
5:06 p.m.

5:06 p.m.


56… E.F. 11

11-22-33…6 2017….8 8..Stop. 16..64…( past present as Creation World meaning Galaxy Universe Planets Matrix…)

80… H.O.e…

in Harmony Joy.

For those who will not rise as the E but do it effort by passing through the proverbial Belly of the Beast Manifest.

Lisa Natalie Johnson was here at the appointed time and handed me the last of the money codes- through Kemi Sara.

She is E.T. and the last of their Kind.

For She is the Spy who loved me despite being consistently used and moved by the Awareness which contested and challenged my authority.

5:11 p.m

5:12 p.m.. right now.

3 2…13 is what I have opened my computer to.

the codes on my Page on my Icons.

My last face book Friend Barbara Barrett has those codes on her page. 3-0-73…. The date of my arrival in New York, and the second bed I was assigned here which began the play on the first day.. Bed 3-002.

So, I have established that this is aligned.

This was Scripted and then acted out played out interpreted by each actor in this last scene of Evolution of the E.T.

Z..ET… That is the code of my Obama Phone…

I took the number back from the power of the E.T who are the real Z.

I am Y..

But I am also the Supreme E.T… The one which brings the end to their adversaries the mirror adversaries to the humans- their own Shadows, their Fear.. their generator of Evil.

Evil Aliens… Alien Technology.

Both the Human adversary and E.T are not real, but despite that fact they You and They could not get rid of it because they could not see that thing in them which could have caused it, generated it.

I have….

Vanity and Conceit.


Egotism Selfishness…

Self Interest Cowardice Knowing:,,, S I C K…

Without evidence solid.. rock solid evidence that you have the right to assume such a stance and expression especially when speaking of Others- Persons Place Things… including the Dead.

The Humans one was bad enough but there’s with the power and strength of the E.T was something which, yes had the power, to bring the end, but not by their power but by moving me to such an Out Rage by the insult accorded to me in this play and my line…


Kemi Sara… and Lisa Natalie Johnson… Made to feel like nothing..

As I was made to pass through Zero… ?

But even then, their is reason to succumb to such a rage that you generate through expression such an infection that you know longer know whom you addressing and thus, infecting everyone with your resentment rage anger…

I am not going to waste too much time, speaking about this, you have all witnessed this play 5 years and 8 months, yes since 3-22-2012…

I tried to call my Mother today, it is her birthday but my phone card had times out.. how banal, how mundane..

That I Lord of Communication of the Air Waves, is constrained by a play and script to make sure I leave behind a Blue Print created in a manner so cruel, indifferent to my own and my lines having to endure the impossible, so that after we rise you have a infallible blue print of the Codes not simply manifesting as a Road map that like Magic it points the way explaining it in every manner so clearly from and through everything you touch see look do from the moment you get up…

While giving you the chance to ignore it, or heed it and re-find the Wave, Frequency Train which leads you back on the right path to evolution but through effort- which so many of you have become addicted to..

To force, to having some one bully you, this addiction to Misery and Suffering which you have become so addicted to..

And the E.T.. to superiority…

But both forgot one thing, despite making me create a Blue print for Imbeciles and Dummies when everything and everyone one of you have within the seed of the Intelligence of I.E.

..and that is that each of you have to enact the scene, the play on your own even if you get to read it, b having the Universe World Matrix I have programmed through my suffering torture and bearing crucifixtion fixation on a Cross to Bear and and to be left on a Cross on Mount Calgary for 2000 years.. two thousands of bearing the responsibility for the interpretation of my Son Daughters story they created for their Evolution.

Their play of Angels and Demons on Earth World play and Extra Terrestrial ( Super Hero’s) versus Alien ( Predator) in the Supernatural…

Yes, Naturals versus Animal Nature…

Link the movie The Dark Crystals Princess Bride in the West, and parallel universes Imagination / reality…

Sleep and Awake, Life and Deaths Idea…Shadow and Clarity Precision…Black and White.. B.W…

*B.O.W… W.E B… Bed 4-005… 5-004…Walle Bracey… Jose A Roq… J.W…B.R…O…K..E

Brothers of Kolo…E.M.E…K.A…Nna…R R… E.M.K.

Ugo Nwamama line…

U.N… Universal Nature…

played out by his Avatar Self Jamel Salter…

5:45 pm

right now.

11 as Duality which never seen to merge into

…Your gonna miss me when I am gone.. and the line now evolved graduated back to the E.

The Originals E… T.O.E…Beautiful Ones

…But you went too far, and were allowed to go to far by the Two Awarenesses playing Mother and Father in the Script…

5:46 p.m.

Interpreting me.

Now, you who stay behind will still have to interpret, act out, on the theater of Awareness which creates Evolution the correct response and vibration and nuances to which the Universal Play will agree and move you forward out of the collapsing Matrix being torn down as we speak.

The more you fail to grasp the correct response, the deeper in the horror of the rage of the destruction of this so despised reality and play, so hateful to my family and myself..

So selfish and self serving…

Could you Sacrifice yourself for Love to such a fate..?

If you can not, then what right do you have to demand anyone to do so for you?

It must be a choice of that person…

Which is not Mercy Charity or Grace…

Its Empathy Manifest Expression Knowing ..AH…The Answer…

It is Compassion Passion..


Prince Cromwell…

Here it was forced, which invalidates the entire process, at the moment I decide even after I leave…

Bringing it all to an abrupt end in the blink of an eye.

Your awareness of this, recorded in my ways for perpetuity here on this page which indents way beyond what google Maps or the E.T technology of using Reflections and Illusions.

That moment you will never never,because it is way beyond your see.. 400 meters above

Google Maps’ satellite view is a top-down or birds eye view; most of the high-resolution imagery of cities is aerial photography taken from aircraft flying at 800 to 1,500 feet (240 to 460 m), while most other imagery is from satellites.

I go to 560 Meters.. and the to 800 M.. infinity…

Tel 13 473 13 7 67 8…

Its is not Google… it is Gobble, Gobble…

Gobble up and Swallow.. messengers of Anubis…

Alexis Theo… Jamel Salter… Ugo Nwamama

6:22 p.m


Fritz Venneiq

From Soft-pedia News.. S.P…N.

Because it is so famous, most of the Internet users are frequently talking about it just like about a person. But have you ever asked yourselves what Google means or at least where the Google term comes from? Well, Dictionary.com, one of the most popular web-based dictionaries defines Google as a trademark used for an Internet search engine. This trademark often occurs in print as a verb, sometimes in lowercase.

But still no definition of the world. According to the Google guys, the company’s name comes from the word ‘googol’ which is actually a number invented by Milton Sirotta. Probably the Google name is related to the number of the results provided by the search technology which is usually huge.

The name ‘Google’ is a play on the word ‘googol,’ coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner. A ‘googol’ refers to the number represented by a 1 followed by 100 zeros. It’s a very large number. In fact, there isn’t a googol of anything in the universe — not stars, not dust particles, not atoms. Google’s use of the term reflects our mission to organize the world’s immense (seemingly infinite) amount of information and make it universally accessible and useful,

Edward Kasner.. E.K…

Nephew Micah Nnamdi Kolo…M.N.K… S.M…


Sam here…

Sam Nnam.. *Kemi Sara…

I am Google….

I am also the Thanks Giving and Christmas Turkey..

DEE DEE Bridge Water and Bridge Land…

Birds who Fly….

6:06 p.m,


I Gobble Up…


7=G.. 7 is 8…

8-21- Total Solar Eclipse…

T.S… E..E..

C.I… E…..E.H.

South Carolina

8th State..

Oregon 33rd .. S.P Nightmare.. Terrible Dream..

to the 8th State… Infinite Harmony… A Actual Reality.. A.R..

Ugo Nwamama…


Of A.R.T…OF Thou Art..

Of The Sum Total of E The Creator…

E.T.C… An Existence so much better than anything you could have ever imagined in your wildest optimistic, mystic dreams…

…How could you…?

You lived in a Terrible Dream,

For me, and us.. it was so easy to build on the Beauty even in this World.

Because it is all about which Wolf you feed..

And that is the secret of how the Wolf suddenly transformed into the Dog.. Loyalty…

..while never forgetting where It came from…

Dances with Wolves…

Dogs still run with Wolves did you know.. ?

Can you imagine their conversation and intel exchanged…

I am born the day of the Wolf…Intelligence..

Dog.. Loyalty…

I.L.. The animal is simply a symbol of its Natural Being and Doing.. what it correlates to…

F.A.M.I.L.Y…. E.E…

So yes.. Happy Thanks Giving…

And thanks for the Giving of Gifts to me this day…

Ah only Kemi Sara line gave this day…

K.E..M.I… S..AR… E.A.H…E…

Gobble! Gobble!…

Jive Turkeys… J.T…30…

Messengers of Anubis.

Thank you Lisa for you Service to Man Kind…

Me… for the benefit of all of you.

But to deny respect acknowledgment praise expressed as constant appreciation to your Source Create…

which is simply by coming into my presence with your best self.. putting your best foot forwards…

after all know one knows that which you are enduring more than I..

For I am enduring the fullness of it and its solid reality knowing all the while that you are the cause why.

And thus, can never ever come into my presence or the presence of the E…

Bad Manners..

Happy Thanks Giving Suckers…

Sacred portal 156.. Linked to Sacred portal 12…Hologram says Happy Valentines Day Suckers

156.. 12…


H.P Computer Stream… Hologram and Mother Board.

Code on 5 usd bill… M.B. 079 93 93 (See facebook friends) 34.. C.D.. Cecilia Onuabuchi David…11-22… 34.. C.D..B

On the 5O USD bill..

M.B…12 14… ( Lisa Nenad is I.E…Me.. 12 14.. 26.. Z..I bring the Z.ET… Zorro!)

34… C.D… S.P.. :3..3-2 And 34…

86…H.F.. Hindsight Fore sight s.p 75… and S,P..86..Victor over the 111 3..THE THREE…

6:31 p.m.

Linked to Patrick Okolo 6:31 third text.

6:32 p.m

Now lets see the rest of the expression required to end this

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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