
7;36 PM..

7;36 PM..

Meaning see Full Circle represented by

Code 82..Fritz Venneiq Born Februrary 30 1982… 2-82

*Nnamdi left this realm 1982…to transform Death by our proving it is the transformation of Male form of E to Female form of E..

Donna O’Sullivan born 8-28…

Myself as Emeka Kolo..11-28

N= F.D..Sacred Portal 46…N is First Drop…

E=N…F.E.D…..Expression as Nature FED Universal Existence with Nourishing Sustenance Manna from E Heaven, not G.M.O’s…

Nnamdi= Fritz Venneiq =Donna O’Sullivan

Nature= F.D…V.O…V..S..VV


13..Age Nnamdi Left…13 =M letters of nearly all the feminine portals I passed through (lived with) in this journey before reaching Jonn Blackwell (Haun C.D.Evan), and Donna O’Sullivan…The M turns to W…Man to Wooman..to Ma-Donna..Lady..Echo I.C!

M.W .M.L.E.I…C

Milky Way…Manifest LE.I.C (The I See!)

*My Mother, C, has an expression which I always loved, when she saw a person of what she saw was true Beauty, my talkative mother, would go suddenly quiet, and she would seem to transform before my verys eyes into some beautiful, beautiful Ethereal Beauty…She would extend her arms in silence to the object of her quiet stare…Then she would gracefuly, less pointing but more gesturing through a gradual arch of her arms to finger…

Lei! Lei!…She would say, almost frowning in her focus of what she was seeing,

See, now see over there, it means to convey, That is what I mean, the the meaning of the word Beautiful…

it invokes reverence and awe.

And the object usually unaware of my Mothers reverence and respect and awe- which was not really directed at the person, but at the Creator of such potential made so supremely manifest in that person, of true beauty, walking natural and unaware…

They were the meaning of Beautiful, because thier personality, expression, character, bodies, limbs, Everything worked so perfectly together… but most of all the way they carried themselves, moved through time and space as if not of this world and yet carried by the Four Elements, the Four Cardinal directions.. Supported by all Nature and All Existence…

Crowned with laurels as if Nature and Existence were presenting these beings, the sum total of who they are, were… the some total of their manifest potential..Aplomb, Elan, Poise, Refinement, Personality and much more to All and saying… See, see this is who we are…you…

What I saw, was Ethereal Beautiful Pride in simple being of Existence..

And my mother went presented with this ultimate gift would stand in respect reverence Silence and awe…

Lei! Lei as if witnessing one of her own whom she no longer even remembered herself..All her attention would be on this Bird of Paradise, the Gift and Favor of the Creator, for her to Cee Beauty… from her home Paradise… The Free..

My mothers was my first Sensie, a tough one, she refined and educated me, a boy, her son on the principles of Beauty…

Which reflects the true meaning of Regard and Appreciation..

Refinement..Eloquent Expression… of Respect…

Which creates a Lady and..a Gentleman..

Warriors without their warrior disguises..

My mother from the Irish Convents in Onicha..

Consecrated into two secret orders way before it was time..

One of the Europe and the other African and She of the OINRI..

Is Jessica of the Bene Gesserit..B.G…

*See Post with N..B.I.G in the Background…

Be ne Gesse Rit..z…B.G…R.O.Y.G.B…

My Greatest Sensei…Self Mastery…

I knew that those who walked the Earth before Adam.. the Family of 3.5 5 3..C..E .E.C…

Still walked the Earth..

The E.T 5th Dimension Beings…

Whom I had to help evolve to E..

Jessica Cecelia Onu Umeano….


I am…11-28…1-28…1-1..1

*See Play with Kasper Lomholdt Serup (VI King)..Who invited me to Forum The Circle which I joined…

*See play with David Philipe Gil – where me left F.B and returned on January 28…1-28,

via Forums- Seen Is (Unseen is how it is registered), and T.S.U…

S.I (U)…Tsu in Japanese means The All Knowing All Known..

(O-SI !..(YES)…The All Knowing One

Osei Tutu Emeke

Mary Osei…M.O

Fritz Donna means The Peaceful Ruler is a Lady

As I stated this was the play of the Evolution Awakening, a set up which all and everything were in..


Kristine GrandMother Turtel Baluba..

Kristine means actually Voice Word which came from Egypt before it was transformed in meaning The Anointed

Grand Mother means Grand (1000)..Mot-HE..R (R=18, Ah)

in my Personal Story my Grandmothers name is LUCY…Dawn…

Turtel means Mild gentle and affection one.. Dove, Nature Name..a person suffering from a deformity…

but more accurately considering where we are in the play…

It is composed the divine name of Thor…plus Ketill..cauldron>


Baluba, comes from Bantu Congo peoples.. it is the name of their race.. Baluba..

See play of Conscious O’best.. King Belgian and the Source and root for the scramble and Partition of Africa which began the diving of Africa into countries to be managed regardless of ethnic groups, in a divide and conquer frenzy which lead to the colonization, degradation exploitation Slavery…

see play of Congo with Nicholas Petcher post on the Congo and his alerting me today to his page concerning the children of the Congo..

There is a remarkable and accurate creation story of the Baluba people…

Called Kabezya.Mpungu..K.M


*See Kim Marcussen K.M…382 F.BF

It speaks of a Creator who after completing Creation decides to make himself invisible after balancing the rain, sun, moon and darkness, he creates Human Beings without a Heart..

But before he leaves, he sends the people Mutshima ( Mushima? Must Shimmer, Gleam?)..

Mutshima is a Visible God…

Invisible Visible..

I.V.I… V.I.. 5 Year old Royal..9-22-1O

Mutshima (Heart), the life-giving or Divine parts of Humans…

I don’t want Humans to see me any more. I will turn myself invisible and send Mutshima… Then K.M disappeared. There after the Heart appeared, in a small hand sized vessel ( A Chalice?)

The Heart cried and turned towards Sun, Moon Darkness and Rain..

S.M.D.R,) Kabezya Mpungu ( R.D..M.S) Our Father, where is he, Father is gone, we don’t know where he went…


Oh how much I am longing to see him the Heart replied.

Obiekwe! Obiekwe! ..Oboom! Boom!


To talk to him, I will enter in this species with no Heart, And I will wander to generation to Generation…

Was it the Conquerors heart, the White man…or the Spirit entering into the Body…?

As the myth of Aristophane..

Entering into longing to be one..


Stay near me, Stay by my side for always..


I love your dancing Beautiful Energy and movement..Momentum Elan!

Or is a perversion of the Creation Story seen through one who thought he had been abandoned but that Source was always there..?

And did this Creation Story in the Center of Africa, begin the story of the Dreaming of being Lost..

Baluba in Ethiopian means ( the Lost Peoples)

Falashas …no, more like a people who felt abandoned by God..

And look where the Horror of which the world has not recovered the Paritition of the Golden Nest Egg of Humanity… Africa.. And it began in Congo the insane greed called the Scramble by Europe for the wealth of Africa.. All moved by Greed, insatiable greed just as Queen Isabella, and the Christopher Columbus and the New World

Insane Greed….

And yet O.INRI The peaceful Kingdom lasted over One Thousand years…

never conquered…People the filled Circle

Is Congo the Dreamers cave beings of the Shadows…..

And did that horror done and begun with the King of Belgium and that evil and cruel letter published and shared by Conscious O’best on Face book… That truly hideous way of thinking. openly and consciously which began the literal destruction and enslavement of Africa by greedy Monarchs of Europe have to be corrected.. the Dream…

OINRI…the Truth.. before the Truth NRI be revealed as the Supreme Creation story of the Past…

I never Left the Source is the Heart..


John Obi…The Creators gift a Graceful Heart ..O.B.I…

Obi also means Conscience, and Home, and A He, She (A Person Madu) Lives…In their Heart.. not head or mind..

Home is where there is Love…

The place you know you belong… because you feel safe secure comforted… it is a place of Truth.

Casobliss Priscaria

*9;2O PM..I.B.O… I.B..Circle Sphere Plan-et

Nadee Nakandala..born 5-28…

Caso means In this case, in this instance, this subject…

..there is (Or will be).. Bliss..

P.r-is ca-r.ia comes from the Roman name Priscillia

It means Ancient… Old… the Elders called the Young,, the Youth

The Eternal ones speak.. about how Age and time began when people had no Hearts, became cruel and callous..

This present world based on the destruction of Africa via Congo…

A story which was just a dream.. a lie which came true..

heartless humans..

sacrificed eating the Sacred Hearts…

Trish Blanc..T.B…20-2…Todays date..

Trisha comes from the Roman name meaning, Noble, Patrician

Blanc actually is from Germany blank.. which means Bright and shinny.. As the name Robert,,,

Rob Barr…David..Beloved..

Robert Pasquine Mzena

Roberto Todaro

Robert Sully Agent X Files..OSullivan…Hawk Eyes..H.E..58

Noble Patrician (Roman- Book Roman-c.e) Bright and Shinny One…

Kim Marcussen…

Kim means Kin… Bold Family, Brave King

Marcus means Hammer, to Harvest also associated with the God of War Aries…

The VI King Low Key of the Sith Sense who Navi..Gates, Heaven Hell while walking on Earth and through the illusion of the distortion of the World through the word perverted of true meaning.

The Voice, The Word, the gentle and affectionate one, the Beautiful fair and peaceful ruler…who can transform the Death into the Male and female form linked by an extraordinary Beauty which links the two as one energetically.. Beautiful Pride.

The Bright one Odin-e, Thor, Father Son, the noble bright and shinny, Gleaming Hammer, and Kettle (Cauldron) which Booms with a Mighty Voice of One, shattering glass mirror of Vanity of the Liars and raising the Living from amongst the Dead…by putting Humpty Dumpty..H.D..HI Definition together again revealing Sunshine Rae.. and the true picture made real of the Family of E rising from undercover in the Humanity True, and the duty informed that there are the Hosts of the of the sources of the Beautiful Evolution Awakening…

the Familu of

Fractaling As Emeka Eze

Emyxcel Kingsley Chukwuemeka Okezie


1O;1O PM..

Whew… I am hungry

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