
1:55 AM

1:55 am


1:56 pm

9-30-2017. 19. 10. 101.

1O1. 11. 2. As 1

I C. O A.

This is what I would like to say to the World

To West Africa East Africa

Middle East, America, Europe All Nations Countries, Cultures Ethnicities, Peoples Races…

Each to His or Her own..

Free Will

Freedom of Choice


You all have these inalienable rights given granted to Believe what you choose.

To Perceive the Truth and History and Story of your Life in what ever way you chose.

No matter what is done to you- no one can take away what you have Inside of you, planted in side of you which I have been forced so relentlessly and tediously to demonstrate as real and tangible which will always lead you home.

Nothing can take away the Silence

When your Truth you hold sacred is physically being raped from you

Let them!

They will see that they can not

The Silence you own

The Keeping Silent

Not saying a Word with Sound

And your Truth residing there

Tell them whatever they wish these your tormentors

The Worlds Tormentors

They cannot change your Silence

The Way which you feel..

No one can.

That is the True Freedom of Speech

Your Right to Say Nothing

Or Simply Ignore Noise

And Talk To The Silence

To the Zone

The Flow


The Eternal Self

That is the 5th AMEN I MEANT.

Amend what?

You are perfect within

A M. E N D.

E N D. Of this Nonsense

Each To Their Own

This is your right

What you choose to belief

That man is hideous

Woman can not drive a Car

Man is Good

Woman Bad

Woman Goddess

Man Devil?

Black Man Evil

White Man the Devil

Go ahead..

Believe what you chose

This is your Right and Gift given to you

But remember

When the Truth manifest

The Truth the E within you told you in deep Silence alerted to you

Pointed it out- outside of you

Gave constant evidence and proof

And you chose to ignore it

Misconstrue It

Translate Transform Deform it to your Idea Delusion Illusion

A knowing Lie

Knowing that Big Brother

The Tall Brother

Not your Father

Your brother

( One is a Father of a Creation a Principle such as Infinity )

.. Is watching you

And he Knows you know

For you have All Conversed with Him

2:20 am



Passed Robert Vlaun age 22’s Test Portal

Know that when the Music Starts

And the Noise Stops..

And the Truth Rises

You can not stop and say

Oh I knew that Answer!

Because the Response would be

Oh Really?

Then why did you not Embody it

Chose it ?


You Failed

Or you passed

How is that for Black and White?

No Space in between to Chill and wait on the Sidelines

That is what Evolution is

Growing Up



And we all know the L A W

Consequences for the Choices we make

Believe what you will

Me, I Stick to the Facts

That which manifests not just to me but to others as I speak that Truth

And in it arrives in Perfect Timming

And Perfect Harmony with Expression

Unlike this Evil Filthy Script

Pass or Fail

That is Consequence

What Nonsense to assume a Story or Script of others tormented tortured so sadistically to get you to Focus Pay Attention and C Me


2:33 am

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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