
From Jeffrey Carbal..

From Jeffrey Carbal..

I hope you do not mind me sharing this,

I always share an image from any new facebook friends page….

And this is a great image of what I consider the Weary Heroic warriors of Life’s battle grounds…Heroes…

True Hero’s warriors of Spirit….

Yes, they do exist these mythic Beings,

but you do not hear from them, you do not see them in the news. or in the Movies…

Instead caricatures of the ideas of hero’s.

3:45 p.m.

I notice that I arrived at Jeffrey’s page where he is at 52 facebook friends,

the timing links to 52…E.B… which links to E..Be…

And to Sacred Portal 35 which popped up today in what is meant to be a 70 month alignment of the post and images to a Harmony now manifest.

3:49 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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