
An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony..

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony..

Posted at 6;26 a,m.

Which aligns to the equation solved once more of the Evolution Awakening

is 6th Sense A-Z, Harmony…

Zeina Hanna..

6th senses rises through through perception at of Beauty to Harmony..

1:2O p,m.


I woke to the code 3 15 on my phone..

And immediately, knew that today would be about

Zeina Hanna…Beauty is the Creators Grace and Favor..And Harmony is Mans Best Friend….

6 26.8.

F-B.F…H..Harmony Infinity…

1:23 pm.

Yes, I am still linking, the sequences of Face Book posts from Face Boo friends..

Yes, reprogramming and activating Dna- to D.ne..

After all, all words derive from letters, and each letter forms a sound which aligns to Solfeggio Frequencies from the Human Voice..

And the Voice comes from the 5th Chakra, the Throat…

Out of the Blue..note, The Fifth Dimension which is beyond Atomic manifestation A.M…Universe,

It comes from beyond the 3D and 4D realms…The C.D..

3 4 7 12 19 84..1O3..13..4…D..

See the codes I just wrote…

Words Numbers.. Sound and Silence,- symbols to convey meaning here from a realm beyond.. Origin of Silence and Sound..

Expression is the source of All physical manifestation..

I am simply applying that law and truth, and applying it to reason to manifest creation, not to prove anything to the World of nay sayers,

but rather to Do! To complete the Blue Print and the Master Plan encoded in the true D.n.e sequence, which can not be named Dna… (4 14 1…because there is no logic sequence of the numbers on the most basic level… D is 4, then 14 is N 1+4=5..E…4-14 (+1O)..

D.O.N.E.. D.A.O.N.E…So it is D,N.E…But what was missing in the sequence was the gap of 4-14..which is 1O..

Letter J.. Represent by Jonn Blackwell and Julian Brown

And A.O represented by Ariane Oates… recall legend of Ariadne and Theseus.. Icarus Daedalus.. and the Labyrinth- the Mind..

Notice the play yesterday and today of Ariane Oates posting the Yeong Ai YA!- Eternal Love on my Time line in Japanese Characters, and then Jonns play and link to Ariane, with U-top-I.A (Maqueta Model of The Universe Cosmology I created 1987-88 to 2O16, )

Utopia Eternal Love…

That is true sequencing, the true manner to read the Genetic Coding – it literal actuality, and how it works…

What do I care, of an accepted point of View because the ‘Big Boys yours superiors told you so.. it is not truth because some one tells you that this is the way to go..

Nope reading the blue print of Existence is a Revelation, like read a book, the C.Ode, is made of Water, Air Energy Expression- how we link and connect and is their reason…

And since it has proven that we are in a play, the play would end when we are D.O.N.E.. and the dream of the one father- D.A. O.N.E…is completed, through the linking D.n.e..D.N.E.L.-U.E.L… E.L.U.E.L


Elu of El…Meaning that the link of Ariane Oates to E. and Jonn B to Ariane

A.O.E,K-J.B-A.O.E creates a meaning in that sequence..

Elu El.. The Elect of God-The Lord, the Creator…

Code Nasir King EL Bey…

Nasir means..Nasir (Arabic: ???? Na?ir) is an Arabic masculine given name which can mean helper or one who gives victory

See sacred Portal 85 Devi crowning Spirit E, Victorious, having conquered the equation of the C of Consciousness Harmony by explaining and expressing it into words..

The 85 aligns to Jonn Blackwell born 8-5…64…13 1 O…4O 24..6 (64/46)

Jonns car is G.T..46….

See sacred portal 46..First Drop.. 64.. Self Mastery in the dessert Jesus Christ+Devil

One observes it is full circle.. 46-64…11 1..

And 15 years to the day I left my oldest friend Jon Jason Lee ( 1O1O12..32) of English Irish Javanese Origins…Jon at Maida Vale…M.V on February 14 V.D day and am at 18 Mountain View chez Jonn and Donna…

Meaning I post and weave until my brother- who plays my Father in this incarnation and play, Devi Devas Da vi Jay, Joy..

JJ A.O YY crowns me, that I have completed the Dream of the one Father…)

Patterns Michael O’Donnell, are logical they reveal meaning and are not subjective…

Take for instance you post and comment from Nicholas Williams- which I found I find absurd… and the only thing relevant in that expression to me was the Code your Other Self.. the I…Ego.. (And the Osho post in which I liked but cringe once more at the horror done to the word Ego which really is..

ego (n.) Look up ego at Dictionary.com

1714, as a term in metaphysics, the self; that which feels, acts, or thinks, from Latin ego I (cognate with Old English ic; see I

: the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality — compare

1. the self of an individual person; the conscious subject

2. (Psychoanalysis) psychoanal the conscious mind, based on perception of the environment from birth onwards: responsible for modifying the antisocial instincts of the id and itself modified by the conscience (superego)

3. one’s image of oneself; morale: to boost one’s ego.

The Ego is the I.. twisted from its original meaning of the I.. and the Identity to self projection and opinion of ones self created by Conceit..

Yet what if ones opinion of one self is true clean pure?

The Ego is the Play. the playfulness of the Child- which expands and grows to become the I.D of the Self called the Soul, Music-B’eau, Light Laughter Love… And yet it is called Evil, by this society and culture who always need to find something and some one else to blame…

Ego /Oge ..Are both OINri Igbo words… Meaning Ego ‘Wealth and Abundance’ and Oge Time..Day

E-GO.. Go means Five in Japanese…E is the 5th letter..

Eg.O means Example of perfection.. the Circle…

OGE… O- 7 5, Seven Seas Five Continents.. Er.. Earth…Pangea

OG E..O7..5…note of Ti..Color Violet.. 5 Blue the note of Sol!

O=5+7…5×7… 12… 35…L.C.E… 47…11 28..39…C.I..12..L.

Where the Devil then is there any grounds to describe the Ego as evil and the most undesirable of things…?

Where is the foundation in logic, letters, meaning, history, reason…

This is what has been done to the meaning of the Sol and its journey to understand and know itself…

2:26 p.m.

Thrown into the Pit of human Existence, an undesirable..

To be an Individual moving to your true I.D..

Nicholas Williams Means Victory of the People Desire- Protection Helmet


add O.E attained..


E W.O.N….

14 23…37..

See sacred portal 37…add 1O…21… J..A,O..U (U E L) C…

And see the response of Ariane Oates and Jonn Blackwell..

Sequence Patterns Read…by Observation of Act-ion moved by 6th Sense 6=F.. to A.C.T…

through Reason Able Explanation…


Code Sunshine Rae

You see I am not seeking to prove anything to anyone,

I already know.. exactly what I am doing..

because I have done it all before…

And this is why I know the way to program the Dne sequencing which is En Crypted…and not able to be deciphered up till this day by the scientists of this world consciousness.

I am weaving because it is the Will of my Father Brother, Mother Sister, Son Daughter..the 6.. in One… La! of Sixth sense…

See Sacred portal 1OO..I am completing the Dream of my One father.. See sacred portal 1O..

Jon Jay-son Lee… Jon-Jonn… 1O x 1O= 1OO…Pan..Goat O…

So you see, I am not seeking to convince anyone, but out of compassion alert everyone, and even explain to every one and teach everyone about the E consciousness..

Your opinions are nothing but the False Ego, the Corrupted consciousness of the Child of Truth, who is taught to be a wise child by basing all expression on solid grounded rooted Fact…

Opinions can be useful, but serve no point if there are no facts…

N.O.W. E

W.O.N. E..

And not in Harmony with your True Expression…

Your Eternal Truth.. fighting it because it does not fit in the paradigm of reason created to establish as a constant reminder that you are whole and safe.. yet know you are anything but that…

That is the False Ego…

I am True Ego…

The Individual who knows his Identity and of that of all peoples there origins and the Universe Existence Love Eternal Love.. True Love…

JJ= A.O.O..C.u.b.e…Root Squared..

Yuin is the name of the Ear Phone brand Jonn bought me.. it came in a silver cube and a black cylindrical tunnel…

Yuin means Universal Sound…

is called Quiet…

Be Quiet.

2:45 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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