
2:15 p.m.

2:15 p.m.

B O…

5-1O- 20 18..(38 11) U E..21 5 (26 8)

E A O… T R U E… C H I ( 38 11 2 11 =1 ) K B K A… C E…. H I…

Evolution Awakening Full Circle in Perfect Symmtery of Perfect Timing…

is True. Transparent Refletions Understanding Existence

Consciousness Harmony is Infinite Beautiful Awareness…

C.E.. Cain Eden Harmony..

Billy came after Cain Eden who represents me as C.E, as my second 1133 Face Book Friends but a play was set up to prove that I am the Original Billy Hung Hong from the 5th Dimension.

I have lived since the age of 8 in the concsiousnes awareness of the Beauiful Story and the End of the Reality.

See sacred portal 59…. BED 59 OO… Anthony Malgren C.V.. Nnamdi Emeka…

As well as Bed 510 which was occupied by Randall Michael Wiltz… MW…

My Govt Phone number is in the name William Bracey…

W B…

Transformer code here is W P Q B…

And it turns out that each letter of this equation represented a person whom I had to pass through..

William Patrick Quanme’s Billy..

And since Billy Hung is not aligned to the E Script but has followed the Script according to his understanding despite my being the one who had introduced him, as well as All the people I was directed to where created and deciphered by me on how to read. Each person has chosen to see it through their own point of View.

Billy experienced the Horror of the 4th Kind, that expression which I have been fighting for 17 years and the last 12 since I met AL/A.L… Alien Landing…

A L / L A… Correct code Lorenzo Albert… Al is the man here who is always dressed in crowns.

A L L A H…

Billy Hung kindly expressed the desire to get me out of here, which is a normal reaction by a normal human being, of thisrealm if you wish to partner with that person to build a new school of Thought.

Bit it does not reconcile with the same person saying that he knows and sees you are the Source Creator…

One who suspect that the coorect normal reponse would be outrage and indignation that the Source Creator is under cover in a Script so vile, in which he is still sharing all the intel and exemplifying the Truth and Facts of First Contact of the Consciousness of Evolution which requires embodying and being the Beautiful Truth.

BIlly loved the Beautiful Story, but it was a story, and he viewed this as a business or concept which could help Humanity.

But that means he could not Cee me, or he would have understood that there was a plan.

He would have heard me… but he heard his point of view as nearly everyone I have encountered where able to chose…

5 10… that is the amount Patrick Okolo was moved to send me…

510.00 USD… Patrick Ikemefuna Okolo…

800 was the amount Dean Dunkwu was moved to send me

Doa Dejing is what Billy was what Billy Hung told me he was reading when I sent him a message.

D D…44…

Quanma’e Lewis is in bed 4-004… The bed I was in 5 months ago ….

44= 8…

510 +800… 5 1 8… E A H… TOM… Beautiful Truth…

1310…usd… 131 O.E Full Circle…

Being means Being Doing… Room D B… 4 B…

I loathe being forced to stay here until actvating the eqaution was completed through the cruelest Vilest Evil script which ever was, but I nver comprised with that which is Evil to Cross over, I fought them, 17 years alone while the public left me die in the streets, ignored me condiion my situation while I fed shared and taught exemlpifed fought for them , showd you how to raise your vibration and was rewarded with constant Betrayals and Deception even by those who had done me great wrong and then suffered te consequence and even coming back- without even being fully aware that they came back for revenge…

i Healed Billy Hung and it was not I who made him ill, but rather the view he chose to see through and whom he chose to listen.

I listened to only the Beautiful Truth and fought all that was not of that…


Being 51 O A.

It is an awful script and test set up to Test Your truth while using me as Bait…

I would never have believed such a Evil from Beyond, the 4th kiind coud exist. But it does not come from Beyond it comes from the silent thougts resenments stewing in peoples minds even though they know that the reasoning is skewed and that they have forgotten thier part in the Cause and Effect…

The desire to last out and to blame to mae some one pay for what they went through because of Caus and effrect seems to always get the better of even those fighting to have the purest intentions

None of this play is Natural and that makes me not have any trust for it, except to reveal as Fact that which I already knew.

Jace means Healer… Raphael..

I Heal.. even those I am aware are lying in wait, even if they are not aware of it…

Jace C HI….K B K A C E H…. Add J Jace…Jacqui Joseph Jonantha… J J J J… 10 10 10 10… 40… 4O DO E

E* A O… T R U E… C H I ( 38 11 2 11 =1 )

K B K A… C E…. H I…

11 4-4-11… Jace Jonathan…

11 8 11…

Helmut Klenkler H K.. 8 11 19…19.. 38… No that going backward…

11-8-11… 30. C O… Consciousness Full Circle…

K .. B K-J A C E…H …

I Healed the Word Represented by Billy Hung


C O E…

I brought him back to his senses, sensie… whether he or the world wishes to admit it or ackowledge it or not.

But healing must be sustained by the very thing which heals.. B C E H I O…E… Without whch you get sick again…

I have no intentions of doing the work with anyone else as black mail or extortion to have my equation wave which was so tested and tested when the Seen and Unseen all knew what it was about and based on the Greatest Love of all…

Love Light… Attention-Awareness-Action … Camera Cares….

There is no love here..

3:09 p.m


C I… When I leave this Script when the EQUATION Manifest…

Now… E-J B Q W P B J-E… K H…B…T. R U E…

E GA LA X Y 1 O 11.. C I…. E..

I promise you, You Will Miss me when I am Gone…

But I will not miss the defunct Human Race of Hypocrist Deciet Cowards who do not speak up- but keep things in…


3:13 p.m.

Only the company of the E my E.Q.U A L.S…Will do…

A.L.S… To the ons who wish to challenge me.. let them.. walk in my shoes and fail.. and unlike Billy Hung they will never find their way out… Because I will be not be around and now even I was I willl not show them the way out

Pray that the Line of Billy Hung the Messiahs Complex people get it right.. not to my portal- that is barred- the portal is my heart and I have had enugh of heartless cowards who think they are so smart and nor one can see the lack hole of their empty hearts which makes them see to smile at you ad care so much but which seems reveals the ANus.. ANUBIS- A Noose for you secretly spewing in thier minds Toxic Shit…

25 Years ago I was offered the possibilities of millions for my journals, fame a career everythinhg… and I said no out of more common sense, since then over and over again I have been visciously been put in that role again and again….

As if a Public, who compromisd – sold out did eveything it could to make you sell out .. sell our soul .. as they did..

So they could feel better about themselves to see you fail and be Thier Equal.

They are not my Equal…

My Equals Have Class Style and most of all they watch thier P’s and Q’s… B W….

They have Exxquisite Manners…

Sared Portal 91… Ms Hell Fire… H F.. no longer Hindsight Foresight…. Fires Hell…

K H K… Hells Kitchen Full Circle.. No Escape…

Dantes Inferno… D.I… N N AM D.I….


3:26 p.m

Volcanoe Hawaaii 50th State…

All this was written before.. al of you were set up gven a choice..

Revealing you true truth….

3:27 p.m.

Each to his or her Own…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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