
See the Etymology of the word Security.

See the Etymology of the word Security.

Which the majority of the People of this World denied thier Revealations of Truth for, past and present.


Secret Energy. C.U. R. E..

It means without care or worry..

Supreme Energy

Supreme Expressiom.

Spirit E. Sacred Portal 90. I O

/ O.I

Babatunde Odi Isreal

B O I..

Mircale Cure is the book under my Altar as well.as Lynne McTaggart: The Field

From Jesse Macias

Lucas Roca

Lucas Maximillian Roc..

L.M. 12 13. 25. Y. R.

2019 is the Year.

Not 20 20

A V Y. E. John Mack Green Motorcycle.

25 +18. Y R..


E = C Me4/3.

John Mack arrived at 4 30 two days ago

4:26 actually.

See sacred Portal 43..

S E. C U R E.

E R U. C E S. T. T. H I.S

Can you blame me for my Rage and Fury..

You chose to give up your Spirit E. Aka Awareness

Your Eternal Security which if you had walked the patj of Supreme Truth which John Mack wonderfully explained..

It would have revealed patrerns, a trail the Golden Ratio througn Heart Mind Heaven

And Eath Body Being E M F

And meet in the Center Middle Earth

The Present..

The Beautiful.Truth..

Of the Beautiful One.

B O.

The name given to me my Sum.

10:29 p.m

J. A M A N.

10:30 p.m


Japan And China

J A C K.S O N. G.

Clark Kent

KA H. E L. M E T


Helmet Protector Desire

H P D.

8 16. @ 4

10:32 p.m


John MacDonald Line is SE. C U R E..

10:33 p.m

J C C.

Just take a look at this play

The demands!

The Attention

The Suffering required.

The Awareness placed on One Man..

One person to teach the World while fighting

Demonic forns and expressions

10:35 p.m

J.C E..

10:36 p.m

J C F..

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