
From Michael Love.

From Michael Love.

I would like to confirm this 12-21

code it aligns to my own reading of the echo of the script I am reading and acting in.

Yesterday, this literally played out through an person literally mentioning that code

– Tree Sage.

And with the post and play which took place here with Stephen Filgueira

John and McKayla Rays.

Closing the Gate.

Though the code 12:21 linked to 2012 – 12-21 End of the Mayan Calendar is represented as a physical date while this Evolution Awakening is not determined by physical nature but is rather activates by a Energetic Nature.

Energy moves everything and is the source of everything.

So 21-12 would in turn, be represented by an embodiment of the Energy Conscious – a Human Aware.

Just as Nature Is the by product of Expression which gave both to Energy. Energy is motion and Energy as both motion and stillness- physical matter which.people have called Energy-Spirit -Physical.

E S P.

Eternal Temporal and Manifest.


Emeka Stephen Peter.

Emeka Stephen Tree. ( K)

I call it All E.

Because in the truth is that all things are made of Energy and all Energy is Eternal and Eternity is an Expression.

Thus there is only two principles moving through 3 transitions of its self.

Expression Source.


E E.E.

2 3…

All One..

1 2 3… 6

6th Sense.

And since sixth sense is the perception of that which is Unseen which eventually becomes Seen. It is the same way that the process of the Evolution takes place in the realm of the Unseen and eventually manifests to be Seen.

An animal senses danger, he is on guard and eventually he catches a the scent of that which he or she, hand not detected before but had only senses. Then finally the predator or threat is spotted but the animal is not a victim because it had been forewarned and prepared and know exactly what to to.

How to respond

This is the same process with Evolution Awakening.

Through awareness of Energy Source travelling through the 5th Dimension in One, 5 1..

6th Sense that which represents the story of the body before it manifests through the 3 D realm 4th into the physical.

The awareness of the process and understanding of it as it moves from the Eternal Plane through the first expression of creation as Universal Nature.


What is Universal Nature?

Energy is Universal Natures attribute.

Everything is made of Energy and Energy is Eternal as is its Source Creator called Expression of the Source of all manifestation of Expression Source, Unseen and Seen.

The ability to read Sixth sense being with Feelings and with Sensation.

We receive a sensation and then we feel it.

Thus S.F.

And with these Sensations manifest into.some with feel, it creates a response.

Impulse Stimuli

Creating a Response.

The response is to natural investigate these feelings which have given birth or manifested into the acrltivation of our Emotions.

Perhaps as a metaphor we can call it the perfect stillness akin to a lake which creates a stirring, like a breeze sending shivers, ripples on the very idea of the body whose process of moving from sixth sense – that which is coming to that which is made solid, present… A Fact.

But that process is required moving from Expression as I have illustrated and Dramatized, Demonstrated and Designated.



And for 17. 9 months



See the meaning of the word Qi..

And the world I.Q.

Chi… is the power which moves everything in the Universe.

It’s really means Quantum.

And I.Q.. Is Intelligence Quotient

Thus the whole equation concludes that to manifest the Quantum Leap one has to embody the understanding of Dark Matter and the only way to do that is to access its frequency which you will know when you have done when the Trail and wave of the Doppleganger Twins under cover playing Black and White, Darkness and Light, Life and Death, are transformed by your reflection not into Grey but into colors and transparency ( which is what both Light and Dark is).

The colors and the Light as Space will then project outwardly on this Wolrld Room with a View that frequency you have reached by it mirroring reflecting confirming through the window into this World that wave and frequency you.havs accesses and finally understood until Dark Matter Dark Energy Itself responds

And conforms that you are its Source Expression and Truth.

96 % Dark Matter is the generic code given here in this reality as the Universe being made of 95-96 percent dark matter.

But my script and science have confirmed this, not by the calculations of the Mad Scientists in their ivory towers and laboratories but through my.going out into the field.

E.M.Field of this World – again but.. tjis world as represented by my.entering the E.M.Field and Heart of every person the Wave of my life’s script ( which do have brought to your attention that this is not the script of my life I had already written and had intended to live).

I did my science and art through literal people, moving through their home portals, Fears Gears and Hearts ( F G H) to.reach their Inner Harmony and E.M.Fields and then onto.the next.

Battling moving higher and higher in this Scripted Play in.which I was not allow to do it by myself, by going within, which is how I went home in Paris after only 1 year of intense work and 3 years of Talking to.the Silence- writing in my Journals 1989 -1992.

This time, it took From 1993 Jan to Dec 2018..

4:17 p.m.


4 is now 9… adds 4 is 5

To attain the I.D. DDD .. ( 444 12 Completion one year)

To reach

I.D. Quantum.Leap Jump Man Woman


4:19 p.m


D harma Santana

4 19. 23

23 on.the Way to West Virginia and all the way back.



Double U. UU.

Double V..VV

23 is

W 5


To.bring home the W.E.. S .T.

W E. 19 20. 39. C.I. 12. L. 3. C.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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