
12:56 p.m

12:56 p.m

@ 12:48 p.m

John Mack sent me this…

Express Your Soul with Style..

Code E.Y S W S.

S W S. Y E…A.H.S ..

To Fashion and Craft ..

Link Ogonna S Omocrafts and his arrival on my page and the code I translated.

Ogo Nna.. Friendsip of the Father

Omo ..Valley..which was the book from which Tom Truman’s friend Drew. drew a portrait of me from a book on the Omo Valkey in my birthday 11 28, 2010 chez Marina Burini

Which began my 155 Sacred Portals

His makes it 156.

E.K E.K full Circle

I.am sitting at Esteban Miguel Filgueira portal after an elaborate play of Electrical Power play brought me to Stephen a home at number 29.

John 20:29.

It’s a Full Circle of my arriving here and after stating at the rm 114 ( A.N… Alicia NorrisAlicia and Frank C Archibauld..F A.. )

Grant Moor Motel, Newington Connecticut ( C.N..3.14. Pi)- .Black Panther

Then to 404 Asylum Ave

Red Roof Plus

Room 904 ..

(I.O D .. I F D/ D F I… I 64/46 I..

Yes 10 10 J J.

20 10.

T J.

Trader Joes..

30 C O


Christopher Filgueira.

Circle Filled

Perfect Symmetry

Full Circle in One


* Stephen bought some pizza some nights ago it’s on the Counter the packet it is called Frank’s

* Last night we went to Aladdins where we used to go when I was staring at the Red Roof Plus Hotel.

I saw the full Circle..

It linked to his home number 29.

I called for my scheduled and confirmed appointment and interview to assure my Identity through Skpe, with Mr.M.Manning at the Bristh Embassy, no response…


He is never been late.

That last he called was 5th at 11am.

( E.K) at 11:03 a.m

K O C.

C O.K.

I am C. but I am called E

C is how everyone calls my mother

I have been concerned about her, I have not spoken to her in almost a year.

My Mother is the line of Harmony..

It’s a message saying she is O.K.

C O C.K.

3 O 3. ( 33 McKayla RaysRays) K ..E..

C O C K… E..

Cock a Do O le Do !



Today’s is Victoria Jackson birthday she is 29.

I met her here the first time with Kelsie Bissell f first..then Victoria…

Yesterday I met Kelsie and Solierys Rosario at Tisanes.. and now I am at the Beginning and End full Circle..

And the interview for my Passport I.D has been mysteriously delayed

And yet here is John at 10:48 a.m

See sacred portal 10 J ‘ The Dream of the One Father Harminy of being back to 11 1 of the Man Woman Masculine Feminine..principle

Harmony no more war of the sexes and races

48 is me as Beautiful Death.

Went to Dunkin Donuts code coffee place of Christopher Filgueria..

Met a young pretty girl who smiled at me as she served me my coffee as well as a large warm hearted African American woman

The Girl later informed some two jamucan Island looking men to my hearing that she is Vietnamese Japanese and Chinese.

Victoria Jackson.V J.

but this girl reflecting the actual literal play mirrored me as V J C.

Victor John Chukwuemeka.

V J C. Jesus Christ

J C V…S.. Stephan E steban Emeka Mike/Mackayla E.K AH.

So see this.. ?

It E.K.E.K.O.

Full Circle

E.K..E.K.O…( Talking to my own Echo talking to my Past…BACK. E.)

5 11 5 11. O.

16 16 32. 5.

5 O




Complete .

J C V. S E E. M. E K A -E H.

My name is Emeka Emeke in OINri Igbo

But A is E same thing.

1.40 p.m

A.D. full Circle

1. 46

14 6



Father Nature

Frank Neil.

* Neil Furby.


Father Nature

6 14



John 20:29 Code complete .

1:42 p.m

And Thomas Lang. Gentle Man

And Lady Liberty C Liscomb

1:43 pm.

10 11 lines pass through

S P 43.

1:44 p.m

The Balance of Heart in the 4th Dimension

Spirit realm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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