
11/4/2018 12:45 – Facebook Post

11/4/2018 12:45 – Facebook Post

From Marie Jose Pinoia

.. And these Rainbow Warriors were the Family of the Eternals who came undercover first as Light Beings, then as Colors…Wave Lengths Time…
and I am Delta The 4th Colors of Spectrum, did a journey from Green Street Soho a place called The Green House, which I inspired people to come together to create art to reveal hidden intel from the Eternal Realm, The Spirit of Light realm, and then from the Rainbow Children which is the Child.
And so we created, and in transformed into a Art Gallery which became well known but then came a struggle for power and I LEFT…

That was 2006.

All the venue’s since then, where Ifound myself berthed, was named Green Ave Street, or correlated to the number 4, the note Fa…
Always there was a coming together, only for the struggle for the struggle for power rise It’s heads when success was in sight.
It is like this in the 2002, when the family who thought they were Arch Anges and Angels and that this was the war of Angels and Demons.
It took place in Istanbul in 1999 with the international Festivai I designed was cancelled at the last moment for this perverted play and test of Power.

11:22 p.m.

Right to me in at Green Point Assessment shelter, and to Delta Manor where I am right now and to a play which just took place between three people and myself..
Peter Jaime and David…. with Igbo Anthony who added or represented that desire to have your way- Power through deception and manipulation.

Always the purest play corrupted by one who decides to go take power and conrol.

11:28 p.m.

And so, i fought to take power and but not for myself, but use Power which all these people craved- to have things done thier own way, to prove that they should dominate and control others because they felt that they knew better, or sought to prove it so, that they had reason for taking power and doing it ‘My Way”-
Thier Way.

Whuch created this… Earth Ravaged but more that this, since the Earth can renew Itself, is what was done to Humanity, to Children to Human Beings who do not renew themselves, something does this for them, some one renews them.
Earth E-Art H…?


I went to the Source and took Power
Sacred Portal 42 OHM.. Isabelle Ilic Stephen Filgueira I S..
for I found that this is what this was all boiling down to,
the meaning of Existence
.. the struggle for power.
It is everywhere.

But I took power,
and I won, the battle so viscious so insane
to reveal what all had seemed to forget- at least those who stryggled for power but had no solution to anything it turned out, but to get things to be done thier way and in their Favor, so they who they loved and cared for could be kept safe- as well as their own perverted Ego.

i fought so that they would come to thier senses asd senie’s and recall the meaning of Power, which is to bring Unity and Harmony
Peace of Mind and thus – a place where one can vernture and begin a adventure which refines your already beautiful perfction.

That way can only be found in a frequency which rose from deep within.

11:42 a.m.

To raise it.. bring it out and manifest it outside…
That is the meaning of Power.

David Powers
Mallam Powers

D M… P P 16 16 32 5.. E.

11:43 p.m.

The Time Has Come


2020 vision the Gatewat 8 3 69…
Harmony Consciousness…

11:45 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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