
1/16/2021 2:56 – Facebook Post

1:45 am

is set with the code name Delos.

Its an Island in the Agean Sea, a sacred PLace for the Greek Gods
believed to be where Apollo and Artemis were born
Arden Aurelia Rep

/ SOL.. E D E N.

Sophia Oscar Lauren SP 37.
Athéna Olympe

Actually SO L I D Impregnable

Yes LInk POrtal Akil Apollo Davis A-A D where I began on Face Book Dec 2011
Tag “Every Where W E.

Apollo Art-EM I S. Neil Armstrong Apollo 11 etc…
Diana Darius.

so was the island of Delos-
The Body Our Bodies… in story and truth no one can or could steal my core. my Soul.. your soul the beautifil truth and treasure.
my Beautiful Pride is my Core- my Eternal Family. Sacred portal 110.

1:56 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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