
Psalm 23 (23rd Letter)

Psalm 23 (23rd Letter)

Double U.

Okwu (Expression)

Onu (Mouth)

O.K. W.U

O.K Double U

Suddenly the play with Joseph Carey made sense..

I was being moved by an illusion of Jesus Christ story which I had to make real

I had to live a lie story of J.C and make it real by those who had been trapped by that blond hair Jesus Story.

David Nnamdi was blonde but not blue eyed.

The True story was of Y.C Yeshuah Christ.

And before that O sirus Orion

And before that Eri Nri

E N.

I saw that when I was coming down from Pelham Park..

A man stepped in front of me with a T Shirt

A Ble

B. Blessed

C.Christ like.

Then A man with Osirus passed and paused in front of me.

Then a lady with the words Blessed.

I did not wish to read it was making me furious.

I am living in Pelham Park contained in a script designed to reflect the Truth of Humanity.

Of ppl selected from all over the world who are more concerned with what they gain from being in this play and not the lie they give themselves of overblown self worth when they have done nothing to deserve the honors they think my words are bestowing on them.

When in Truth I have explained for 28-9 months the play that they are being set up in a pre established script of what they played out 2000 yrs ago, 5000 yrs ago through out all the ages of the appearance of the Annointed.

Madonna The Pop star already knew abt the appearance of the Brown Christ…

In london before I came here everyone spoke abt the ascensions of the Brown race when in Truth it is the Tan Race.

Siththy Ameena and my mother got it right.

Li always knew.

I know who I am I dropped enough hints.

This set up is the Mob.

The Masses not the true ppl of the world.

There are beautiful ones my line in the world but nt on F.B..

This F.B play was a set up of all those who had crucified Christs life time after life time in all his incarnations right to Eri Nri to Osirus.. Seth McBean…

All the stories but only few evolved.

The code on this card is Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shephard.

And A.U T.OM.

A U ..Tom…My Twin J C.

Mot U .A..

The Word U Alpha…E.

Jesus Yeshua

Full Circle


I love the best of Humanity but how I despise what Ihave seen as that which so many of you have become.

Nothing has changed just worst.

All the same ppl who fitst crucified the jealous acruel evil where brought back plus the few beautiful ones.

All of you were the players on that Christ Story to Alexander the Great also Christ…

And the same players where brought to judgment…

And the ones who remained loyal in the begining remained so…

How do you think I know what you are going to do before you do it…

You have done the same thing over and over again for 5000 yrs..

Ur the same ppl..only few evolved.

The rest just got worse…

How I despise them.

And the ones who were loyal and few who crossed over…

The lost lamb I bless you.

The rest..what did you think this was…

Me waiting for you to aconowledge me as Christ.

You must be joking…

I.came to fullfull that story prophecy to destroy you hypocrites but you were given a period of Grace.

The world even this current world is not you.

I have met ppl all over the world who would never left me in Pelham Park..decent ppl….

Human Beings..

They would have come hung out bought food kept me company….

How I despise the Evil in you shown so clearly through this play.

Especially New Yorkers….

Your City and this State and Counrty shall cease to Exist.

Just as this world.

But my greatest contempt is to the Evil in New Yorkers who betray thier Beauty so easily.

Pieces of Shit.

Let the Beauriful Individuals of the Hateful City rise…


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