
8:54 p.m.

8:54 p.m.

Cover of U S A TODAY… 1-22-2018.

Forces of Chaos,

Of Change.

By David Waters….Memphis Tennessee.

1968 The Year which transformed a Nation.

Let us strive, then to, inaugurate the year of grace nineteen hundred and sixty eight- the year of faith transformed to hope- by praying for peace- said Pope Paul VI said in a New Years Message to the world Grant us Peace!

There was nothing peaceful about 1968…

68 was a war.

From your lips to Gods Ears… Apparently God does not listen to his Pope’s.

Code Fritz Venneiq 64 86 94 O4… F D… H F… I D… O.D…

/ DO DI…F H D F…

My second coffee a refill handed to me by J… funny, I just forgot his name… Oh yes, Sam.. is 664…

6 64… 66 4…

Linked to the last post which started after a second try at 64… the first try was 5 44… 5 45… Linked to myself bed 44 and to Blair age 44 and then to Nnamdi Full Circle linked to me and then Nnonyem my sister also linked to me…

Which means that the sequence of order is 64 86 94 04…

Which reads as Fifth Dimension ( S.P 64…Self Mastery of the Serpent EKE..Python Boa Constrictor.. King Cobra…K.C..E Sexual Kundalini)

Infinity Harmony is a Fact and Sacred Portal 86..Victor Emeka over the 3 and over Erik Ebright encoding

Infinity Defined as the I.D of MANN…is completed Full Circle as the Circle of Life at Delta…

See last two facebook friends Jesse Isaiah, J.I…Means Holds or and Yam in Igbo.. but this is not a Forest People play as the First People…

For they are not..

The Eternally Beautiful Ones are… and it is only they who have been able to destroy the Forces of Chaos and harvest the seed of Change, and Transformation which has crippled this world.

My 1040 Face book friend is David Moore… D M.

In story form of this reality Jesse is the father of David…

JD..Father Son… Linked by the Holy E-Spirit… H E.

And in the consciousness of E.. Y A H W A Y…Is Salvation he is the Beloved Moor at Delta Manor… Delta means 4.. 1111… 4-1..

Most of you will recall that Cleveland gave me the Times 1968 as a gift and the same day Jamel and Blair… Nnamdi Ike came to me and I conversed with them both.

Maurice my biological fathers first name means Moore

A Moore is a person of Darker complexion.

One of the first things Blair said to me, was that I looked like Morgan Freeman… M.F…

Morgan le Fey then would be original a Man.. or the Mer Line…

Line of the Sea of Atlantis…

Blair and I went to the Money Gram place at St Lawrence Avenue.. Directly one block parallel to Taylor Avenue…

See the meaning of Lawrence.. and Taylor….

And today, after the finally getting the money code to link Blair and I, where for the first time, no commission was asked and I was treated with respect, and even love for communicating knowledge…

I noticed how Anthony Bienke denigerated my sum of expression to him as Advice thus making the value trivial…

That is a gift alot of white people use, to negate, to make other races inferior, not exists.. to take away their value, to pretend to not to see them or their worth, and value thus not having to have the responsibility of giving it correct due.

It is an Evil Cruel tactic of The Conquerors mentality…

The mentality of Zero.. which takes away rather than giving correct credit.

It is not a trait used by white people. but all people to undermine the value of another human beings and their contributions to society.

What they do not realize, that this their Ego twisted into such expressions is negating them.. literally since I have encoded it into the program of not only the World Matrix.. and the Blue Print of Existence.. but in the very Air Waves itself.

Smh… that is what comes from underestimating the person in front of you..

Not using Love.. which Cees clearly who they are dealing with…

The code is in Edwin Dominic… ED.. bed 4-007… 47…

Recall Blair took over his seat besides Igbo Anthony… of yes that play had significant meaning…

Sacred Portal 47 Is Entrance into the Abyss…

Impossible that a Moor has that much power is able to do such a thing….

Smile… Recall the words of the Scientist from Siemens Andres who linked to Andrese Harris Burton.. A H B… And what he said to me, at 147 9th Avenue The Bean..T B.. 20 2O…

That the greatest scientist in the World are the Shamans. the Dibia the naturalists of the Ancient ways. and that modern man western man is centuries behind them.

Siemens are the appliances used here in Delta Manor… D M…

I trust no one.. not anyone who has not given me evidence of being E.. and all the E Passed through the exact same portals and experiences….

We are One…. and Unique.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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