
VO S S… Still Water.

VO S S… Still Water.

That is what I saw as I passed by one of the benches on my way to the bench I usually sit at on Taylor Avenue…

I picked it up, and in hindsight, I recall a young woman who had swaggered up to me- with the mischevious smile a few days ago.

Her name was Joanna, and she told me that she had just come out of prison after 2 years.

She commented that the place had changed a lot in 2 years..

* I noted that I had been here for 2 years… on 9-16-2018..Tomorrow it would be two years…

I was meant to be here for only 23 months according to even this foul script – and even the agonies my body is now going through – intensified if that is possibly by it

9:23 p.m right now confirms it…

9:24 p.m.. Confirms who the cause is… I.X…

Jace Horsford is 24…

Link Yoruba.. South Carolina 8th State and North Carolina 28th State…

There is a Yoruba village there…

Link Generation X Gardens 26 8.. 4th Street…

A Santana.. Puerto Rico… P.R…

..Link the Middle Passage.. Using the Power of Nature and Human Sacrifice adopted by the Secret Societies who trace the use of the power of Nature.. Chemicals.. to create poisons..

Driving Nature Mad.. Making Animals Extinct and thus angering spirits of Creations Magic… Harmony…Death..

The Process of Transformation..

Dis stablizing the Matrix.. ( not really but then this a a story and lesson of Cause and Effect called Earth School..E.S…

This story of Evolution belongs to no one, and belongs to Everyone … who retained Naturalness…

These Beings Poisoned the Balance of Nature’s power in the play…

They made Nature God.. But a Slave God to they who drew on its power without appreciation Respect

A R./ R A…

A R E.. E…

E .E R A…

Joanna looked sweet but also dangerous, she asked for a puff of my cigarrete I rolled one for her…

She was sweet but I wanted to be alone and told her so…

She walked over to where she had been eying two women in Islamic Head Gear… and proceeded to terrorize them to take off their head dress..

They fled and she took over their bench..

She was reclaiming the Bronx, her home.

She had been wearing White and Black..

I saw her yesterday wearing all black..

I had taken a seat on one of the benches to the side because the Mexican migrant workers drunk and dishellved in groups had were sitting where I normally sit..

They had befouled the place…

She was with a man and played coy with him.. She is a stout strong looking girl…

Overflowing Cleavage,,, Earth Mother look…

And today I saw the bottle and without thinking carried over to the bench I normally sit…

It was befouled .. but I sat with the Water.. I did not drink or touch it… It had a silver cap..

Then I saw the juice a brand new carton with Twister on it…

Voodoo Santeria.. I said to myself…

My body twisting..

Voss (also as Voß in German, meaning fox in Low German) is a surname.

Stillness and Serenity….

Defeats the Evil poisoning done to my body with Voodoo and Santeria.. Poison.. Gossip…

My Stomach … the ORB… I digested all the poison of this world.. given to me… My stomach is flat..

17.5/6 years of carrying the illusion of this Venom..

V E.. N OM…

M O N.. E V… M O O N V E S…


9:46 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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