
There is a man who had been in bed 4-003… Al..

There is a man who had been in bed 4-003… Al..

He was replaced by Duane S.. and now by Herman Hubbard..

He had been forced to sleep on the floor because he had lost his bed…

Twice he came to me, to tell me his predicament, almost as if he was asking me if I could do something about it…

I knew it was a Spirit play…

Again and again he came to me…

Albert is the name of my former host who hosted me for 4 years straight.

he put me through such Hell, he is the one whose portal which Alien Father Alpha;s portal had been opened up through and whom he channeled.

I could not forgive what I endured in his home…

But I knew that he was linked and to Joseph Carey whom he met and Joe passed through his portal and even once loaned him money for rent…

I knew the connection between to the two and often told Joe, but I was seeing through the full circle…

Al Santana saw it too, he recognized Joe…

And so, I did not realize that the play was waiting for me to acknowledge Albert.. father of Royal Reign…. Whose mother is Ritz Montes..

I chose him as coming before Joseph Carey yesterday, if you recall.

He had housed me, and allowed me access to his home for 6 years after on and off …

We did the work.. even though the Energy moving through him was that of a brutality and savagery of which I could not accept as Father…

But this Facebook Script is the testament to the work we did, even though he was in a way brought to test me, to see if I would change.. he had said.. become transformed to Evil by the brutality I was being asked to endure and fight…

I passed his test.. or the test of the Force he was channeling.. It came through Ancient Egypt..

It is requires is for One to go back on my page before I entered the system two years ago to see that play…

He came before Joe… J.oe… Albert.. O… / O A… 10… 10 is the Beginning of the Matrix and the end of it…

And so today when I came back from doing the work with Blair.. and he quoted Lean on my John Clark.. J.C.. linked to the portal of Joseph Carey, I had successfully passed through…

J.C.. 10 3…. O boom my brothers line was now safe…

Albert greeted me at the door…as I entered the room.

I had been in the TV room and saw a seat besides Hector of bed 4-010…D.J…I sat besides him, he seemed to turn away from me, but a moment later a seat where I normally sit at the very end of the table or head of it… near the computer and Walle opened up..

E.H.. then to E.W… W.E…. The Twins.. the post of the two Black Horses.. and then the one white and black.. the two races Black and White both of the same twin Black Matter E-Spirit… the Two…

Albert link Albert Albert King King… now was moved back to the same room but to bed 4-010…He had replaced Hector!…

Hector Herrera links thus to Herman Hubbard… ( who is a character… truly a gentleman and a character.. warrior… incredible play)

See the code of Albert represented through the Facebook friend mirror…

A A K K?

Albert now sleeps next to Allen Murray.. Who has not returned… still since the day Joseph Carey put the Western Union in his name.. it was no mistake… in the higher play…

Bed 4-012.. A… 4-010… A… A A… K K… 11 11… Room 4.. 4 ( 1)

D.L…Desire Love…

D.J…/ J D…Terrible Death.. D.J.. A.M… D.A.O… DA…OE..

Thus.. of lord.. I am too tired…

Sensei.. see that play of JA with Albert Santana and I linked to Orien Laplante

See the title of this post.

Rage.. Beautiful Rage.. Alien Father Alpha has entered the Story.. made real

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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