
1:30 a.m.

1:30 a.m.


1. 13 is the number on my page.

Enoch and Edward sit together at one end of the T.V room.

E E.

I sat reading the New York times while observing the television screen at the movie Bean had put on.

To my left was Robert Munoz…

and to my right Donald Derrick and Bean.and Bean…

E E .. R… D B…

The Film he put on was Ip Man 2..

Yes I P MANN…. 9-16… the date of my arrival here.

Ip Mann…

Id Mann…

N.am. P I.. NN EE A.M P.I.

Nn am DI… NN EE A.M..D.I.


I I D P….

Isabelle Ilic Dawn Piercy

Ikenna Iheanacho David Powers.

IP Mann was a Master of Wing Chun and his most famous protegee was Bruce Lee.

B L… U E…

Link my brother self Jon Jason L.E.E.

J J L… 10 10 12… 32… Yes the Bed number I was sent down to on that very day I arrived here at Delat Manor… 9-16-2016.


And the 23 months I have spent here… 23/ 32… 5 5…

And the 12 Cents I found ouside the Starbucks in the alcove I stand and watch the streets from on Metropoliatain Avenue.

12= L…

Jonn Jason L.EE… Yes my Sister undercover as a Male…

Yes, I have known this for ages, infact I knew it when I met him At peppermint park the West End in 1990.

Link Janet Jackson ‘Control’ J J… Jay Joy… L. E E… ( 22.. V)

E E.. E.D D EB…were left in the Room at the end of the Film.

E E D.B E… Was the final postioning .. as I moved to the computer to post, situated at the other extreme of the room.

And now there are only two people left in the room..

Black Edward and myself…


7 people

6 people…

5 People and now 2.



7 6 E.B.

I had come upstairs and there were 4 people in the room 3 were each siting on tables aligned…

Kyle on one Table, Ant and Kimani who had returned was now sitting opposite.

R A K…. or K A K…..

I am alone in the room now… ah Bean just re-entred…

Emeka Bean..

E B..

Numbers have linked to

Name Meaning…

Emeka Bean…. Erasmus is his birth name….

Emeka Bean…

Bean Cafe where all this began

Emeka means ‘Well Done.. Doer of Great Deeds.. It means Praise.

Erasmus means ‘ The origin is from the word erasmos meaning beloved, and it is said was originally borne by an early Christian saint of the 6th century a.d. one who was later was regarded as the patron of seamen and turners! ‘


I wished to document the play of the room 4B bed 4-018/19 and the batle to retain the control of the room but through using E Harmony versus one who used every dirty trick in the book.

But perhaps tomorrow…

I think, it can wait.

2;00 a.m

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