
8:19 p.m

8:19 p.m



A Y…T R….U E..

My greatest torment through the years, and every single night…

That which has been my greatest battle and struggle, which stops me from sleeping is not only that I am being forced to constantly turn my focus on this play, which is like looking into an endless abyss at what I have been put through.

That this is not simply real, true fact…

But this was allowed, such a play was orchestrated and carried out for a person to enact and to solve.

By force, by use of Evil.

That it is impossible, that such a cruelty can not exist, to put a person through such an experience, such a trial when he is telling the Truth.

When he told the Truth, from the beginning to end…

Each day, I wake up to the 29 years since I left Nigeria, West Africa… And contemplate that it is impossible, all that I have endured right to the Shelter…

And that this was created for a person to live..

A Person who really who he is to experience night and day…

The 28 years is the Story I have fought linked to Jamel and then to Tyrone… J T.. 10 20…/ T J Bed 4-009 who recently got into a conflict with Ishmael which forced him to leave the Shelter.

But the 29 code keeps appearing.. Brenda is that code as well as Kasien Thompson 6-29-61… 11-29-63…. 6 11…29 29…61 63…

6 11…F.K… Fritz Venneiq Kemi Sara..

58…124… E H… A B D… 1-4…

All I say each day is that this is impossible.. that such evil can exist.. have this much power..

To set up such a script … impossible…

But here I am in it…

9:43 p.m

The Croissant which Brenda handed me, which I had observed the young lady server give her, which she then offered to me ( I took it but a part of me, was so quietly furious wished to fling it at her… there was an energy behind it which was generous but it was also something so insulting… I took it because it was not against her, nor could she see what the gesture truly meant if she really knew who I was, not just some person in a cafe who has no money…

Because that is exactly how, her expression, makes me see feel read.

Is it from her, perhaps but it is also the energy behind her, the Spirit… The one which I have come to loathe, the Spirit of which I see as the Forest People, the cruelty…

No Brenda is a messenger and so I took it, knowing that they were moving through…

I had noted her Harmony over and over again..

They possess her without knowing and with poor people, as well as rich, I suppose.. It is mainly through Money…)

The Paper code it came in, is 4:28 :47 p.m.

And the name on it is Santa….

Literal meaning of Santa: Santa (Sanskrit ????) is an ancient word of Sanskrit origin which means a good man. Santa also refers to peaceful, sage, calm, ascetic and saint

I am not a Santa… nor a Saint…

Despite others seeking to place that label on me, to prevent my true self which responds to this arrogance… This superiority of another placing one in a straight jacket, giving them roles they decide they wish the person to be so that they will not be allowed to be their true selves…

I smile… I am aware of that play.. been aware of it for ages…

When I was a boy they placed that title on me.. A Saint..

No.. the code is 4-28…47… 47.. 11 28… the code is not multiply it is add… 4 7 11 2… F R B 11 0 2…12…. 28..B.H..D.G… 10 11…21…3..

I am the Satan… The Beautiful Devil… S.B D… B D S…


October 3, 2011 at 9:32 am (Uncategorized)


As many of you are aware, “Satan” translates as TRUTH in Sanskrit, the original

language of humanity.

The Sanskrit root word “Sat”, also sometimes “Satya” means Truth. “An” is also a

shortening of “Ananta” which means Eternal/Infinite/Never ending, etc. The name

“Satan” as a whole can also therefore be translated as “Truth Eternal” or “The

Infinite and Never Ending Truth”. Our God Satan IS the Eternal, Infinite and

Never Ending Truth!

The enemy kikes stole this, incorporating it into their filthy forged “language”

they call hebrew, changing the meaning of this Sacred Name to “adversary”. What

they are blatantly saying is that the Eternal and Never Ending Truth, Satan, is

their adversary. Truth is their worst enemy, as they are nothing but lies.

…It is extraordinary… There are young men, in their late twenties, both of them Afro Origins, speaking for the last 3 hours about their lifes, their children…

Their Business – Fashion…Music..

Health, Grooming, Regimes, their nutrition, exercise, philosophy.. social awareness… Money

what they eat, how they feed their daughters… one is Vegan…

Their interaction with their friends…girlfriends…

The dialogue is so aware, so evolved as men…


That 15-20 years ago they would be considered gay or trying to be white.

There is no mistaking that these are virile men, masculine they could easily be placed in a movie depicting Ancient Noble African Warriors….

They are so well informed about it reminds me of my writing with Jon the series of short films called From The hearts of young men when I was their age- in which we sought to redefine the notion of what is a Man and Manhood.

It is amazing to hear this.. I had been fighting this, the idea of what a Man is, simply because of the nature, condition and environments I was brought up and influenced by which was considered uncommon.. and in a way still is.

But then I was Spirited away…

I can not even believe that 25 years has passed by.

I have lived in another realm, for the last 25 years, my entire youth.

According to the code of the script in the Matrix I am 50 years old..

5O… Sacred Portal 50.

But according to the Script I am 25, and never left 1992-1993…

A.I.I.B…S I.B…. S I C.. A I I C…

C I I A… C I.S…B IS… B.I I A…

I have been in place where Time stood still, my body is the same but my face, though I would describe as looking old, it looks haggard, lined a mask which has been lived in too much…

Way to much…

And the eyes… I try to avoid looking at my face, and my eyes, not because of vanity but because what my reflection is showing me..

There is no ugliness, though I am always surprised when people consider me handsome, but it is face which I see as ravaged.

And when I look at Blair who is 44, or Jamel 33.. their faces despite the hardships endured in and of their lives, they faces have the literal no crack no lines..

Most of the people I met there is none whose face is lined and scarred as mine.. yet which somehow still conveys ( and Morphs.. Morpheus…) youth.

8:42 p.m.

Yes Fritz Venneiq sent me 20 usd.

and Kemi Sara sent me 22 usd…

Both sent it to Money Gram… Frtiz told me that he tried to send by Western Union but could only send it through Money Gram which is a means which Kemi Sara has been sending me for a while.. her code 220… 22…

The Total of the Two is 42…

The code from Fritz 64 86 94 04…

The code from Kemi 27 33 1234…. Yes…

64… Victor I.D…O D…Delta..

27. A-A..S.P. 27…33 The Terrible Dream A B C D.. recall that ply at the table Anthony Blair Cleveland David ..Emeka. Jamel..

Emeka Jamel…who is 33…

I still have not collected the 22 usd Blair had to go to an appointment but said he would be back in time..

I called him at 4;35 p,m he responded at 4;36 p.m.

His code phone number is 664 29 65!…

65 is the illusion age given to me…and links to Fritz and Joseph Carey… Whom I called today…

I am at 1042 Facebook friends.

*Martin Wolf Essery contacted me I just saw, looking for Amoza Born I knew there was some meddling!…

Because she was going to link with Blair Andrews… 150..

Origin of the name Guillermo: A cognate of William (resolute protector), a name derived from the Old Norman French willaume, which is from the Old High German Willehelm, a compounding of the elements willeo (will, determination) and helm (helmet, protection).

The Castillian surname Deltoro is of habitation origin, being derived from the name of the place where the original bearer lived or held land. … The place name Toro is derived from the word toro, which has been present in the Castillian language since 1102, and is derived from the Latin word taurus, meaning bull.May 25, 2017

1102… 12 11 02…. F R B … Fast Radio Bursts… 11-02-12-12.-02-10 B R F…

The Body is the Radio… Free Radio Brother…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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