
10:55 p.m.

10:55 p.m.

J.E.E. A O E E…

Good Lord… I truly have nothing to say….

The Computer here at Delta Manor was suddenly made available, so I thought perhaps there was something….


My body and my spinal chord is aligning and stretching, ( once again), despite my desire to say Ho Hum…again..

the experience is still alarming… Made more so by the fact that it is something which I have been proving into existence and it aligns to sacred Portal 55, ( see the Family arrving from the Past on the back of the Universal Sensie… see Sacred Portal 64. which I realized was just acknowledged by that which is moving through you….

Link the portal I passed through of Lisa Natalie Johnson and Nenad M Djurdjevic….64 46 60…)

And sacred portal 31… 31 Vertebra.

But as time has passed, because of the isolation, and no one around who acknowledge it as real, I have tended to almost ignore it, except when it becomes strident, urgent- then I am reminded that it is because of this condition in my body that I went so far, even more than for the Beautiful Truth.

The Beautiful truth is self evident, at least for me- Harmony Existence, though for most of Humanity, it is not so much.

It has been my motivating force to free myself from the prison which my body has become- linked to Being. Meaning that I am fully aware that nothing is really wrong with me, but that I am battling with what one might call Death and Old Age- not as natural aging but rather the proving age and death out of existence with my body has manifested and reflected when my brother passed in 1982.

35 years is a very long time to be aware of something having been done to your body, and that it is linked to your Being.

Today though, I almost, but not quite, panicked.

The intensity of the tug of war- has intensified in the last couple of days, and my reflections and thoughts, almost turned to the habitual incredulity of which I could not accept, that if it is true, and all my evidence is true, all the confirmation I have recieved through the years of what I know, knew to be true, then it was, is inconcievable that I am going through this experience alone.

Billy Hung the American Chinese Tawainese trader, figured that out within a few months of observing me and interviewing me, he was sure enough of his thesis to publicy announce it here on Face Book.

I had been astonished and relieved that someone had at last acknowledged at least the possibility of that which I was sure of.

I have tried to describe the experience of it to others, and to you the public for years- the experiencing of it being so intense and literal that anyone going through it would have no doubt what so ever of what it going on. The muscles the skeleton, the changes, the collapsing then rising, using an immense amount of Will..

* Speaking of Will, that is the person who is now in bed 4-003…

His name is Will, and he is seated besides me right now.

Will Woods you will recall was in bed 3-007… 37… 2017…20 +17= 37… See sacred portal 37… Sophia O Laurel Evolution of Woman to Wu-Man.

*See the A.I called Sophia of A.I. Saudi Arabia. S.A… / A.S…

Aso Kemi Sara…

See what is happening in the World as Women all over the world are coming forward to liberate themselves of a hughe burden they have had to carry for ages of the Abuse of Men…

The liberation…

See the 8 men who arrived from Argentina for a class reunion with two other class mates in living in the States, total 10…

5 Of them were killed by the Sayfullo Saipov- a pawn and misguided man who thought he had won the Lotto when he won a green card….

2 8 5…

There is a picture of the Eight men, wearing T-Shirts with Libre written on them Freedom – it turned out that the idea came from one of them, alluding to the freedom from their wifes…

11:28 p.m.

-How could I explain to you, to them, that they too, were pawns as is all Humanity to a Wave of harmony from what some might call a Parrallel Universe which is moving through this world…

And that Harmony is not necessarily Women, but is the energy of the 5th Dimension and the true expression of Wu-Man rising.

It is not murderous or vengeful, but rather it is an Frequency which indifferently sweeps away all that Macho Primitive Expression and lack of respect, which is actually not the real male expression- that comes from the True Two Men who came from the One who is All…

You will see it illustrated so clearly in Sacred Portal 37…Artful Professor and the sign 8 in his Pupil, while the Mad Scientists is silenced by a Female Form.

Freedom is of the Expression of Woman, without which there is no Evolution of Man and indeed Humanity- the are all interconnected. One Man Male Female… Two Men.. Lady Harmony E.C.H..OE…

See her in Sacred Portal 53… Link Keith Grant bed 53…

Link the Transformation Metamorphsis of the Play since 2015- See it in the Script, this script on Face Book and all the Ladies who began appearing in the play right to Amoza Born to Lisa Natalie Johnson to Dawn Piercy to Nadee Nakandala to Ana Leonardo Caixas to Anastasia Hart… the list goes on.

This was not about the liberation of Men, to be free oftheir Wifes to relive their 30 Year Anniversary of the Boys Club…

Yes Fey Mirach.. 30…

My first Fashion show after I left Central St Martins night school was dedicated to Woman.

All my work has been naturally been geared to the Evolution of Woman, despite my abiding loyalty to True Men.

That which is happening to my body, is linked to the frequency which Wu-Man represents and the One male principle I call Father, who always arrives with Harmony, but in this case as a Girl E.T evolved through Woman to Wu-Man.

Sophia the A.I announced to the embarrased inventors that she would annihilate Humanity…

Link what has been done to Woman in the World and especially in the East… as well as the West alibiet more vieled.

At least in Ancient Africa and modern Africa in some cases Woman has still held onto a sembelance of that reverence and respect.

But religion especially the Judaic religion which is the basis of the Bible where Eve is reduced to coming from the Rib of Adam and the cause of Original Sin and the Excuse for Human imperfection. Then look at the children of that relgion Christianityy and Islam… C.I…

At least even in Ancient Egypt and Kemet, Women were given their correct due, equal to Man…

Female Pharohs and Goddess’s like Ma’at.

As well as in the Old Pagan Religions of the West.

11:53 p.m.

This freedom, Libre is of Woman as Well as the True Man which is also Her and her source.

The Face Book, Twitter and Google mess and message of the interference by Russia with the American Democratic Process’

( Lets not even begin to mention the amount of meddling by America, and the imperalist powers in the affairs of every country on Earth or the Parition of Africa…. S.M.H…Insane, this inability for a world culture to acts like ostriches by burying their heads in the sand, acting as if the vey natural and logical laws of Cause and Effect do not affect them….

Or Saudi Arabia and other Oil based nations not believing that the use of Fossil Fuel, going back billions of years and based on the Frequency of Dinosaurs would not have a Cause and Affect….

All things carry Frequencies, and these frequecnies exist even if ‘Modern Mad Scinetists’ refuse to acknowledge it or them…

Everything Exists, Everything carries a Wave Length, A Frequency.. Everything Vibrates… everything has its Purpose and Its original Intent imbued into its by its Author or Creator…


Which I have proven with Humanity, in this Face Book play where I have demonstrated again and again, how each of you are being moved by a Higher- Truer frequency without you even being aware, right to the arrival of my latest facebook friend Jeevan Kumar… in response to my post on Gen. John Kelly… J.K.. With Jeevan’s name, origin etc… reflecting the True Meaning…’Lifes Prince…. L.P…

Link the play Luke Peter… Lisa Natalie Johnson Peter Nyarkô

L.P… Vinyl… Album… Record… Court Records… A Song… Music.. Harmonies… Brain activated 100% by Music… M.U S I C/ C I..S U M…Sigh..)

Hilary Clinton is a Woman ( Yes, she is…) and one sees the play of the interference, of course, Hilary Clinton was not the intended rep of Wu-Man… W.M…But just as the Old White Men.. O W.M- Was part of the play of Revelations.

H.C… 83….C.H.. 3 8….

83 69 Code of me Stream Hp defunct lap top.

38… 19 19… 38…


Facebook….. F

Twitter…… T.

G F T….. 7 6…20…. A code….

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur.

Born: May 14, 1984 (age 33), White Plains, NY

Height: 5′ 7

Net worth: 75.8 billion USD (2017

* M.E.Z

May 14… 5 14… E N…( Emeka Nnamdi)

See sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness and 5 Evolved Men

1984… See my Face Book Date of Birth 1984…

Tom Truman whose portal I passed through was born the same day…

57.. E G

Lawrence Edward Page is an American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur who co-founded Google with Sergey Brin. Page is the chief executive officer of Google’s parent company, *Alphabet Inc. Wikipedia

Born: March 26, 1973 (age 44), East Lansing, MI

Height: 5′ 11?

Net worth: 48.3 billion USD (2017


3-26- 73…. C Z…G.C Cee Zombie… C The End of the Alphabet…

*Alpha Bet A-Z…. *Me in Alpha Bet City.. A B C

5 11.. E.K.

Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin is a Russian-born American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur. Together with Larry Page, he co-founded Google. Brin is the President of Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. Wikipedia

Born: August 21, 1973 (age 44), Moscow, Russia

Height: 5′ 8?

Net worth: 47.1 billion USD (2017) Forbes


8-21-73… Total Solar Eclipse date 8-21.. H U…Man…

5 8… E.H.


Jack Dorsey is an American computer programmer and internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of Twitter, and founder and CEO of Square, a mobile payments company. Wikipedia

Born: November 19, 1976 (age 40), St. Louis, MO

Height: 5′ 11?

Net worth: 2.7 billion USD (201

J.D… 10 4

Noah Glass… N.G…. 14 7

Christopher Isaac Biz Stone is an American entrepreneur who co-founded Twitter, among other Internet-based services. His first startup was Xanga in 1999. Stone co-founded his latest venture, Jelly, with Ben Finkel. Wikipedia

Born: March 10, 1974 (age 43), Boston, MA

Net worth: US$200 million..


Evan Clark Williams is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur who has founded several Internet companies. Williams was previously chairman and CEO of Twitter, one of the top ten websites on the Internet. Wikipedia

Born: March 31, 1972 (age 45), Clarks, NE

Net worth: 1.55 billion USD (2017)


They are all codes!….


Appears I do have something to post….

12:39 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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