
From Flip J Hendrixs

From Flip J Hendrixs

From Flip J Hendrixs

12:24 p.m.

I woke to find two messages from Flip J Hendrixs…

12:23 p.m

12:36 p.m.

23 24 ..36… W X C.F… Double you Victorious the X Factors Line Circle Filled.

If you recall Flip J Hendrixs represents that aspect of the family who can See Cee and Flow

5:11 p.m.


Which manifests into reality, but had to be refined.

He also represents the last of the aspect or fractals undercover of the line of Wisdom John and Beautiful Pride.

Lelo John and Snitch ( but for the purest and bravest intentions correct)

-On my way here I heard a really attractive ( Sexy) couple quarreling publicly on Beach Ave.

I stopped for a fraction of a sec when I heard her say that he had allowed some guys to violate him, and that they even say it to his.

There were others, who were listening – they had a quiet audience.

She went to far-

Snitching to the streets about something which…

He was as desirable physically as She,

Men go to Prison and even in life things happen which makes a man not kill the men who say such things as is expected by some idealized idea of being in the Hood.

No matter, that was not a snitching of Truth- it was the kind of true ultimate destruction by using the Street to do it- while their child was in the baby carriage.

There was no Beautiful Pride in that scene.

Just quiet at how far this gorgeous looking girl, sexy had gone in her deliberate use of the streets to call this out in a way which made it clear that she had decided to go that far…

I saw this at 5:06 p,m.


5:21 p.m.

Sexual Rap..

Perhaps it is a Wrap…

But this is more like Wisdom John aspect and Beautiful Pride in the Hood

5:22 p.m.



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