a Manuscript designed in the very beginning as the Blue Print inside of all humanity and creation and then expressed over time aligned to 4.5 billion years ago as well as 13.8 Billion-year-old Universe. Gap 93… Nazareth?”
Star of Bethlehem S O B… S B / B A- 2 19 South Whitney.. S O B Sacred portal 147 A… S OB = S F B.

Why on earth did it take me 19.10-11 years?
I was by laboriously proving it and walking it into being and existence using sixth sense to fact full circle.

That is why the BluePrint is on my page as the E _manual of the “Emmanuel” ref F B F Emmanual ref Facebook Friend Emmanuel Kerema E K, Rita Emmanuel, R E, Jacinta Emmanuel J E, Babalola Tobi Emmanuel B T E.

It has to be grounded and anchored in Proven Fact, hence the value of the blueprint on my page, for Transparently and Publicly, I walked it and each observed or can go back and see the echo confirmation outside of me as Response Confirmation. he research, the investigation, the set ups.. all were created intentionally as what may be seen as Chaos and confusion going on within that space- but through the interaction with one person representing “The C” resolving the people and Time-Space- Self projections ego interactions into meaning clarity and harmony make the picture resolved from Chaos to Harmony appear crystal clear- revealing the purpose of each actor, the relevance of each being seen and “Cee I” and response ( yes I Cee you, I see you) as both your Eseential Self, as well as the Actor Avatar Descendant playing their role so that each part of the Body and play becomes crystal clear aroused and awakening M.. Memory Manifests via Memory Banks and that Memory proved Actulal, aligned and translated from the Original basic simple Blue Prinit- mesh- grid- to the one it transformed into at present date.
8:00 pm.

From H E R E “Ici” I C I– From H-Ear To Eternity and Back.

And now from Infinity to I C I “Ici Here” to Infinity.
the Individual.

It is extremely dangerous to have discovered that you’re in a Matrix and that it’s all numbers. and yet not have the E Manual to know how such a device now aligned and corrected back to the perfection it never left ( you left… Perfection was Constant, it was your perception which was flawed)

Without having walked it, understood how the E Manual
Basic Instructions Before Leaving E.MF… 8:04 pm
Benjamin C. Krajewski BK.
The Book and then speaking about it without filling all the gaps… explaining in detail not just a part but the entire way the Time Machine works.. Well, you may understand just the true value of this E Manual on my page and why I was made to go so far- and that this force even dared used Evil- Non-EXistence to break all the laws of Existence and Physics to do what it did to me to become the universal Mind and the Body who would prove his truth and how the UNiversal Simulation Awareness, he designed ( not me- I figured it out by aligning it to my Original Play before his play existed) works, which is why it led me to Arden Kim via Liberty Thomas Lang Nathaniel Thomas Bywater Jeron Lang – Leander Ferril. L F/ F L.

The Whole Truth.

T B.
The Beautiful Truth.
T B T. Full Circle Complete.

8:11 pm.
H K.
Hells Kitchen.

Infinity I A-A.

Quantum Application on Matther made up of Life and thus made up of Nothing at all.
That is A F Attention Focus that influences particles at the SubQuantum Level… and manifests from Nothing- Sum Thing N E SS .

The Foundation of the BluePrint is this E Manual. Word.com.

The Park… The Carousel ( Circle)
The Base – T Bushnell Park. Park … Space Craft.. Art of Space- Crafting- creating from Nothing at all.

8:17 pm

H Q.

P T.
Perfect timing.
The Point Meaning Awakening.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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