
6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m.

F. E.C… H.O..I.E..

8-9-9… H.I..I.

Harmony Infinity.. I.. The Individual.. TI…Ti!.. 7th Note…

9-8-9… I.H.I…I Harmony H.I…


Well, it has been quite a set up today to leave the dimension of 7 and 8…

The Note of Ti..Color Wave Length Violet (Or Red-Read), letter G..and correlated as Grace Full Circle of Divine, and Harmony Infinity ECHO’S Truth by Response and Manifestation…

R.M…Reginald Mans-Field.


R-A.M.. Aries March April…


Angela Marie Alexander…

Messenger from the Mari-E, The Cherished Beloved Anointer of the Defender of Man…

(Which is not me, I am decoding.. This Father Guide… F.G/G.F..67/76.. 13/13… 26..8….Z.. B.F..Best Friend.. Z.B.. Zorro (Zeina) The Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn-Beauty and Beautiful Harmony)

Well, whew.. There is much more to the code and play of One Chance, One Chance..Timchang Nandap…Tarok…


And his innocence, as well as he reflecting the Truth of the power of the Collective Lie become intelligent and aware of the complacency of Humanity with the Truth and Curiosity Investigation being the Trait of what is to Being Human…

Note John Simpson… and his Curiosity and Investigation

A journalists from the London Times.. ( L.T/T.L.. 12 20/ 20 12..12 2O/2O 12- 32/32…1… 55..1…5+5..1O…55..25…Y…

Abel De Yeshua Yeshua..

Y= 25…2+5=7…10..1O… 71-O…8O…H.O… E.C..H.O…I.E)

Being Human

B.H…28…1O…16..7…1O 7…8..

Means Being Harmonious…


Izzi Creo


Investigate Curiosity Finds I…Out…I.C.F…I

Infinities Circle Filled (By.. Yolanda Bakwena Y.B/B.Y) I.

The Individual

Always Present… Nnamdi Erik-E-S.P..I.R.I.T..

(Right now it is difficult to separate my Expression from that of my Spirit/Will/Object of my Desire.. my Twin Brother Energy Evolution..)

But as Emeka Kolo, now present..

I am to exhausted by all this posting but the extreme conditions and Being the leader of an invisible army of One, living in the trenches and the extreme conditions and circumstances undercover in this present reality.. So fast asleep, they had to be rescued from Existential Death of 0..Zero, that they could not even see the true Cause and Effect of their complacency and refusal to take responsibility as Timchang Nondap, did…

Pleading not being Responsible.. and he is not.. but he is…

He is not because he is representing the Peoples refusal to take responsibility for their Actions Expressions.. Non Action…

The Constant Excuse not to see hear feel or Responds in the way that is Human and Harmonious…

Especially in Response to Expression Beauty Shinning Clear…Informative and Inspiring.. A.H..

4.5 Years..!

April 5th..

OPEN 5th Dimension


O.P.E,N.-R.O.S.E…1590 2nd Avenue New York..

From Islington London England.

No one has ever accused me of being Mad Insane…

Angry Furious.. yes…

No, rather because of my use of Reason- Understanding- Explanation …R.U.E.. on the Streets of the World of the true meaning of T.. which is much more like a Table with a long Pole, used in Bars rather than a Crossing..

It is a a Stance of Balance of having Understood Full Circle..

How you know that you have reached the Full Circle..>

Everything you have experienced repeats itself…

It gets faster and faster, the more you recollect and recall the paths that you took to get there.. the more you refine it, clean it..

A Spinning Orb,around the World in 😯 Days…

Faster and Faster the world spins, Turns..

Until you have aligned and refined your expression of Understanding the Truth..

The Beautiful Truth.

That you take a Stance..

Constant Consistent..


And then you Still the World..

Until with Will of that Stance with what you present at the Bar and the High Table…

Creates a Stillness, as the Audience listening gradually begin to recognize the meaning of your Expression..

And why the Stance..

Suddenly Times ceases to Exist..

And the meaning of Eternity is but a Moment..

Which goes on for Infinity becomes Manifest..

And suddenly we reach that Day when the Earth, the World Stands Still…





The Day the Earth Stood Still was a Movie..

An Idea


But this, here played out… is the Real Deal..





Goes Home.

Welcome my new Face Book Friends,

Who are the Mirrors (and their own selves) reflecting in the

World Mirror.. The Ape.. To Ape.. Copy

Abel De Yeshua Yeshua.. A.B.E.L.L.. Discoverer of Galaxy Nasa classified as Galaxy I.C..1101…


After Death.. YY.. 25 25.. 5O… 77..14..5..Natural Evolution..to E

Jenny Minks

Jenny Minks.. twice.. 3 times actually…

J.M/ M.J… Joseph, John, Joan Mary/Micheal/ Mohamed…Mari-Juana Weed Sacred Portal 34.. C.D…Consciousness Dean Dunkwu, Dean Rodd

Bruce Okoye.. And Old School mate..B.O.. Being of the O

Josip Šipek

B.J/ J,.B…O.S/S.O…L.

James Bond.

Julian Brown name meaning…

B.J.. Beauty Justice.

Being of Balance..

Dubem Marchie.. D.M…

Josip Šipek… in Order of Arrival… he came twice


John Simpson..J.S…

Shaidi Sowed Sowed Shaidi


7:43 p.m

Pause for Edit..

7:53 p.m.. right now.

7:54 p.m.







7:55 p.m.


6 New Face Book Friends…

7:56 p.m.

First letters…

A….J.B…D.J..J…OF Balance.


J.J..D.B…Deaths Being B. J.A..H.

7:58 p.m.


Must go now and Eat .. Energy Medical Doctor Professor Geekster, Journalist.. Singer Far-Mer..

8:00 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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