
9/14/2016 16:23 – Facebook Post

Actually it is correct from an Evolved Conscious the over view.

1 to 7 colors in a rainbow..
Wave Lengths of Sound create Twin serpents of strands/thread “Fils” which link.5:28-38 Hertz..
1+7 then merge to create 1 full Circle of Light.
1 being the original; 1+7=8..
.Hence 1 O 8…
Origin Expanded.
Back to O.N.E.. Which is then aligned to the Expanded Eight.(H-Eight…L-Ight.
Which then by merging and closing the Gap creates a Tunnel Access to the Infinite Source of Energy.

Symmetrical Perfection of Expression..Expressions Harmonies Eternal wave Lengths which from Embodied perfect Human Express Fined Tunes…Creates Energetic Tissue Living Cells…

Neurons are Neutralizing but eventually through enacting an “impossibility” Transforming and Transmutation to I’M Possible.
Creating new pathways..Electrons – and Protons move from Balanced to Proton.
All a + “Add” charge…Forwards to the Source and back..Nothingness to Somethingness.

1 O..
Sacred Number
Of the Flower of Life
The Mystics
Lotus Santana

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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