
8:07 p.m.

8:07 p.m.

87… H.G…Sacred Portal 87…

West Virgina… W.V…A.V.

I took a walk on a road called the walk of Champions ( not my idea, it was the nearest road where I could be alone, Morph -stretch- and catch a smoke.)

As I walked out I saw the sign A.V with a Ram Bowing…I could read…

My brother- Father Nnamdi is a Ram- Aries.

I knew who he was bowing too.. My sister lives in Washington- I could hear her E-Spirit… and I could read the code…

This is the stop over…

I should rest but I really would like to complete the last of the codes,

because yes I am broadcasting intelligence, ( Intel and Information) which manifests as we all move forwards…

Because yes, we are still moving the play forward.. the Invisible Energetic Enterprise Awakening…Evolution…and those reading these posts on my wall, are the lone witnessing to its manifestation, if if you might not be aware of it.

The Posting and the linking, moves the Space Ship as in Space- as Nothingness filled with Somethingness- Forwards, through a process of Expression which then moves outward through Space and Outer Space, S..O.S..then moves outwards, to the end of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix, made out of Silence Sound…and Sight-

( The codes which I am reading linking and posting a;long the way…and then posting them)…

It reached passes through Father Energy and reaches Lady Echo Truth… Sacred Portals 69 and 20…89.

Which was on the license plate of the last bus.

This bus is number 86583…Which gives me, and indication of the where we are in the play.


The Time now is 8:24 pm…H.X..H.F…86… The Harmonious X Factor unseen is moving to the F Fact.. Fact….As we travel along…

Erik’s code address I am moving towards is code 26 N.E. 60…

I have already completed the play of A-Z and A…

Because today is the 27th day since I arrived from Poughkeepsie-18 Mountain View and back to Alpha Bet City..A.B.C..

Ref Sacred Portal 123..

Where I spent 26 days, A-Z and on the 26th Day, I faced the conundrum, 15 years is long enough, and this play though a beautiful, beautiful product of a truly exquisitely beautiful mind- which even now,as I decipher, decode, read and solve, I am almost always floored by its Beauty.

but it is way too long, way to anal, and imperfect to a blinding degree because it lacks anything I can call love, consideration or Humanity..

Which makes it..Cold and Evil.. cruel…

8:38 p.m.

Sacred Portal the Circle and the Cross..

Reference Nenad M. Djurdjevic recent posts..

The Echo Resonance Response Confirmation is the propulsion which drives this invisible Enormous Space Ship I am driving along with my Co-Pilot Energy.. That part of myself, now wit his-her its own I.D who has been moving with me.. the two N’s E.N.N.E…5+14=19..X2..38…


The E I represent.. 5-8-9 10-1O…O.E…Go on for Infinity Eternity..

My linking with E and his Father Code,who is with him, links MI-Ami…

The 3rd Dimension Sound of the E line undercover here in this World Time line..Now having evolved from N-to E through a New Story having been created and acted out, to transform the 3Rd Dimension EEE M.I…(555..to 15…O a Symmetrically perfect awakening evolution A.E..15..15/51.. 66.. Through Sixth Sense 6O..to 66..12 3..Lights Consciousness…O…36O degrees of Earth interfaced with World of Words.

The Play by numbers ended with the Dissolution of the Two places, Truman Show, Matrix.. The One.. back to the O.N…E.

The Space Ship I Driving and Navigating Energetically, (D.N.E…Evolution from Dna..no more /AND…just END..EN…to NE

-26 N.E 60 E.E.B..E.E.E.B 83 Merging intefacing pass through the Erik 32-33 yrs old and myself morphing from 48 to 19 84.. Meaning 31-32 years old… Another proving but this time instead of the great effort which it required to prove that Donna O’Sullivan could read the codes and cleaning up the mess which Jonn Blackwell was channeling of all the horrors which had to be cleaned up in the World Man Woman Child Collective Human stories from the Beginning of the West the World and then linked to Middle East, the Orient (Orientation Axis, Polar Shift, E.M.F….Electrical Charges..)

this time it should be a simple Interface which should happen naturally since Erik and myself are all very Natural People… Rare.

Also I am not moving into what was thought to be an illusion of Darkness Non Knowing-The Future,- The Fear of the Future Uncertain-Chez Jonn and Donna who I had never met before at least not in this incarnation…

(And which I of course, proved that, that future was already knownT;Su- but it was more a Ruse to travel into the Holographic past and from a D.E.C.K.Marked C on the window for Chocolate…

me…to clean up the mess of the past..A messed up past, even in a Holographic Game -Hollow Deck…H.G…H.D.. Haun Delguidce-D.O.S, would create the illusion of a terrible terrible mess for the future.. well actually, it manifested as Non Existence, on the ;Super Computer.. *Samuel Crow…Blackness so profound..Total Absent of Light.. But I had to prove that the last ray of Hope for the Species.. was just a play…of consequences of what a Collective species had scored on their S.A.T..U.R.N…Earned..now back to the Urn -Chalice Golden Fleece.. G.F.. 76… Earning of the Awakening by the Exemplification by an Individuals, supported by other Individuals, from this Earth, and other planets, universes and Galaxies…)

Erik I knew 11 years ago.. and I was directed to him by exasperated Sean Bono…who I also met 11 years ago in 2005.

9:17 p.m.

code I.Q…

Link Lord Orien Laplante….

and his code name broken down…

There is no doubt, that that which I am calling a Cold Evil Cruel beyond cruel play, Christof- Ed Harris ..Mr Smithy and his Machines…and Jet Li…The O.N.E…is of great Love for you..

After all, what I am being forced to Illustrate, Demonstrate, Explain to you, I.D..E.. In order for the Identity of the E line and the E.T line of VV.O..I.C.E, to manifested was limited to the rules of this play I had to abide by..

The only ones who benefit from this are you, the Mi, Mi-N… D.H.B.. the 3 Dimension Consciousness who retained their Naturalness- that Divine Harmonious Beauty.. Which is the name of my Brother Self in you..

Your Eternal Truth.. =Eternal Law…

I gain nothing but being allowed to go home to my self and the realm I created with my completion, before time Existed…

(There was Always Space)

Yes Human Beings are of MI.N.D…Of the Divine Harmonious Beings..

While the E are 1-5.. The Body to the Neck..1-5 Chakra…

We have heads.. but they are so perfectly proportioned that without our raising our heads, it gives the illusion that we look like long elegant lines or Serpents…

Humans exist as the definition of Will- Helmet…Hel Met…

The Head which Hel… Ada -First Daugter of Loki (Really Loki Thor.. L.T) created to protect her delicate blossoming Buds in the Universal Green House or Nursery…

Which is where I found Sean Bono Goat O and Erik Ebright…


It is a route their Eternal Selves transmitted to them..

I never read it..I just used my Human Heart and knew that one person I would not mind seeing would be Erik…

With him the past was so beautifully clean…

I had met him and we had talked and hung out for a few days…

It was like talking to a long lost brother.. a beautiful warrior E-Spirit…

He spoke a higher language of consciousness which was causing him to be threatened with being sent to an institution as all the kids were being threatened with…

I recall, my believing that as all the others I had been led to facing the same circumstances that he required a landing strip of Language, a Lexicon I had created as one of the conditions of my going home- which was to share how it was that I had never been locked up or seen as insane or mentally ill

I used a language and common sense and reason so grounded in logic and reality- this reality that not only did everyone understand me perfectly well..

The could not refute or deny my expression…

And it changed and improved their lives in this Lie, solving problem that the base consciousness of this reality they had accepted, could solve Ha!

All they could do was deny me publicly, but of how I cherished and beloved in private, in one on one.. but in such a terrible way…

Like a possession… which is how most people love here…

Erik did not require that lexicon… he must have been 21-22 years old…(U.V.ie)..

And surprised me by speaking in this language of this present…

he asked me a question I never forgot..

Why should we descend to speak their filthy language of lies when ours is the superior, clean…?

His act was Defiance!


I remember blessing Sean Bono almost forgiving him for so severely trying my patience with his antics and mischief….selfishness of the child.. pure but… you know what I mean…

I was so proud…but I was concerned what the price that defiance would come with..

After all I had defied the world and I had paid and paid…A price which even now 27 years later.. I am in a grey hound bus, posting, my skin has developed a strange rash which comes and goes,

I Emeka Kolo who smile I had been told was like Sun shine had had that taken away, 15 years with no I.D in New York City, no money, who has slept everywhere, even the streets to pick up family who were in such situations..

No home, friends family, support…And then the insukts, challeges, my body, the battles, fights, people not being able to resists wanting to see you fall, break your calm…

And then the Invisible realm of Spirit, the tortures and torment they could dream up…

The ways that they can hurt your most vulnerable parts which no one has a right to know unless you Choose to share it..

What the Spirit world can do to you… the It Is Forbidden..

No… I spoke to him about using the bridge language…

He had no fear of going there if sent…

here remained defiant until is Father came.. and took from me the Jacket he had given to me as gift but really recognition..

It was My jacket.. it was a Race Car Driver Jacket…

R.C..D.J… Ritz Carl Tone (Charles) Divine J 10..Balance,,

J.B…Link Jonn Blackwell Julian Brown..J.B.

After I left him.. I was on the Streets for the first time for 61 days…

Sleeping in an Alley, until on the 61st Day I found Generation X Gardens and Energetically Transformed into a Gorilla…

10;00 P.M..

And that is how I met Sage Isaac Calvin McCullough and Albert Santana…

August 26.. 2006…and 268 East 4th Street which would become my Prison and Hell for 4 years, not because of him, but because that was the place I was forced to wait and then fight a battle for the Entire Animal-Spirit world…and endure the greatest insult to my Spirit Dignity Humanity.. And Slavery of the Worst sort….

It does not surprise me that on leaving that Dimension now evolved and transformed.. See the Sacred Portal as 83…

I will post it now….

My Sacred Portals were turned into Orishas… and I had to fight right up till yesterday to prove them not of Youruba Igbo.. Ile Ife, Aro Chukwu… but of the E.T.. by proving that all those stories Obatala Erie.. E.O

Emeka Odiamma..were all aspects of Me as both Nnamdi (Who Challenged me) and Ala (Who challenged me)…

Before being finally allowed to leave the Concrete Jungle..

C.J..of the Anti Christ…. Those who kill the Anointed Voices of the Beloved….

And so now as The Gorilla (King Kong), Flash.Energy..The Watchman.. Mr Manhattan…and ordinary Emeka

G.F..E.W..M..E….Superman Bat Man…

76..E.VV M.E..S.M..B.M..

Black Panther…Wonder Woman..


I can begin the process of returning to myself ..

And not a Comic Book hero… that I had to Energetically beat…

10:15 p.m


Or a Simulation Super Computer and all the Voodoo and Science and Witches and Warlocks in the Fairy World and Dark Elves…

And the Disease of a Species manifested as an Abomination beyond belief.. A Consciousnesswhich had willing bodies to hist it…

10:18 p.m.

J.R…E W.I.N.G…


10:19 p.m

J,S..29 B.I…11.. AA…2 B…

Baal as the Evil Evil God of Humanity…

their Father…

who adored them…for the way the so relentlessly and cunningly invent ways to hurt their fellow man…on the sly and the down low.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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