
MD Nur Hossain.. 1064 Facebook Friend.

MD Nur Hossain.. 1064 Facebook Friend.

10 64…. TEN… Sixty Four.. S.F,

Stephen Filgueira code…

1O +64… 65..

Coffee at Starbucks 605…. F O E/ E OF… Eternity Infinity Consciousness…

FOE Of the Unnaturals… Without Heart Compassion who place Value on Moneies Numbers more than Human Life.

MD Muktur Hossen

MD Nur Hossain…

M.D… Medical Doctor….? Manifest Destiny… Manifested Destination Hue-manity…


M.D N.H.

M.D M D MM DD.. MN…M O N E… Not Money… MON E…Y…

H H…

M IS 1000 Roman Numerals…

D IS 500…

1500…. A.E.OO… 15 O.. OO 6 OO… F OO… O=15… 66.. F F F.. 666.. 18… R… 9…I.

Nur means ; Nur (also spelled Noor, Nor, or Nour, Arabic: ???, Urdu: ???? ALA-LC: Nur IPA: [nu?r]) is a common Arabic unisex name meaning light. …


Hossaain means:’6 days ago – Alternate spellings of Hussein, Husseine Huwsen Huwsein Hosseene Hosseyin Huseyne Huseyn Hosein Hossein Huwsene Houseyn. All of the above … Meaning of Hussein. Hussein is an indirect Quranic name for boys. Hussein is a synonym of Hasan, it means “beautiful”, “handsome”, “goodly”, “gentle”, …

Beautiful, Handsome, Good and Gentle Light is I…Emeka…

Manifest Destiny….

10:58 p.m

… 12:24 p.m Post Script…

C.H.U.K.W.U…C.H.I. N E K.E…. C C… 3 3… 6…F

6O E…. F O E…


… Its a Fact..

Chukwu Chineke…. 6 7 letters… 67… Social Security British NZ 67 67 46 B

6 7… 13..M… 4… D… M.D.. MD Nur Hossain…. M.D… N.H…. Natural Harmony.

N.H….14 8… 22… V… Victor….

MD Muktur Hossen … Muktor means Chosen

Hossen Hossain… H H 8 8..Beautiful Handsome Goodly… gentle is the Chosen One.

The O.INri Igbo word for The Superme Being the Creator… and

Chinike The Expression which Creates and Manifests as it Goes Along

From Simply Being- he Is Doing and as he is Doing he is Manifesting in both Mascuine

Chukwu aspects

and Feminine Chineke…

CC Forms a Full Circle when Merged as Well as the numer 6…

O 6… O.F… E O.F…

Last Cofffee… 605… 6O 5

So let me C H U K W U…. C H I N E K E…

C H O S E N L I G HT….

Let us now

Marry,Mergeand interface the letters into a Weave Chukwu Chineke… C C So as to end this obscene idea of a Faceless Anonymous Creator….

C C…H.H….U.I…K N…. W E…. U.K…..E

33 88 21 9… 11 14 23 5 21 5.. 5

6 16 30 25 28 26 5

F.P. CO…Y….B.H..Z…E / E Z H…B Y.. O.C P.F

22 55 63 5 V…E E…F C…E…

4 55 63 5… D E E… F C… E….

*It means D EE First Contact.. Full Circle with E….

( It is meant to mean Full Circle First Contact with the Divine EE Ethereal Elenentals of the Past with E myself representing the E as the rep of the Eternal One in one… EE…E/E= E… I am trying to curb my impatience and incredulity.. I have had it with this Script..

Ad it is saying that I achieved this by meeting the three Dee’s

Dewight Smith.. Dee…

Dee who works at the Counter

Dee Samuel ..D.S…4 19… 23…

Dee as my telephone number….

DEE x 4…16…20 20….56….20…. * I just complete this code of 20 with that last post of 20 Friends in 10 days month of FEB…

011 234 805 652 ( F E B)/// 1606.. P.O.F… That is my Uncles Tel No…

They are all codes… use of telephone numbers…

* Okay, this is Crazy… I just came back to complete the Code Of the Chukwu Chineke and it is leading to trail which I have walked including my phone and people….

Dee is here in both Masculine and Feminine…..TEL…5 696 455…

.. i am at 10 63 Facebook friends… 10 is 24… As well as X .. .T.E.N…

The Elegant Nomads… T E N…

6 6 3… 66 3… Okay.. F F.. C… Francis Frick is sitting to my left…

3 usd in my wallet.

( This is crazy… Who set up this Riddle… Never mind..Forget I even asked…)

4 10…9 5…. D.J.. I.E….

41 95… D.A…I.E…/ E I…A D….

5 9 5.. E.I.E…..

A Full Circle…

19… S..

10…TEN…X… 24.. One Day…

53 Sacred Portal 53… E.C…


1 O F….

A O Fact….

Alpha Omega Fact..

A.F… 5+3= 8..


A Fact Harmony… Infinity…

1 6 8….full circle…

1 6 80…

1:28 a.m.

I can read this, but it is so incredible.. so out there… the notion that I would even solve this, after all this that I will just leave it at this with this equation resolved to

A F H… Awareness Foresight Hindsight…. The impossible done by a Human Being.. using Hindsight Foresight to align the Two 86 -68… Into One..

Creating Light… The Chosen Light…. T C L…

E T C L…

1:31 a,m

A C A… M A/ A M

crazy insane.. in sane SAO

1:32 a.m



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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