
2/17/2016 15:51 – Facebook Post

A much better and Truer Version of
Father and Son-Self.
having a conversation
in Creations beginning..

Which got them so High that one landed in the Heavens
and the other landed and grounded its self on the E-Art of conversation
of a “Joint” dialogue, so inspired by the “O Rien La Plant E”
Marijuana Mari Juana… Mary Jane…
Which happened to be my first serious girlfriends name..

Mari means Cherished Beloved… And Husband…

J.A.N.E..Is derived from the name John.. At it means the Lord is Gracious..
As he Passed the Joint, so that his son self could inhale…
and on his third eye, relax and chill, as Father informed son Self bout How they as one manifested All creation- all by conversing and exchanging perfume breath, the M.J plant called E..
And this is how his Son self, third eyes was open and he observed what his Father Self, who was all so High, could see from that highest point
Harmony Infinity..
And that is how the Son Self and Father Self , through such an infinity exchange recollected that Father and Son were, are one..
Of yes, and the Holy Espirit, that would be E.-W.E-ED….
a.k.a Lady Mary Jane…the perfume.

Mehmet +Ege..

MM- 1313… 26 8…Z,H.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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