
1:12 a.m.

1:12 a.m.


1.13 am…



Mine is Victorious…. ?

Yes… I know..

I always knew… why would I go so far..?

I knew that this world was not real.

I knew that… but I did not know that that I would spend the rest of my life till this point being the one to prove that it was not real.

The experience of it, Yes.

But the Actuality of it … No.

To be sentenced to proving that it is not real to this World and even more importantly to the Unseen World and realms- those realms and processes and waves which create all the layers which bring the Unseen to manifest into the being seen touched and experienced in this realm.

To be set up to prove this to you and most of all them- in a predetermined Script which made clear that not only did it believe it impossible for me to prove but which a force had set up a resistance so profond to make sure that I did not such.

But I have.

R C 42 was the number which just appeared on the T.V just as i sat down.

I have proven it not to myself, but to that which set up this play and script- this terrible terrible.. Game.

See me here having played with my last 2 usd… it was part of the play. The constant dare and challenge of 17 years, to go no futher.. to stop me, to break me, everyday…

The insults, a mind a great mind not able to be treated with the least respect, all because I inched further.

To be sure I fought not to go further and there was another force moving me to go further.

There is no doubt about that, but in the end it was my choice, despite my protesting, my inability to fathom that such a Script could exist.

Why would anyone bother, fight to prove the Truth which of course has to manifest through such a script.

Such Hatred…. such cruelty… and nothing stopping it from this wrath, venting its fury onto you.

1;41 a.m.

You do realize that this is that book Witches Landing

W L.Lorenzo Widget.. L W.

That was the theme of the book.where a Truth is known and the extent, the extremes taken to keep the truth from being revealed.

Ths is what this moment means.

It was not my proving it to myself… It was not even about vindicating myself ( most of the time I stopped even caring about what this was all about and would go on auto pilot.

Automatic Writing.)

No, it was about completing that which seemed to never wish to be complete, a battle which never seemed to wish to end…

And which seemed to me as though it was given that authority.

But that is what I realized today, the shift in me knowing I had left the Black Hole of Stinking Ideas..

The Delusion Illusions- I had figured out the script I was thrown into when I arrived 17 years ago in New York City to the sound track of Janets Jacksons Control

This world is not real.

This is what I was given as a mission to prove.

And this is what I have done.

But my intention was not to prove anything to anyone- that just came with the territory, of my desire and will to find my Familyof E… the very intention I had when I left Nigeria after graduating from university in 1988..

Look at what was done to my life, to my eixtence… look how far down the rabbit hole I had to go… just to prove that which non had ever proven before.

Just so that the world would rise and transform…

What Hate I have seen..

A Hate and cruelty that I will never forget nor forgive.

46 Cents left in my wallet.. and this was scripted in the play.

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