
9:18 p.m

9:18 p.m

New York Times

Travel Section….


The Inescapable Poet… ( T.I.P).

Ruben Dario… (R.D..B.A..R D)

is remembered in his Homeland…

And below… and continued on page 7

Where Exhaustion Can Lean to Awe.’.. ( W.E…C…LA!)

I am Exhausted…. I.A.E…

Last Year..Dec 3rd..

Dee +Elvis… D=4..E=5…

i wish to speak with you i Informed Dee…

I did not realize until after that I had just completed he Pi equation..

Thraxed Texlix TT… 2020 Vision…

Offor Ugochukwu Chidiebere… O.U.C.. Oh You See – Cee…

O.U.C.H… I owe you the See Cee of OUCH! Pain…

Pi.. 3.14 15 92 65 35…9….


45… 9 20… 9 2O… 92 O… 11O…

See sacred portal 110…We are Here, the First, The Last and the only family of Existence.

The One E.

I just spoke to Yarsoky Chris and another with the name L..who are working here tonight…


Yeshua Christ.. Light… And Dark… Life And Death… Y…

( M.L…= 13..12= 25.. Age of Taylor…)

L A D Y….E…

* Leonardo and Mia are the only ones left on the Metropolitan Line…

L.M… 12 13… 25… Y… Male Chromosome…

I said loudly to the three of them..

Do you now what brings the End of the World?

What they Y.C.. asked…?

Gossip! I thundered and Y and C burst out laughing in agreement.

The Bible and all the Holy Books.. so called Holy Books to really have been written by God or the Creator…

Would have been signed with His Name…

That he wrote the Book…

And the Eternal I.E.. Example of the Living water.. the Living world would be that everything written instantly manifests in Eternal Harmony…

Now there is only Mia left… Leonardo has left…

E M… E K A…

M.E…A K .E… Ignacio Choi.. I.C… E

I signed this book on Face Book..

with my Name and my Mark…


Zoroaster… E.K..

M. EL CHI DI.. Z ..E K…

9:37 p.m.

LADY Comes From and Through… M.E.. MOI… Mumwah…

m m m… 39…



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