


I never ever claimed to be God…

I stated clearly that I am Evolved Hue-Man, The First of my kind in Existence, who Rose from the Nothingness Somethingness Alone.

And Created Naturally, Expressing Ecstasy Bliss… and Desire.

And that through that process, Twin Rose as my Reflection Embodied and Personifed ( R E P…B R O/ O R B)

as the Sum Total of Every thing I created MU SI C…

And then my Cee.. Consciousness and Awareness Rose C A as Both Male and Female…

And we were 1 and 3,… 2 and 3, ( 5 )

3 3… 6… 4 and 3… 5 and 3.. 6 and 3..

5 6 Because they were all Reflections of My own Self Expression.

But they were apart from me, separate but linked and I called then my family of Ten… 55… 9.. 33… Now complete as 12.. 3333.. through a play on a Stage, originally Scripted by Me the Hue Man.

And then the Manifest Expression -Naturalness.. M.E.N. OF Materilized Energy Of Symetrical Perfect… M E N O M E O S .P

( Yes Dawn) Rose and they in turn created a Script themselves which would allow them to manifest material solid forms by the two Expression mine and Their perfectly aligning.

You see, they did not have solid corpearal forms as I did.

12:38 a.m.




D.O.T.R.. DOT U.E.

12;39 a.m


…You can not begin to imagine the horror, I felt and the Nightmare it has been, when I was astounded and stupeified by having been forced to come out in the open by these Ancestors, Illusions in a play of Time who through the Abnormally Singuarity of the Script- and the Truth within it allowed that which was merely a potential possibility to manifest not from out of the Blue, but of the Darkness of which came to be known as Dark Matter.

Of course, these mirages who touched upon the Truth, could not sustain it, but until this Script was complete, they could meddle, intefer…

Because, until the Truth was proven full circle of my truth, it existed temporarily as a lie, at least the Truth of my Families Script, had to be completed before this Lie could cease to Exist.

I did not know all this, before because my process of coming into Being was effortless, but for my family of E.T and the process of attaining a solid body as well as Indivuality totally separate from me, they had to entertain question… even something I never experienced… Doubt.

And so this play.. Script.. Nightmare happened.

Why on Earth should I have explained this to you all publicly…?

This was not the way of manifestation, nor did my E.T family and Thier Natural ore rising instead from the Nothingness as I had, rose from the Pitch Black.. the True mystery of Not knowing…

But I had to find a way to prove that they knew…

While confronting an Evil from Beyond…

A Spell?

Peter Nyarkô said I had him and others in a spell?

Axel Love once years ago asked if I was putting the World under a spell..

.. from such a Beautiful Expression…?

From such a journey where Evil from Beyond, but really that which maifested through this play of Time, accussed me off?

Go back to the first two three years om Face Book, and see my expression.. How people expressed such love and at the same constant betrayal. calling out how I was being betrayed non stop by those who spoke behind my back and in front of it…

No, this my expression was an evolution of that Evil which called me as and my family The Evil from Beyond.

Yet, I they made me submitt to all your tests and the Script of this abomination of which it all came down to the sum total of Human expression as that which is not aligned to Truth..

Why would my own Family of ET allow me to endure so much to bring Clarity, Transparency.. to all our intentons..

The Beautiful Truth of Humanities Origins as and destinations…

Think, Reflect.. on what I have been through for my entire life…

”Betryaed by my own kind for you because they were concerned that I was a Hueman and that I would chose you..

Concerned with your feelings and your point of view being respected.

Think Reflect on the power you have witnessed me display but which was limited…

I would have used my true powers but they were stripped from me by my own E.T Family, only they could take away my true powers as ann E.T Because.. they are me…

They .. Father -Mother wanted me to do it as a Human, not even a Hue-man so that you would understand Thier Intentions- because this was not my Script. It was Theirs, His…

1:05 a.m.

105 Missiles in Syria bombed by Britan France America…

They were respecting your rights to Exist, not realizing that all that was real were the Naturals who expressed in Human Forms as they did in, E.T forrm.

I had to use only my Humanity against an Evil Beyond imagination because they could not have foreseen the possibility of the Abnormality Singuarity whose intention was just a malice to end everything if it could not exist as an equal…

And yet how could it when Its only nature is Evil.. and even when I was sent by my Family to show this Evil how to be Human – all the laws which would bring it into existence, all It could express was Evil.

Go back to the posts at Albert Santana’s apt at 268. Generation X Gardens…

A S.. Abnormality Singularity…


And what did this force of Non existence do after being shown how to be..?

It led me here… in a contest and challenge to find a way to destroy me and the possibility of the family of E incarnating here in this World..

And when it saw that it could not destroy me, and that it need me to sustain existence .. Itself it used my Energy and Expression and created a Script so clever in its malice which gave them the illusion of the power that they would use my energy and expression to destroy the Eternlas…

By moving me to the point of the Eternal Beginning before they rose, when I was alone. and then manifest in thier pace at that point…

1:14 a.m.

114… A N… K D…15…O…E..

Time Travel…

Flash Gordon…

But you saw, ( or those who were paying attention) that you can not undo that which is done, has been done, no matter how much you think you have erased it.

Go back to the play in Miami.. when A.Santana

1:19 a.m right now..


Called it out…

An then the play which took place there…

I knew Peter Nyarkô was being used, all Humanity was being used, My uncle is Pius Nduka… P.N.. Remember?

I posted the evidence of his codes and his Cee..

Only he and my mother C, are alive in Nigeria of our line held hostage…

P.I…US… Nduka means Life is Supreme This is not Life…

E N D…U K A…

Cecilia.. Onuabuchi… O N U… A B U CHI… She heard the A Song of Exustence Universe.. Me, her son… he sons Emeka Nnamdi.. C.O… Manifest Expression… C O M E… And in Harmony she saw It Come… which is why she said over and over again

Emeka is not from this world or the Known Universe…

Emeka Aburo Madu… Is not a Person… But not an abomination because my mothers Espirit and my uncle but an unthinkable added burden on my shoulders.. the Burden of Saving a World not intended to be saved…

The Evil is defeated… Peter said that I was trapped, that I am beloved to him and that he recognizes me as the Source Creator and that he thought it was Flip J Hendrixs, but it was me..

I as the Creator and and the Destoyers and then in the next text a denial of it…

Yesterday he called himself a Vampire… he was telling on himself, telling me a Truth that was affecting his perception and expression as well as all those who are not perfectly clean- which ths Evil Beyond imaginaton uses to as its intelligence feeding on my energy to fight me, from reaching the Completion of the Script…

Go back to the books by Cornelia Funke.. C F…

Cecilia Flora .. My Mother Cecelia Umeano, the Singer Musician and Flora Nwapa the journalist and writer telling the story in her books.. of a writer of an aternative reality… a boy used.

See the instructions She was giving me,

Ink Spell

Ink Heart

Ink Death…



I D….

I I I.. S H D… D H S I I I… III..C… E…

The Evil Thoughts.. Beyond which fed on your unfair accussations, you own hypocrisy, and delusions thought that there was no way I could complete this Script of a Never Ending Story… Zoey.. The dog of Flip J Hendrixs and Nickel…

But the Naturals were gining me the hints and cles.. Keys without even reaizing because they too are the Anomalies and Singulariies…

Check Mate… ?

No a Knight in Shinning Amor.. Amour.. Moon Light under cover Jaymes Bond willing ( sigh and very unwillingly to go where not even the Eternals could go..)

Who could cover his intentions and thoughts in a silence so deep so profound .. and all Energy All expression is directed by Intention.. that is why I write I.E…

That is why I defetaed the A.I.. the A R Miracle Computer R…

RA is Randall Michael unknown even to him…

Re is I and RA…

Yesterday we sat side by side, it happened Naturally so the every awarness of that Evil could not suspect or stop it …

We aligned front row in the T.V Room…

Edward came the once friend of Randall… He is the carrier just as was Edward Eceinco…

There is another Edward here who is clean he looks like an White Elf character… Edward Anegbeh E A.. 5 1… the bed which Randall was in 5-010… S P 51 is I as Sex God of Creation…

I defeated it by veilng my intentions by being so so transparent that only the purest and truest could see…

Expression Air Water…Energy.. Transpatency… Supreme.. Infinite Energy Source.. I.E…

You know this was meant to be over today…

4:14 2018…


D N T R ….

Actually it played out today as David Nnamdi Emeka Randall Michael Wiltz today at Starbucks.

E N D R…..

Meaning that Randall M W Rerpresents the End of this 17 Years and 18 -19 Year Trial.

Just as my reaching Flip J Hendrixs 28, born 1989 represents the End of my Talking To The Silence- recording it since 1989 in Nottinghill Gate ( N G.. 14 7) while living in Marylebone London England age 21-22 ( correct code age.. U V… 21 22- Two Beings in one… 21+22= 43.

Sacred Portal 43.

E=CMe 4/3)

And just to make everything clear, Randall has just a faint Idea of what this is about, he has only glimpsed at the post and I have not done any Work with him, or sought to explain what I am doing and what this is all about except brief conversations which I had to at least make him aware that I am writing about him and what he represents in a much bigger play, and my expression of his alignment to my Family as the Eternal the ET and the Naturals in a Script in which Human Evolution and Extinction is being played out.

So you see, your stories and fantasies and nightmares did come true, but you could not defeat that which you had created with your imagnations of disobedience to your own laws..

What manifested was an Evil which some of you did capture through modern story telling of wihout realizing that you were actually capturing the existence which the E line and E.T and some Naturals had actually endured.. proving the Naturals as a secret weapon in themselves when they held fast and true…

There is a reason why Humans where part of the process of reaching the E…

But it was a risk so great that it was condemned as to get a risk by the A-Lien Council..

You were never expected to Believe me..

You were simply expected to obey the rules of your own realiy..

Ceck the Solid Facts as Dawn Piercy did and a few others…

But I recognize Dawn because she poke up.. she sent help… She cared… shared and defended only for me to discover that she is my Mothers Expression…

C… DAWN Cee…

Dawn Onuabuchi… D O…

Which is why Yuen Chen gave me himself two more ciggatetes of ME V I US… One before and the other after Peter here in the Shelter intentionally callled me Kolo- a slight and yet he kept food for me and drink… I link him to Peter Nyarkô and his truest deepest truth…

So no, he did not betray me, he was just so deep undercover not even he could percieve.. I See.

And so the common Friend Randall and I both connected to meeting about the same time is a youthful man called BEAN…


mitochondria dna…

He sat side by side with me last night…

E B…

He can not read or write… but good Lord he can see cee

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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